

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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234 Chs

Chapter 220: Ex-Class Cards

Chapter 220: Ex-Class Cards

~Mash B. POV~

[Worldline: Kill La Kill]

[A few Months Later, Matoi Mansion]

After a few months had passed since entering the dying Worldline of DxD I took the time to be busy with my new research on creating my variation of the Evil Pieces that the Devils made along with the Brave Saints the Angels would use in the future. Each system has different functions.

The Brave Saints also known as the Royal Users, are a set of 13 cards used by the Angels to increase their ranks by reincarnating other beings into Angels. The Brave Saints are based on the Evil Pieces system of the Devils, albeit being based on a suit of playing cards rather than chess.

The Brave Saints system, which the Heavens created by imitating the concept of the Evil Pieces, is a set of 13 cards that each of the Seraph and high-level Angels must reincarnate other beings into Angels using Spade, Heart, Club, and Diamond.

Most of the reincarnated Angels are former humans. Unlike Devils who base their choice on strength alone regardless of the species, the Heavens choose and reincarnate talented humans with strong followers and a "pure heart".

But the Evil Pieces are a different story. The Evil Pieces, also known as the Devil's Pieces, are a set of 15 chess pieces given to High-class Devils to increase their ranks by reincarnating other beings into Devils.

Based on the game of chess, there are a total of 15 pieces 1 Queen, 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights, and 8 Pawns that are given to High-class Devils being the King with a peerage. These pieces are used to reincarnate other beings into Devils and become servants of the High-class Devil.

The reincarnation abilities of the Evil Pieces, however, are not absolute as they cannot reincarnate Gods or Buddhas into Devils even with a Mutation Piece. The recipients still retain features and abilities exclusive from their previous race.

The Evil Pieces can reincarnate those who died recently, or anyone still living who chooses to be reincarnated willingly. Likewise, Evil Pieces can also be used on Pure Devils in servitude to their chosen masters to enhance their abilities.

The strengths, talents, and skills of the being to be reincarnated play a large role in determining how many pieces will be used for reincarnation. Different Evil Pieces cannot be used together.

Queens possess all the characteristics of Rooks, Knights, and Bishops, making them the most balanced piece as well as the most powerful. Within individual peerages, Queens typically act as their master's second-in-command, overseeing the rest of the peerage.

Rooks gain superhuman strength, leading to high offense and defense. However, they are not very quick and can get beaten easily by a high-speed opponent. Only Rooks can perform [Castling] with a Rook piece.

[Castling] is a move granted to the Devil with the King position that allows them to teleport themselves and another of their servants to one of their Rooks' current locations. The selected Rook (or Rook piece) is then swapped over from its location to where the King originally used this move. This move can bypass sealing techniques used to block and negate regular Teleportation Magic.

Bishops gain enhanced demonic power and magical abilities which they can use to conjure up a multitude of spells (offensive, healing, etc.). However, more powerful spells consume most of their demonic and magical powers, which take a long time to regain, forcing them to use their power carefully or risk becoming vulnerable to physical attacks.

Knights gain increased speed and mobility, enabling them to perform high-speed attacks and maneuvers. However, their main weakness is their low defense, making them vulnerable to powerful attacks if they are not careful. Another weakness among knights is their legs; if their legs are injured, their mobility is greatly reduced.

Then the King pieces are rare pieces created in the early days of the Rating Games. Unlike the other pieces which grant special abilities, the King Piece simply boosts a person's power.

However, the King piece's strengthening is anywhere from 10 to 100 times more. There are restrictions to its use. One, the user cannot already have an Evil Piece(s) because the King piece would overlap with their current piece(s) and expose them to dangers. Two, the user can potentially die if they are too strong.

Studying them I decided to create my very own set. And in my spare time, I went to the Worldline Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA.

Yup. That's right I'm creating my very own magical girl revival set cards based on the Servants like the Evil Pieces.

