

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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234 Chs

Chapter 216: The Devils in Town (2)

Chapter 216: The Devils in Town (2)

~Third POV~

[The Next Day, Japan, Kuoh Academy, Occult Research Club]

The next day Mash took Ryuko and Valerie inside his custom-made Tanjiro backpack finding it fitting to bring her inside using it. The members had reunited again for Issei's initiation as a Devil becoming one.

It didn't take much to convince Issei that he could gain a Harem, but he was given half a day to think over the pros and cons of his choice. Listening to what Mash did and helping him save his life contemplate his future path going forward.

Unlike in canon where Issei didn't get a say in reincarnated into a Devil, he did request 3 things from Rias considering his choices. The first was getting a harem, the second training to get better use his Sacred Gear to not get attacked again and almost die, and lastly three that his family is secured in the future.

The last one he made was a selfish request seeing that he'll grow older without them he wants his parent's life to be at peace and fulfilled to which Rias agreed although a bit surprised by his kind-hearted request.

Even Mash and Ryuko heard his last request and grew a bit of respect for the pervert. They both said nothing simply nodding their heads respecting his choice as it was his choice that led them to his path.

After getting reincarnated Issei asked some questions as Ryuko and Mash were here to fulfill Valerie's promise, "So, uh, do Devils feel weak in the sunlight? Cause I felt lethargic on my way here."

Rias shook her head as she explained to her new pawn in a calm tone explaining the Devils society, "Not usually, no. Give it a few days and you'll adapt. First, you've got to achieve something. Making pacts with humans in exchange for something of value is how we devils gain power, so if you can produce results and be recognized for them, you can rise through the ranks and maybe even acquire servants of your own."

Ryuko raised an eyebrow as she spoke in a bored tone, "Ranks?"

Rias smirked as she explained a typical anime character in an excited tone having more guests to be entertained, "Devils have a ranking system. My house holds the rank of duke. While ranking typically has to do with one's birth, there are devils out there who have risen on their own. Even devils reborn from humans like you Issei, are given a chance."

Issei shook excitedly as she exclaimed in an excited tone at the prospect of getting his own harem members, "So if I can rise through the ranks, my harem dream might become a reality?!"

Ryuko took a few steps back away from the perverted boy as Rias nodded her head giving a wink in a cheerful tone, "Right. Most of the pure Devils were killed in the war that took place a long time ago. Because of that, Devils started to desperately gather servants. But even with normal birth, it will take a lot of time to get back to the same population as before. After all, Devils have a very low birth rate. So, we find humans who seem to have potential and make them into Devils."

Hearing this Ryuko chimes in a curious tone about the Devils with a raised eyebrow, "So you guys try to fill that issue by having Reincarnated Devils to fill with the population issues?"

Rias nodded as she continued explaining in a neutral tone to Mash's friend clasping her hands together, "That would be correct Matoi-san. Since this only increases the number of servants, it doesn't increase the number of powerful Devils. So the Devils decided to give chances for power to reincarnated Devils. They decided to give a Peerage to reincarnated Devils as well, as long as they were powerful. Might make right, after all. Because of that, there are many Devils in human society."

Mash spoke curtly with a deadpan expression, "That'd explain a lot."

Ryuko nods her head with a deadpan expression as Rias continues explaining ignoring the peanut gallery, "There are also numbers of Devils like myself who came to the human world as well. Ise, even though you haven't realized it, I'm sure you have passed through some Devils in this town."

Issei's eyes widened in alarm amazed what Devils could provide. Meanwhile, Akeno returned with a tray of snacks and a teacup set. Mash was the first to receive a cup of tea, to which he proceeded to taste the flavor evaluating it in a calm tone, "Hmm… pretty good overall. Could add a bit of ginger and Soroi would have some competition Akeno-san."

Akeno smiled as Ryuko took a sip of tea from her cup. Tasting the flavor, she nodded her head agreeing with his words in a calm tone, "Oh shit. Taste a bit off but you'll give big sis butler a run for his money."

