

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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228 Chs

Chapter 57: We Meet Again!

Chapter 57: We Meet Again!

~Mash B. POV~

Having everything prepared and busy cooking for the people nearby I listen to the people calling Meliodas a hero for saving them of their harvest, "Now then! In the name of the hero of the Berina Village, Meliodas, and his show Boar Hat, and the revival of our brewery… let's give a cheer with Berina Ale!!"

I could roll my eyes seeing this wasn't necessary. But my eyes dart towards Elizabeth seemingly overwhelmed being a drawer for the job acting bashfully, "I don't know if I'll do a very good job. I've never done something like this before. My heart's… racing…"

That could be taken out of context. Even Meliodas goes in his pervert mode gazing intently into Elizabeth eye's, "I see, I see. It's your first time, huh? Say that again for me."

Eyeing my normal companion in this job oddly a talking pig named Hawk responded with beads of sweat, "Quit getting so turned on by that!"

Meliodas tries to reassure Elizabeth with his eyes on the patrons being what I like to call his business mode in a semi-serious tone, "Once you get used to being a Waitress, you'll be fine. Keep an ear out for anything about the Holy Knights' location. Even if it doesn't seem related, it might serve as a lead."

Elizabeth nods understanding her role and trying to be determined in her job, "All right! After all, I'm only doing this in return for the information on the Seven Deadly Sins."

Meliodas gives her a cheeky grin providing some confidence, "Either way… just relax."

However, how she reacted and with how tense she looked Elizabeth yelled out loud instead of being chill, "O-Okay! I'm relaxed!!"

Both of them stared as I talked to Elizabeth with a bead of sweat dripping down my face, "I – Elizabeth… you do know one doesn't need to yell to be relaxed right?"

Elizabeth just looked more embarrassed turning red. I'll just remain silent then.

After that what happened next was Elizabeth taking orders and failing badly while I ensured I took the orders of the customers into order following the ingredients accordingly with some compliments here and there about my cooking.

What I didn't expect to become a cook for Meliodas was the fact I gained EXP. Actual real-life experience working at the Boar Hat.

[+1 EXP increasing your life experience!]

[<Cooking > LEVEL UP!]

[+1 EXP increasing your life experience!]

Huh? Guess I learn something new every day about this skill of mine.

Everything seems –!

Oh… seems like Gilthunder decided to send something coming towards this small joint. I eyed Meliodas as he seemed to be focused on something.

But my eyes soon wander towards Elizabeth running off on her own not handling the pressure with Hawk chowing down on the leftovers commenting, "I knew a princess would never be cut out for a job like this. Oh, Meliodas! Are you going to comfort her?"

Meliodas looked at the both of us working giving us an order while he talked to Elizabeth outside in a neutral expression, "Hmm? I've got to take a whizz. Hawk and Mash both take care of the front for a while. Don't hesitate to roast the pig, if need be, Mash. Later."

Hawk hearing that last part grunted out loud in an annoyed tone, "Tch. What an unreliable boss."

Curtly nodding I prepared the dishes that needed to be handled. While that was happening, I spoke to my co-working pig about the scraps, "So… how's my cooking compared to the Bossman? Any better or any worse?"

Hawk grinned happily announcing the results between the two in a happy tone, "Way better! You have no idea what it was like eating his horrible cooking!"

Glad to hear it, buddy. Keeping the patrons busy I sensed the Mana radiating off targeting the town and… there it is.




Suddenly everyone felt a shockwave from Gilthunder attacking Meliodas or by chance Elizabeth because of their curse. But aftermath of the attack feeling from where the spear was struck was sent back to sender.

Hawk was soon behind my legs scared as did the startled patrons in the bar looking at the destruction that happened to their village with the pig asking in confusion and slight fear in his tone, "AHHH!! What the heck was that?! SPOINK!"

Gazing at the running people using my [Unseen Hands] to swindle them of their money to pay for their meals. I answered Hawk's question in a casual tone, "That my dear piggy friend would be the Bossman returning a message back to sender."

Hawk looked at me criticizing what I said before I grabbed the towels and broom returning to the messy state of the tavern carrying the broom in an annoyed tone, "Still though… the villagers should've at least cleaned after themselves. Cleaning the ale and trash is gonna be annoying. So… are you gonna eat the scraps – huh?"



My gaze turned towards Hawk already chowing down on the fallen food with an eager expression in a determined tone, "Nuh said comrade! No way I'm letting you throw these tasty scraps! Scarps that won't taste bad for a change of pace anyway but… I'll do my job eating these delicious scraps!! Hiya! SPOINK!"

Man… just look at that pig go. His eating them like well… a pig.

Shrugging at Hawk's nonchalant attitude I began to clean up the place while my free 'hands' began cooking some food for the three of us. Hawk can have our scraps if there are any leftovers.

Ha! Diane is gonna freak out when we meet again.


~Third POV~

After the events of the Bernia Village, the group soon entered The Forest of White Dreams after Mash provided them with where they could find Diane from his words. While Mash didn't have trouble the effects of the forest seemed to have caused a delay for the other 3 of their senses.