The Class Cards or Servant Cards. But I'll be renaming them the Gamer's Set – no dumb name. I need it to be something classy and catchy.

Hmm… Heroic Cards? Tet's Cards? Game Cards?

Brave Pieces? No, that last one sounded dumb. Fuck naming these is harder than I thought...

Pondering on the name BB soon spoke pitching her idea as I listened with a raised eyebrow at her innocent tone, "Oh! I know Master how about the Extra Class Cards! Or simply the Bravery Cards!"

The last one intrigued me as I spoke nodding my head slowly in a curious tone, "I like the name Bravery Cards or simply Brave Cards. Why though?"

BB explained that the Brave Cards uses historic heroic heroes as the basis along with the follow-ups of mythological beings braving the frontier or some other ramblings as I had a stoic expression.

Ehh… starting to sound bad. Eh, fuck it I'll stick to Class Cards for simplicity's sake. No wait Ex-Class Cards. At least I can add the Extra Classes into them.

15 of them with [Ruler] being the leader. Then the other 14 classes for the [Ruler] to choose to have into their force.

[Saber]. [Archer]. [Lancer]. [Rider]. [Caster]. [Assassin]. [Berserker]. [Avenger]. [Moon Cancer]. [Alter Ego]. [Foreigner]. [Pretender]. [Shielder]. And finally, [Beast].

The Ex-Class Cards are a different summoning system compared to the Servant Cards more commonly known as Class Cards, which are artifacts created for the Ainsworth Holy Grail War, a system of summoning Heroic Spirits similar to Servants.

Differing from allowing a Heroic Spirit to manifest, the cards encapsulate the Heroic Spirits and subsume their wills so that a Magus can access their power for themselves, used by the participants of the Holy Grail War to fight amongst each other.

In a manner not that different from both Pseudo-Servants and Demi-Servants, I used myself as the basis of the creation of Ex-Class Cards. In the original worldline the Servant Cards, the Clock Tower of Illya's World came to refer to them as Class Cards upon studying them.

The cards bearing one of the seven class designations of Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, or Berserker are around the size of a tarot card. Meant to be utilized in the Ainsworth Holy Grail War, the Clock Tower of Illya's world cannot determine their creator, their purpose, or analyze their structure beyond their learning of their ability to draw on the power of Heroic Spirits.

Much like the Servant system, seven cards are summoned during each Holy Grail War, corresponding to one of seven classes. The cards have a portion of the Heroic Spirits' power sealed inside them, and it can be said that they are the Heroic Spirits themselves. They draw out the power of Heroic Spirits, allowing either a Mystic Code or the user's own body to act as a medium for the Heroic Spirit's power.

Overwritten by a fraction of the Heroic Spirit's power, they can fight others with that power. The Assassin Class Card is unique in that it is not linked to a specific Heroic Spirit.

Much like the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, the Assassin summoned is always Hassan-i-Sabbah, but it picks one of the nineteen depending on compatibility with the Card User. One Class Card can manifest multiple different Assassins if used by other Card Users.

The Rule Master of the Ainsworth Holy Grail War is the only individual with the authority to create or destroy Class Cards. One part of the process of creating the Class Cards robs the Heroic Spirits of their reason and pollutes their egos by passing through Ainsworth's "box".

However, there are certain cases if the Heroic Spirit ego is too strong, they can temporarily fuse with their host being the dominant personality trait. Only the Gilgamesh Archer Card shows the ability to retain its ego without being polluted, allowing Gilgamesh's personality to overwrite the user.

But in my version, I'm simply adding a boost to whoever chooses the Ex-Class Cards. With the unique skills and abilities applied when integrating the Cards into the mind, body, and soul into the person.

Viewing the simulation program of how a normal person would be integrated into the Ex-Class Cards system I made sure it would be a safe process. The problem I'm currently facing is a power source separate from the Moon Cell use of the All-Spark frowning at this small issue.