Akeno merely laughed being appreciated by the two newcomers in a light-hearted tone gazing at them, "Oh, my I didn't peg you both to be tea enthusiasts. I hope my tea is good to the person you mention. But I must do my next duties if you don't mind."

Soon Akeno began to chant startling Issei as he exclaimed in surprise, "Wh-What's she doing?!"

Rias soon explained how Akeno is aligning Issei's crest being proof of his belonging to the Gremory Family in a calm tone, "Issei, show me your palm. That's so you can transfer the function of the magic circle to teleport directly to your clients. Akeno is everything ready?"

Akeno nodded as Rias gave Issei an order in a neutral tone showing what he needed to do being a Devil, "Good. All right, Issei. Stand in the center of the circle so you can be summoned using this magic seal, so have you memorized the post-arrival procedure?"

Beaming in happiness Issei placed his hand over his chest in an excited tone pumped up following Rias' orders, "Draw up a pact with the client, grant their wish, and receive payment! I'll see you guys later!"


In a flash of magical light, Issei thought he appeared at his client speaking in an arrogant tone with even a popping sound effect, "So you're the one who called me here? Well, go ahead and state your des…"

He opened his eyes to see he didn't leave as everyone was dumbfounded by this scene with Mash smirking taking the chance in a joking tone, "Hello mister Devil, can you do me a favor and open a jar of pickles for me?"

Ryuko held a small chuckle at the joke with Rias explaining in a confused tone of the situation, "Issei… it's unfortunate, but it seems like you can't use the magic circle to teleport to the client's location."

Issei stood there only uttering in disbelief, "… Huh?"

She sighed as she explained noticing his lack of Magical Energy within him speaking in a neutral tone, "Magic circles require a certain number of demonic powers… not much, though. No, it's a feat that could be done by any devil. Even children. Transportation through the magic circle is the first and the easiest step of being a devil. Your power is below that of a newborn Devil child."

With that Mash held in his laughter at Issei's meager Magical Energy level as Rias sighed speaking to him to take his bicycle to the client's location as he slumped down depressed by the sudden revelation.

Issei is gone only left with the Devils and Mash group Rias has a serious expression on her face and speaks in a cautious tone, "Okay with him gone we can go about your business. You said Gasper's sister wanted to meet with my Bishop correct?"

Mash nodded gesturing to the Tanjiro backpack as she eyed him weirdly asking in a confused yet cultured tone nodding her head, "… Did you bring his sister in that Tanjiro backpack?"

He nodded with a sly grin on his face in a proud tone puffing his chest, "Of course. If one must be presentable, one must do so in fashion to the uncultured swine."

Rias oddly enough nodded her head in agreement as a fellow otaku enthusiast. She led the group with her Peerage except Issei following behind their King prepared for anything where to happen.

On that day the club members had been led by Rias to the front of a door leading Mash's group to a door that was sealed 'DO NOT ENTER' security tapes and a chain boasting a large comically large lock as she spoke in a proud tone, "Here we are. My first Bishop takes residence beyond this door. He prefers to stay inside like a shut-in neet and he's allowed to wander at midnight."

Hearing this Ryuko paused as she asked in a curious tone about Gasper, "Wait… if he stays inside all the time how does he work?"

Koneko surprisingly enough answered her question in a monotone tone, "He fulfills special contracts via the internet."

The group nodded their heads in understanding as Mash spoke in a surprised tone, "Huh? That sounds highly progressive for your race. Kudos to progressiveness I suppose."

Rias huffed at his words, but he wasn't wrong in that regard considering the Old Devil's Faction as she spoke in a stern tone, "Hmph! Of course, were progressive. But we are getting off-topic. Let's focus on Gasper, shall we? Be warned though he's extremely shy and not very good with people, so please be on your best behavior and try not to startle him."


Opening the lock with her Demonic Power the lock fell as did the seals. A small sound of a shrill shock startled the poor Dio wannabe, "KYAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Suddenly everyone but Ryuko, and Mash froze as time was frozen temporarily in place causing Senketsu to blink asking in a confused tone, "I'm sorry but is it me or did time suddenly stop in place?"

