

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

Chapter 49: TRUE OMEGA

Chapter 49: TRUE OMEGA

~Mash B. POV~

Grinning at these new skills I gained I immediately used my skill card. The one that contained [Telepathy] enabled me to handle looking at the skills.

When I was done using the skill card I immediately checked up on my skills. And I'm so loving the upgrades to my [Unseen Hand] skill now.

Skill List.


<Unseen Hand> (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Sloth] the user can use this skill. The [Unseen Hands] are a technique that allows the user to summon numerous invisible hand-like appendages from the user's body that he can move and extend telekinetically.

This version allows the user of this [Unseen Hands] to phase through matter as though it wasn't there. At maximum potential, the [Unseen Hands] and the force behind each one were akin to a missile. The maximum number of Hands that can be summoned is 100.

<Lion's Heart> (Active) Lv.-

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Greed] the user can use this skill. The effect of [Lion's Heart] allows the user to stop the time of his own body, which stops his heartbeat and prevents all physical phenomena from interacting with him, granting himself freedom from gravity, air resistance, and conservation of momentum virtually becoming invincible for 5 seconds.

Moreover, the user could also stop the time of objects, including anything he was wearing, touching, or even his breath, which in turn stopped the object's or thing's interference from the outside world for 5 seconds. If the user uses this skill for more than five seconds at a time, the user will begin to experience almost unbearably excruciating pain losing -1000 HP per second. If continued using it, without taking pauses, the user would die from heart failure.

<Gluttony > (Active) Lv.-

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Gluttony] the user can use this skill. The user can eat the name and memories of their opponent. To eat a name, the user touches it with their left hand and then licks the palm of the same hand. Things such as experience, talent, and the likes and dislikes of human relationships serve as food for the user, allowing them to take advantage of any abilities or memories their opponents had.

However, if the user eats a fake name, they are plagued with severe nausea and the true name is not taken, leaving the victim unaffected. Those who have had their names eaten have their existences erased from the world. Those that have their memories eaten become amnesic and any characteristics they may have had are reset, effectively making them into a different person. However, if shared the side effects won't occur.

Those that have both their name and memories eaten simply become a shell, and although they live, they no longer eat, excrete waste, or age, putting them in suspended animation. The same person cannot be eaten twice. Anything used by this skill to gain EXP will be towards the Skill EXP, not the user's main EXP.

<Restoration > (Active) Lv.-

MP & HP Cost: 1000 MP & HP

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Wrath] the user can use this skill. The effects of this skill allow the user the ability to restore or revert objects or organisms to a previous state in their history through touch using their hands only. But can't be used on the user and has to be using the User's own Mana (MP) and Od to do it (HP).

<Disguise > (Active) Lv.-

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Lust] the user can use this skill. The effect allows the user to perfectly change their/target's appearance disguising their clothes and face, their voice, height, and weight can also be changed, allowing the user to match the target of disguise visually and psychologically.

<Karmic Retribution> (Active) Lv.-

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Pride] the user can use this skill. The effects of this skill allow the user attacks to inflict the [Karmic Retribution]. [KR] acts like a poison that only affects people who have done evil. The eviler the more retribution continuously losing their HP by -1HP/Sec till the target is knockout. The effects of the poison will depend on the target or if the user intends to use this skill to activate or turn off the poison's effects.

<Telepathy > (Active) Lv. 1/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: This skill allows the user, the ability to receive and transmit information with one's mind without physical interaction. However, many other mind-based abilities fall under telepathy due to those powers overlapping with the core concept of telepathy, allowing a telepath to interact with the mind and the minds of others in a variety of ways.


This is certainly a new level of power I just unlocked for myself there. And especially with a power boost to my skills.

With a tired smile feeling the strain these Witch Factors done to my Od I leaned my head onto my arms which were on the wall…


Summoning 100 [Unseen Hands] then appeared from behind me as I couldn't help but grin excitedly about this upgrade to my power, "And I'm even stronger now. This will certainly make things easier for me now."

No. Shaking my head I'm letting the power go straight into my head. I'm still weaker as I am now than I ever was with these new skills.

Pulling all my [Unseen Hands] back into my body I had a good attitude as I made my way outside. As of now, I'm filled with a new sense of confidence in having these Authorities at my beck and call.

Still recalling my first time in this world and its challenges they were scary enough but for every challenge, there is a greater reward to be gained. I killed Betelgeuse and the White Whale with some help.

Even killed Omega while technically being in her weakest state. It allowed me to absorb Echidna Witch Factor leaving the other Witch's power as free game power-ups.

