

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 115: Master of Red First Kill

Chapter 115: Master of Red First Kill

~Third POV~

[Transylvanian Motorway]

Landing down Siegfried having his identity known eyed everyone carefully as Mash sighed looking at the fight with an intrigued gaze, "Well, well, well. This is the first fight between Reds and Blacks, huh?"


Nobody said a word as they landed on the asphalt road with Karna asking in a neutral tone with his eyebrow raised, "Master of Red Saber, I presume you have come to assist me in eliminating Siegfried?"

Mordred having her weapon don her armor didn't hesitate and rushed forward towards Siegfried in a war cry voice, "DIE!!!"



Siegfried frowned seeing Mordred come out and attack finally getting a chance to challenge the enemy in a proud tone, "Heh! You're pretty good Siegfried! Let's see how you handle against me!!"

Both Sabers began fighting with Mash rubbing the back of his head sheepishly apologizing to Karna for his Servant's rash actions, "I was about to say no… but since Saber made that decision for me guess it came to this? Were allies after all the sooner the enemy side is eliminated the better right?"

Karna closed his eyes as he spoke aiding Mordred in the battle against Siegfried opening them readying his lance, "I suppose so. Even if the enemy knew my name it doesn't matter for I will be the victor."


Charging in double tag teaming against Saber of Black Siegfried focused as Karna and Mordred attacked as one with one aiming for the back Siegfried's weak point. Stabbing him in all directions was Karna's attempt to end Siegfried but despite the speed loss, he focused all his attention on defending his back.

Not even Mordred could damage him as both Servants of Red analyzed with shallow wounds as Karna commented, "…? The wounds are too shallow. We aren't making any dent to him."

Mordred frowned under the armor seeing her foe isn't one to be bested easily agreeing with Karna's words, "Yeah… even cuts that should kill or fatally wound a Servant would deal massive damage and leave light scratches. But…"

Both Servants of Red grinned lightly seeing Siegfried's mighty defense as an obstacle both nodded in agreement to kill their foe. Siegfried hardened his glare at them going for his weakness.

But before anyone could notice…

Mash soon spoke to himself as the world turned black and white as if time had been paused or stopped, "Authority of Greed… [My World]."

Everything froze as Mash dashed forward drawing his Shadow Sword with a clear target from behind spoke in a cold tone, "Sorry Saber of Black but this is where you meet your end. Goodbye."


Before anyone could realize what occurred Siegfried was suddenly pierced through by Mash's shadow sword having not realized how it occurred the Saber of Black eyes saw his own heart come out from his own body bursting open and bleeding everywhere like a sprinkler covering Mash's body with blood.

Mash's body was soon covered in the [Dragon-Blooded Knight] own blood covering his body granting him a skill. Mash soon crushed Siegfried's heart using his [Unseen Hands] and holding Siegfried in place bleeding out.

Soon Mash's stature began to change because he gained the [Armor of Fafnir: Blood Armor of the Evil Dragon] by bathing in the blood of his enemies. Mash's stature changed with a slim body piercing the [Dragon-Blooded Knight].

The Saber of Black soon eyes his Master muttering out loud, "R…Run… M…"

That was how much he could speak as the light faded from his eyes with Mash gaining the skill of Siegfriend using Authority of Envy [Overzealous Thief] ensuring he gains a random skill from the fallen Saber of Black in the process.


[You have gained the passive skill [Armor of Fafnir]!]

[You have stolen the passive skill [Dragon Slayer]!]


<Armor of Fafnir> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: [Armor of Fafnir: Blood Armor of the Evil Dragon] is an ability that embodies and re-enacts the legend of Siegfried bathing in dragon blood from Fafnir, granting him a dragon's body with invulnerability that made all weapons ineffective against him during his life. Dyed with Fafnir's blood and composed of dragon scales, the user's skin is compared to steel in strength, unable to be wounded by either weapons or magic except with the greatest of attacks.

+99% Damage Reduction to All Kinds of Attacks.

-Weakness to [Dragon Slayer]-based skills nullifies this Passive Skill.

<Dragon Slayer> (Passive) Lv. 80/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: One of the special Skills possessed by those who brought down a member of the Dragon Kind. Drastically improves one's offensive power and defensive power against Dragon Kinds. It can be said that this is not a talent given from heaven, but the very anecdote of killing a dragon has been changed into this Skill.

+25% increase damage against [Dragon] based races. Every 20 levels increase the percentage by 5%.


Having ended Siegfried who had a level of 80 Mash gained 80 EXP in the process leveling up in the process as his eyes are now towards Gordes paling as his strongest Servant dying that easily.



Gordes could only slump down seeing defeat was inevitable thought in despair, 'Just where is there any leeway for me to intervene in this battle between Monsters…?'


Gordes fainted foaming from the despair of not being able to handle the loss of his Servant in the first battle as Mash used his Authority of Gluttony, [Gluttony] to 'share' the memories of Gordes getting information on the enemy easily.

Yggdmillenia. A clan with a long and ancient history but lacking the prestige and status of the Lords. A group of Magi cut off from the long-held mainstream in the world of Magecraft. They had abandoned…

The normal method of deepening their blood as magi over the generations and focusing on a single style of Magecraft chosen by a family's first-generation head. Instead, they chose a shallower, yet broader method, by gathering up Magi from various families.

The middle names of all Yggdmillennia members are the names of the families that were absorbed into the clan in the past. They do not have a single unified magic crest. Each family continues to hand down their crest to their descendants even after joining.