Time was stopped by Gasper's uncontrollable Sacred Gear [Forbidden Balor View] also known as [The Evil Eye that Stops the World]. Forbidden Balor View grants the user the ability to momentarily stop the time of anything within their line of sight. The duration of the effect depends on the user's mastery over the Sacred Gear as well as the target's power relative to the user.

The range of effect may be further increased if the wielder can generate more eyes through which they could see, such as Gasper invoking the effect through the eyes of multiple bats.

Unfortunately for Gasper though Mash's group is immune to space and time powers as Ryuko spoke finally looking at Gasper in a confused tone, "Huh? So, his Sacred Gear is stopping time huh? I would say that's OP but we're immune to that shit. Tough luck little guy."

[Gasper Vladi Lv.25 Bishop of Gremory]

Mash hummed seeing his name and weak level compared to the others as he spoke in a neutral tone, "Yeah… you and I are gonna have a talk discount, Dio."


He grabbed Gasper raising his arm and lifted the diminutive person by the back of their collar, raising them to eye level and leveling them with a stare, effectively shutting up when Mash mentioned a name stunning him in a calm tone, "Now I'm gonna level with you Gasper does the name Valerie rings any bells?"

His eyes widened as time returned to normal. Rias blinked seeing him grab Gasper yelling in a concerned tone, "Wha –! Gasper, did you just stop time?"

He slowly nodded, startling the Devils of Mash's group's ability to catch him in an alarmed tone, "I-I-I diiiiiid! B-But this scary man and girl followed meeeee!"

Rias coughed out loud surprised by the news in a startled tone gazing at Mash's group in a concerned tone, "They followed you? While you stopped time?! How?!"

Ryuko merely puffed out her chest with a smug grin responding confidently, "Heh. Sounds like a skill issue to me."

Rias' eyes twitched having never dealt with this craziness as Mash chuckled at this. But he placed Gasper down as he opened his tanjiro backpack, "Heh. As much as I would like to blow your mind, I have a promise I need to fulfill. Come on Valerie."


Opening the box Valerie's appearance was shown as she eyed Gasper smiling lightly as she spoke kindly, "Gasper. You grew up. I'm glad you are okay."

The usually quiet Valerie started to cry as Gasper dived in her embrace, back to the older girl who protected and treated him like a younger brother while tears were falling from his face, "Big Sis Valerie! How…?"

Valerie caressed Gasper in a sisterly manner as she explained in a gentle tone her gaze landing on her saviors, "They didn't kill me. I was imprisoned for years. Until these two saved me."

Both the humans smiled lightly seeing their connection as Koneko was looking at Valerie and Gasper with a complicated expression. However, Rias eyed the duo weirdly wanting an explanation but bit her lips seeing the scene.

Seeing her hesitation though he sighed as he pointed the way out earning her attention away from the group. When it was just Rias group and Mash back in the Occult Research Club she exhaled asking in a serious tone, "Whew… I suppose I'll ask the obvious. Where exactly have Gasper's sister been kept?"

Mash simply spoke in a cool tone leaning his back on the couch and calmly explaining, "Oh trust me sweetie it was a bloodbath dealing with those bloodsuckers. All you need to know the Vampire Faction is now gone except for one pureblood remaining. And if you want to hear our justification…"

His smile looked akin to a devil somehow unnerving the actual devils in a pissed-off restrained tone summoning a few political papers, "… let's go over the Vampire crimes one by one why they deserved to be wiped off the face of the earth. Might bring the other overseer Sona to listen. Shall we?"

Rias and Sona would soon get this info to the Satan's hearing the news and evidence for their actions much to the Supernatural World reaction hearing two humans wiped out the Vampire Faction. Certain people will certainly be paying attention to the news…


A/N: Hey guys the author here wanted to ask a small question for my next fic in the works. I'm making a MHA: Gamer Path as my next project idea but wanted to ask which is more interesting power for the MC?

Should the MC customize a copy-style quirk with a background? Or should the MC dropped in the world with no background gain the [One for All] Quirk at the start of the series trying to master it as his own taking Deku's place and if so should he get the vestiges of past users or not?