The White Rabbit was also killed or rather disposed of, and I have resolved the issue of Sanctuary using my knowledge. And I've gone through the pain no one else could ever experience in my old world.

The experiences I have faced up till now have changed me. Whether it be for the better or the worse, I don't know. All I care about is having the ability to survive and protect those I grow to care about.

But I have to wonder if I have to pay a part of my humanity down the line to accomplish my goals to do it. Honestly, the mere thought scares me that I won't be me at the end of this long journey.

I also got to decide I wouldn't interfere with events in other worlds that would occur unless I could get some sort of benefit for me. Very selfish but very realistic since I need to start charting my course to the next world.

But also, complete confidence in my abilities. I won't do something extremely stupid like waiting for the enemy to be at their strongest unless I can avoid it or completely benefit from them getting stronger.

My confidence stems from my knowledge of the characters and the descriptions of my enemies. That's all I have been doing is using this information to my advantage up to the point where it is no longer useful.

But moving on from here I shouldn't be idle now I have some friends to meet up with and a Clown to cough over some knowledge and plan to help us out. Seeing the cabin in front of me, I let out a smile at the chance of finally being able to have time to grow.

Heading towards the house I entered to see no one around a bit confused till I heard snow crunching. Turning around from the outside I saw Emilia, Rem, Ram, Garfiel, and Otto.

My merchant friend Otto began talking to me calmly as he asked in a cheerful tone seeing us alive, "Hey Mash. Is everything done here? I came back as you said after escorting the villages and waited till I heard that the barrier was down. Is this true?"

I grinned giving Otto a nod with everyone entering the home cheerfully, "Yes Otto. We can thank Emilia for lifting the barrier and helping us kill off The Great Rabbit."

Emilia blushed at my words seeing her react differently. Rem was pouting lightly with everyone inside with my eyes landing on Beatrice on the table greeting her, "Hello Beatrice, I almost didn't see you behind the table."

Coming out surprising everyone a bit she pouted lightly but a quick head pat changed her mood with a light blush, "I guess you are very fortunate I'm so forgiving I suppose…"

With everyone around we all began to talk discussing the future as I finally asked Emilia in a knowing tone, "You passed, didn't you?"

I said that with a confident smirk with Emilia smiling and nodding her head in agreement as she explained, "Yup. And it's because of everyone here that I had the strength to do it."

I leaned on the back of the chairs present in the room disagreeing with her giving her a much-needed confidence boost with Betty on my lap in a calm tone, "I disagree. You were the only one who was doing the trials after all. All we could do was give you a bit of encouragement. You were the one who fought tooth and nail to pass. You were the one who decided to take it. Be proud of yourself. Just please take better care of yourself, okay?"

Emilia nodded smiling happily as she replied surprising me with her kind words, "Your right. But I guess I had you as an inspiration that made me go through the trials, Mash."

Perplexed by her words Emilia noticed my confused expression as she explained thanking me making my cheeks blush in embarrassment, "Mash you have a large amount of courage and determination. You are someone who won't give up and never yield. Defeating the Sin Archbishop, White Whale, Bowel Hunter, and The Great Rabbit. How could I ever fail someone with boundless courage trusting me with this task finally to help you?"

Ahh… shucks she's going to make me blush red in embarrassment. But Rem wasn't going to take that hanging as she got closer to me giving me a light kiss on the cheeks, "Rem agrees Emilia-sama… but Rem gets first win over my love."


I froze as Ram glared daggers at me with Emilia blushing not wanting to be left out doing the same her face beat red, "Rem! Well… it's only right he gets a reward, right? I mean Puck used to say that a maiden must kiss their knights as a reward... even if it gives me your child so… there!"


Garfiel and Otto both looked at me with wide eyes as my merchant friend cried out, "Ah! Why does he get all the luck!!"

Why yes indeed Otto… why do I get all the LUCK huh?

But seriously Emilia that's not how babies come from - oh for fucks sake!! God damn that stupid cat leaving that for me to explain the birds and bees to Emilia!!

Sigh... But since we reached this point, it was time to finally ask Roswaal the final question. With my [Lion's Heart] I can survive reading the Book of Knowledge that Echidna had. Or at least be able to hold it because of my Witch Factor of Greed.

One that can prove useful for our cause and assist me in locating the remaining Enchanted Swords in this world. Time to see what a good old clown face Roswaal has to say.


A/N: What are your guy's thoughts on which Authority is your opinion the most useful and powerful that the MC obtained?