

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 69: McGuffin Brawl! (1)

Chapter 69: McGuffin Brawl! (1)

~Mash B. POV~

Soon enough 3 days passed with everyone pumped for the annual Vaizel Fighting Festival training for the past 3 days prepped for this day. Out of all that will participate would be I, Meliodas, Ban, and Diane.

We all know King is no good in a physical hand-to-hand fight. But he was promoted as our resident waterboy much to his dismay and Ban's liking he was reduced to helping Hawk out for profit.

But it didn't make him look bad in front of Diane thinking of him. Which was a win in his book finally being a couple taking things slow.

Heh. Another job for the wingman hero like me. Or perhaps the handyman.

Still, though I managed to get a bit stronger sparing with the Seven Deadly Sins. And knowing my weaknesses carefully and how to use my [Unseen Hands] effectively in a fight since I hold back.

I hold back in case I accidentally kill someone because I thought I had the speed advantage. I even looked down on the Seven Deadly Sins because my [Unseen Hands] at the time were superior to them.

But oh boy I was wrong. So dead wrong.

King proved that fact sparing with him that made me open my eyes. I still have much to learn that my Authority could be seen through unorthodox means. Then I can give up the plan to become the King of Chaos then…

Sigh… such a pity too but perhaps I was aiming too high for my current standing. Besides that, though I have done a decent time charting this world. Just a bit more time before I could jump but I guess I can lend my hand to helping save a Kingdom. Twice.



Name: Mash Bastion

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Spirit User

Level: 25 Exp: 10/35%

HP: 1150/1150

MP: 1220/1220

STR: 37-> 39 (+15)

AGI: 38-> 40 (+15)

VIT: 33-> 35

INT: 40-> 42

SEN: 39-> 43 (+15)

LUCK: 100

Stat Points: 28

Cash: 4,000


I couldn't help but smirk seeing my efforts paid off. Little by little at a time I'm growing and with plenty of Stat Points to spare.

And gaining extra EXP by sparing with the Sins certainly is helpful. Especially when I work as their cook, I gain EXP in the process even a little bit helps in the long run. But not only that I even managed to get one of their skills during spars.

Shame I couldn't get the others because I relied too much on my [Unseen Hands] in my fights which left me vulnerable to attacks being overly confident. Hence, I didn't use them in my sparing matches since I needed to not rely on that skill too much.


I hope King is thankful to me for helping him out with his lady's problem. At the very least his Magical Power [Disaster] will certainly be useful in certain worlds.

Skill List.


<Disaster > (Active) Lv. 60/100 Exp: 34%

MP Cost: Varies

Description: An innate power granted to the fairy bestowed with the title [Fairy King]. This power allows one that exercise complete control over life and death, by which the user can elevate or diminish the natural state of something.

A slight scratch can develop into a severe wound, mild poisons become lethal toxins and a small tumor can rapidly spread throughout the body. It is a fitting power as it gives the user authority over nature, letting them grow and propagate the plants and trees as they see fit, or allowing them to wither and decay.


This will be handy in worlds where vegetation is too little or help Emilia in her campaign with my ability to grow crops or get rid of poisons easily out of a person's body. And that's not adding [Ark] into the equation as well.

Feeling confident in my skills we all began to move towards the crowd as one of the organizers dressed like a clown spoke out loud in an excited tone, "Come one! Come all! The annual Vaizel Fighting Festival is going to begin!! No weapons allowed! Fellas who talk it out with their fists can enter now!"

I couldn't help muttering out loud smacking my fist together and feeling my blood pumping in an excited tone, "Oooh. Now this sounds fun!"

Ban cracked his hand getting ready to fight with his tongue out expressing a feral grin, "Of course, we trained for this. We're going to enter, right, Cap'n?"

Meliodas smacked his hands together hearing a cracking sound with a goofy grin on his face, "Let's settle the matter today, Ban."

Eagerly waiting the announcer spoke out loud as the bagpipes began playing in the background listening to the news showing Gideon Diane's Hammer, "The first-place prize will be 100 gold coins, and the extra prize of… a Giant's War Hammer Gideon! Discovered in a ravine somewhere, this fine specimen is stronger than steel and weighs a whopping 2,200 pounds!"

Diane gazed at her Sacred Weapon on display crunching her fist together with Elizabeth standing with Hawk and King, "That's my weapon alright! It will feel all the sweeter when I win that bad boy back! Leave this to us, guys!"

King blushed at her compliment as I sighed wishing these two some luck. At least King can safely guard Elizabeth disguised hiding her appearance and Hawk if things get tough.

Moving forward with all four of us I raised my hand to the guy looking like a jester in a happy tone, "Heey! We four are going to enter! Sign us up!"