The styles of Magecraft they have studied are also vastly widespread. Western Alchemy, Black Magic, Witchcraft, Astrology, Kabbalah, Runes, and even the onmyoudou of Japan. Each member family studies their branch of Magecraft. However, it is in the end, merely a scrapped together alliance of families who have declined or who have short histories.

The noble Magus Families merely laughed and overlooked them, deeming their Magecraft of little note. Until the day that Yggdmillennia clan struck up the banner of rebellion against the Mage Association. Darnic Prestone Yggdmillenia is the head of the Yggdmillenia clan. He has lived almost a hundred years.

He rose to the rank of 'Grand' though mostly due to his political maneuverings, and taught chemical transmutation as a second rank lecturer, but he wasn't rated highly by his students. His true worth was demonstrated in his actions in politics rather than as a teacher.

In the Clock Tower Factional conflicts, power struggles, and competitive clashes over budget were everyday affairs, but he displayed outstanding skill as a politician and easily betrayed others and changed sides as if it were natural. He can control and deceive not only those who believe in him but even those who aren't truly a first-rate swindler.

Mash soon frowned eating the memories as he soon got to the Musik Family obtaining his memories with Gordes knocked out from his actions.

The Musik Family was originally a first-rate family with an ancient history. Through Gordes resourcefulness, the Musik Family's Magecraft displayed further progress and development so much that there was no need to rely on the power of the Yggdmillennia clan anymore.

Furthermore, Gordes managed to get the Einzberns, who had started to open themselves to the outside world after information of the Holy Grail War was leaked out, to lend Gordes their knowledge and techniques on making Homunculi, and made great contributions by vastly expanding Yggdmillennia's war power with the mass productions of homunculi.

Mash slowly smiled sighing a breath of relief reviewing all the memories of Gordes leaving him alive with Mordred pouting lightly at his intervention, "Gezz Master could've allowed me to have some fun."

He apologized to his Servant as he viewed Karna with wary eyes on him speaking to Mordred in a calm tone scratching the back of his head, "Sorry Saber but it's not my fault he left his back wide open. And we are allies in this war the sooner we eliminate the enemy the better, isn't it?"

He spoke to both Lancer and Saber of Red listening as they nodded. Karna originally ordered to kill Ruler eyes her before closing his eyes and asking both, "I have my objective to kill Ruler. Will you Saber of Red and Master of Red interfere?"

Saber waited for her Master's response as he spoke with a grin saluting to him, "Yeah. Killing an innocent bystander possessing someone's body doesn't sit well with me and… well… I think my Saber wouldn't mind sparing with you since I took her first Servant kill. Unless you want that?"

Karna simply eyed Mash before closing his eyes and turning his back to leave answering his question in a neutral tone, "No. With the elimination of Saber of Black dealt with I have no reason to fight against you or your Authorities till the sun rises. If the need does arise then prepare yourself Master of Red."

Karna soon demetallizes with Mordred frowning underneath the armor speaking her own opinion of the matter, "Well that was anticlimactic. But hey at least one Servant down and 6 more to go, right Master?"

Mash nodded as Jeanne d'Arc soon spoke congratulating the remaining members in a respectful tone, "That was a magnificent battle. As expected of the Knight of Treachery and Hero of Charity. And you as well Master of Red."

Both merely pouted as Mash asked in a curious tone about the prior conversation they had with Karna, "But moving on… what's with Karna wanting to kill you? This is news to me of what happened."

Jeanne d'Arc looked genuinely surprised tilting her head and asking him a question, "Truly? Does that mean the majority of the Red Faction won't aim for my life?"

This raised some questions for Mash about why they wanted to kill Jeanne d'Arc but kept it to himself crossing his arms together replied in a neutral tone, "No idea, although you can be assured we won't claim yours. But what do you intend to do now?"

Jeanne d'Arc soon reassures Mash of his concerns about the girl she possesses in a neutral tone, "What I intend to do be an overseer of this Holy Grail War. Worry not this girl shall be safe under my care I possess."

Mash soon asked in a curious tone about the Ruler Class in genuine curiosity, "Okay but how would you know where a battle would start? Isn't hard for one person?"

Jeanne d'Arc merely flashed a small smile as she spoke out loud having confidence in her ability, "Have no fear my [Perception] ability is several times greater than regular servants. No matter where a battle takes place in Trifas, I will immediately dash there."

Mash smiled as Saber came forward summoning a construct of darkness of a raven as he asked Jeanne d'Arc, "In that case how about I give you a lift to Trifas? That's the very least I can do while not favoring any teams. We can part ways if you want."

Jeanne d'Arc paused considering the offer to reluctantly agree, "Sigh… very well."

Saber of Red landed on top of the raven with her stomach growling asking ignoring the Ruler present, "Sigh… are you done, Master? If so, can we go to a place to eat and a nice bed! I'm tired of having to ride your raven."

Mash laughed nervously agreeing with Jeanne d'Arc taking flight witnessing the damages as she thought to herself in a serious tone, 'This is the first battle of the War. An irregular Great Holy Grail War with two teams of Servants. Was I summoned to oversee it? Or – … there's no point thinking about it now. For the time being, I just must do my best.'

Before leaving Mash cleaned himself of the blood of his enemies first before finally leaving for enemy territory. Like that, the unlikely group soon traveled towards the Trifas' home territory of the enemy…