Everyone was marching their way with Mash leading everyone with Elizabeth asking in a curious tone, "We've been walking in this forest for nearly 3 hours… and still haven't seen a single animal, let alone person."

Hawk snorted with his snoink sounds from his snout annoyed with the multiple trees in the area, "All I see is tree after tree in this fog… If I see another tree, I'll scream!"

Walking for 3 hours Elizabeth asked Mash in a naively tone of her voice following his lead with him going forward, "Mash-sama. Are you sure one of the Seven Deadly Sins is hiding in this forest?"

Mash curtly nodded his head continuing to go forward in a confident tone, "I'm certain."

Hawk meanwhile just lost it seeing another tree yelling out loud feeling annoyed at seeing only trees in their direction, "Ah!! I know we only have his word, but this is pissing me off seeing these trees!! But I've heard rumors that scary monsters live in these woods!"


Elizabeth squeaked alarmed causing Meliodas to react from behind concern, "What is it, Elizabeth!"

Elizabeth answered feeling a bit scared and trembling lightly of someone touching her, S… Something's… touching my butt… ah…"

But soon enough Mash turned with Hawk only to see Meliodas reply groping her ass in a nonchalant tone, "Don't worry. It's just me."

Elizabeth was relieved to hear the news wiping the beads of sweat off her face with Meliodas continuing to grope her, "Oh, that's a relief. I was scared for a second there. Phew!"

That caused the only Mash and Hawk with common sense to argue about Meliodas's obvious perversions in an annoyed tone, "That should NOT be a relief!"

Both sighed in disappointment with Mash finally seeing the imps trying to change appearance as he grinned waving at them, "Hey guys! Did ya miss me!!"

Upon recognizing the voices, the imps suddenly paled with Mash eyeing them and scurrying off causing the 3 to look towards him for an explanation as he does so, "Don't worry about the imps they know. And they should know their master would recognize me soon enough. If they know what's good for them. Let's follow them."



The group deciding to trust Mash's words followed the Imps with Elizabeth seeing just ahead seeing Diane asleep. Mash soon yelled out loud hoping she would wake up, "HEY DIANE I BROUGHT MELIODAS!!"

Once they were close Diane immediately reacted waking up and snatching Meliodas as Mash introduced the shocked Elizabeth and Hawk to Diane in a happy tone, "Hawk. Elizabeth. I introduce you to Diane one of the Seven Deadly Sins!"

Diane glared intently at the person she grabbed Meliodas analyzing his face, "Meliodas..."

Being nonchalantly he smiled greeting Diane and greeting an old friend, "Yo, Diane. It's been a long 10 years."

Soon enough Diane nuzzled on Meliodas finally meeting him after 10 years in a happy tone with a light blush on her face, "Captaaaain!! Aaw… It's like a dream come true!"

Hawk yelled out loud surprised to see Diane with beads of sweat forming on his face in a shocked tone, "D-Don't tell me this giant's one of The Seven Deadly Sins! Diane, the Serpent Sin of Envy…?!"

Upon Hawks' outrage her attention draws toward the three of them with Diane confused about Elizabeth and Hawk. But once her eyes greeted Mash her eyes lightened greeting him this soon in a surprised tone, "Mash! I didn't expect to see you again so soon. And you brought the captain along with that pig for roasted pig!"

Hawk was immediately offended yelling back as Mash scratched the back of his head, "Listen up, lady! I'm not for eating!"

However, soon Elizabeth began to explain herself in a happy tone hand together the words that made Mash freeze on the spot, "N-nice to meet you, Diane-sama! My name is Elizabeth and I'm on a journey with Meliodas-sama."

Taking a few seconds to process what Diane heard Mash smacked his hand to his forehead shaking his head making Hawk and Elizabeth look at him, "Oh boy… now you done it Elizabeth. Both of you should probably stay close to me. [Huma]."

Immediately casting [Huma] a water barrier inside. Hawk is confused and Elizabeth can utter in a confused tone, "Huh? What do you mean –"



Both were protected inside the [Huma] with shocked expressions as Diane chucked Meliodas into the ground upon hearing the news causing a massive shockwave caused by her strength. Meliodas stuck in the middle crying at the news in a saddened tone, "Just when I thought I was being reunited with my love, I found him with another woman! My maiden heart's been broken! Explain yourself!"

Meliodas tries to get out of the ground as he tries to explain himself, "Diane. There's nothing to expla – "

Mash flinched at Meliodas's poor choice of words saluting to him, "It was good knowing you, Bossman."






Upon Meliodas's poor choice of words, Diane immediately reacted by punching the spot where he was stuck with a barrage of punches with her strength crying out curses at him for assuming he cheated on her, "STUPID! You can't explain yourself outta this one!! MORON! IDIOT! You're a lecher and a womanizer! SCUM! JERK!"

While she continues to wail at Meliodas Mash commented with a bead of sweat trickling down his face, "You know despite the ongoing chaos… she's got a point."

Hawk slowly nodded his head agreeing with his comment with Elizabeth choosing to remain silent seeing her words caused Diane to react harshly, "Amen to that comrade. Amen to that. Let's just karma do his work. SPOINK!"