Ban ahead of us began to write down with the Jester guy speaking out loud answering my question in an excited tone, "Okay, please write the names of the entrants here, and their height and weight if possible."

Soon someone took Meliodas by the collar. Who was he again? [Observe].

[Taizoo Lv.10 Champion

Description: Taizoo is a mountain bandit-turned-merchant and a three-time champion of Vaizel's annual fight festival. Taizoo is very irascible and often uses violence on individuals that anger him. Despite that, he is humble enough to admit that he couldn't even beat a Holy Knight himself in a fight.]

Huh? Former Bandit turned merchant huh?

However, before things could escalate held down Taizoo's arm letting Meliodas go as he spoke in a cheerful tone, "Don't talk rubbish, old man! Come now. This is a festival. Who cares if someone's an adult or a kid? Just have fun!"

Ahh… I think I know this guy. [Observe].

[Howzer Lv.40 Holy Knight

Description: Howzer is a Holy Knight of Liones, a colleague and partner of Gilthunder, and a subordinate of the Great Holy Knight, Dreyfus. Along with Gilthunder and Griamore, he's part of the three brats renowned for getting into trouble during their youth. His Magical Powers is called [Tempest] the ability to form and manipulate the air into violent windstorms.]

Not bad power for a not-bad Holy Knight. Howzer has dark blond hair, usually styled into a messy quiff. He wore a sleeveless wrestler-type civilian outfit, along with purple pinstriped pants and brown boots.

Howzer began to flex his muscles feeling happy judging the Wind Mana around him happily accompanying him, "Haha! Aaaaw, yeah! Every year, I've thought about entering, but my job kept preventing me. But I'm finally going to participate in my first Fighting Festival ever!! So… let's keep this fun."

I gave the guy a thumbs up agreeing with Ban coming back to us with a smug grin on his face giving a mischievous expression, "I entered all of us in for the Fighting Festival. Ain't just a nice guy~"

… I don't trust his words for a second. If he gave me a shitty name, I'm gonna kick his ass and kill the bastard… again…

Regardless though with us qualifying we all took the chance entering the stone platform as the announcer began to get us ready for the fighting festival in an excited tone, "All registered fighters make your way to the center of the fighting arena at the top of the boulder! Let the Fighting Festival qualifying round begin!!"


The people in the crowd raised their fists up high as the announcer began to discuss the rules I saw our group serving ale and making a profit with a very tiny man, with a helm covering his face, a cloth that draped from the helm that covered his body, and very thin limbs, which were the only parts of his body not covered talked out loud, "I'm the ref Love♡Helm! Now, the rules of the qualifying round are simple. Throw your opponent out of this ring at the top of Vaizel's boulder! And the last people standing in the ring will advance to the preliminaries!"

Twirling around Love♡Helm began to explain to everyone in the arena what needed to be done in an excited tone, "You can throw them! You can push them! You can send them flying with a punch! So long as it's with your bare hands, anything goes! And let the qualifying round… begin!!"


Dodging a surprise attack by a thug trusting my [Instinct] Meliodas began to speak out tossing a poor guy out of the ring, "Hey, Ban! Just don't get too serious without any of the fighters, you hear?"


Kicking another across the face Ban smiled happily agreeing to Meliodas's words in a cheerful tone, "No duh! If I ended up killing one, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the festival! How about we see how many we can kick how many of their asses out of the ring."


Diane slams her palm at a nearby fat man easily pushing him away and grunting at Ban's words answering him, "Hmph! Sorry, but I have one guy who can touch me so bug off creep! That's 3 how far your guys knock out count!"



Laughing lightly, I tripped one of the guys trying to grapple me answering to the group in an excited tone, "That's number 4 for me! How are your guy's knockout count going!"

Moving out of the way I saw the glimpse of Meliodas and the rest pushing or throwing away the contestants like flies showing off their strengths. For me though I merely dodge and weave letting others get knocked out saving MP and energy.

But soon my eyes landed on Love♡Helm the tricky little thing. Or rather Fairy in hiding in plain sight. [Observe].

[Helbram Lv.60 Cardinal

Description: Helbram was King's closest friend. After being corrupted and turned against his friend, he affiliates with the Holy Knights under a human appearance. Unknown to most, Hendrickson found him and used a forbidden technique that was passed down from the Druids called [Enslavement of the Dead], which brought him back to life and made him serve Hendrickson as a Holy Knight and his right-hand man.]

Interesting… sounds like a pretty handy spell to have. I wonder if my Gamer Ring can break that control…

Hmm. Better not. I don't want the bad guys to learn that someone can destroy mind control this soon. Best to enjoy the fighting festival… like this!



Ah… the good old kick between the legs. I taught Diane this secret and I hope she uses it well into the future… or kick King in the balls if his being a coward bitch. Which one that'll happen first will make me happy.