Rubbing the temples at the bridge of my nose I spoke out loud to the hologram screen with BB asking in a blunt tone, "Sigh… working on the Ex-Class Cards is gonna need some trial and error to formulate the correct sequence. However, God's system with Sacred Gears might shed some light. But first BB what's the status of finding my original home dimension processing going?"

BB appeared to show me a data pie chart making me flinch seeing only about 6.9% in progress as she explained in a disappointed tone, "Only about 6.9% finding your original worldline sir. I apologize if our scouts haven't been successful."

Sighing out loud leaning my head onto my hand I spoke waving at her with a small smile on my face in a calm tone, "Sigh… no. No, it's fine BB. I'm just rather impatient all trying to locate a means of my home world is difficult enough searching through the multiverse. Any worlds worth of interest?"


Showing different dimensions from the scouts created from the Moon Cell I got a few of them of interest shown finding them in different moments of their history. There were a few that I saw as interested either in growing my power or helping me search through different realities efficiently.

Hmm… I do need a boost in technological abilities. The main reason why I don't go personally to those worlds is for their world protectors and Gods. Swiping away the worlds of interest I began to think of my next course of action.


Hearing the steps of someone entering inside I smiled calmly as I turned around to see Satsuki giving me a light hug as she spoke in a calm tone, "Hello my beloved I see you're busy on your new adventure I see. But you seemed bothered?"

Having a beautiful girl ease my worries I smiled lightly as I disclosed my issues to Satsuki in a tired tone, "Sigh… yes very much. Discovering I still have a long way to go to find my original home I also stumbled upon a few worlds that may take some time. But there's one that I'll need to do alone."

Giving me a light kiss on the cheek she smiled caressing my neck and speaking in a calm tone gazing at her, "If that's the case why not go for it? I'll explain to Matoi if you need some alone time. Although why does this world need you to go alone for if it's not too much trouble asking."

Smirking as she sat on my lap, I replied in a calm tone my worries going into this specific world, "Because this world has the keys, I need to one day go home. It's an option to have and I can speed run it, but the deity won't be happy. Not one bit unless I kill him. It's a world where one mistake will screw things up massively."

She only smiled leaning closer to my chest as she spoke in a resolute tone an answer easily saying, "Then don't. Do you have time no? Just plan around it and work your magic you did it in the past why that must change here?"

I smiled giving her a light kiss. She's right since I did learn a few skills I got from the DxD Worldline that could make my time worthwhile. Skill List.


<Boost > (Active) Lv.-

Description: The power that once belonged to the Red Dragon Emperor, Ddraig. It allows the user to double their powers every 10 sec. without any limit until the user reaches the limit whether it's their physical abilities, magic, or Ki based on the user. Usage Limit Based on Lv.: 65 times.

<Penetrate > (Passive) Lv.-

Description: One of Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig's original abilities. This allows the user to bypass defensive abilities. It can also be used to penetrate through attacks and attack the core of opponents.

<Divide > (Active) Lv.-

Description: The power that once belonged to the White Dragon Emperor, Albion's original abilities. It allows the user the power of its opponents by half after coming into physical contact with them every 10 sec.

The halved powers are then added to his/her powers. If the added power exceeds the amount that the wielder can safely contain, the excess energy is then expelled out through the Gate, which allows the user to always be at their highest potential. It can also repeatedly reduce the power of attacks in half. Usage Limit Based on Lv.: 65 times.

<Reflect > (Passive) Lv.-

Description: One of White Dragon Emperor Albion's original abilities. This allows the user the ability to reflect all attacks. Toggle [On/[Off]].

<Reduce > (Active) Lv.-

Description: One of White Dragon Emperor Albion's original abilities. This allows the user to release a special type of poison that can destroy the body and soul. However, it is ineffective against inorganic things.


Hmm… yeah, I think with these skills I should be able to handle it. Been a while since I've gone solo but let's go for it. Time to kill and speed run an isekaied world.