
The Multiverse Entrepreneur

The story follows the adventures of Narra Bani Molave, a girl who has the ability to travel to different dimensions, places, stories, and timelines. She is accompanied by her magical friends, who help her navigate through the multiverse. Narra Bani has a passion for food and loves to experiment with different cuisines. She decides to start a business selling food, essentials, and services to different beings across the multiverse. Her magical friends help her set up shop in different dimensions, and Narra Bani quickly becomes known as the "Multiverse Entrepreneur" Along the way, she encounters various challenges and obstacles, but with the help of her friends, she overcomes them all. The story is a fun and exciting adventure that explores the wonders of the multiverse and the power of friendship.

DeliumLarkspur · Fantasy
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10 Chs



In the bustling city of Kenarapa, nestled near the ocean, the Molave family held a prominent and respected position. Their name echoed through the streets of Manila, renowned for a diverse array of businesses that catered to the well-being of the community. The Molaves were not just entrepreneurs; they were a family deeply entrenched in the traditions of Bilmaske, a quaint village that exuded a unique charm.

The Molave family's enterprises spanned various essential aspects of life, including the sale of medicinal herbs, a clinic offering health services, a pharmacy providing medicines, and a food restaurant. This allowed them to touch the lives of the people in multifaceted ways. The heart of their operations was located on Dasheri Street.

At the helm of their ventures were Mr. Carpus, a skilled chef and the owner of the family restaurant, and Mrs. Dillenia, a respected doctor who owned and operated the clinic. Together, they seamlessly blended their culinary and medical expertise to create a haven for the people of Kenarapa.

The eldest child of this enterprising couple was Narra Bani Molave, a prodigious young girl who, at the tender age of 4, displayed exceptional intelligence with an astounding IQ of 180. Despite her youth, Narra was already an integral part of the family's success, actively contributing to the various businesses. Her innate talents hinted at a destiny beyond the ordinary, setting her apart as a remarkable individual in the Molave lineage.

However, the Molave family's significance extended beyond their thriving businesses and Narra's exceptional abilities. They were known as one of the oldest families entrusted with the sacred duty of guarding and communicating with other worlds. Each member of this guardian lineage received a unique blessing, a special gift that manifested in different ways.

--Molave Restaurant--


In the bustling kitchen of Chef Carpus, the culinary maestro with his team of four duplicates. Each Carpus clone had a specialized task, turning the kitchen into a harmonious blend of culinary expertise.

Carpus no.1, was engrossed in creating delectable desserts. The tantalizing aroma of freshly baked pastries and sweet delights wafted through the air as he worked diligently at his station.

On the opposite side, Carpus no.2, the grilling expert, skillfully manned the grill with precision. The sizzle of meats and vegetables danced in the air, creating a mouthwatering melody that filled the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Carpus no.3 was immersed in the art of preparation. Armed with a keen eye for detail, this duplicate skillfully prepped ingredients,

Carpus no.4, stationed the fruits and beverages, was the maestro of drinks and slicing. With swift and accurate movements, this duplicate sliced through fresh ingredients and prepared refreshing drinks.

As Chef Carpus and his four duplicates seamlessly worked in unison, the kitchen transformed into a culinary haven where the clinking of utensils and the sizzling of ingredients filled the whole kitchen.

"Chicken Adobo, mashed potato, salad, and iced tea for table 1!" a girl called out from the counter, waving an order paper.

"No.4, grab the chicken and drinks. No.1, get the steamed batch of potatoes and start pressing. Narra, the food will be served in 20 minutes," Chef Carpus responded.

The girl at the counter, Chef Carpus's eldest daughter, Narra Bani Molave, who is 9 years old, nodded enthusiastically.

"Okay, chef!" she replied.

In the heart of the bustling restaurant, a team of five dedicated individuals worked in harmony to ensure the seamless operation of the restaurant.

Among them, three were charismatic waiters, clad in professional attire as they navigated the tables with gracefulness . Their attentive eyes and friendly smiles created a welcoming atmosphere for the diners.

At the forefront of the resto were the two versatile employees, splitting their time between the counter and the kitchen. The counter buzzed with activity as orders were taken, and payments were processed efficiently. Simultaneously, the kitchen was in a fight with the clattering of utensils and the sizzling of ingredients in the air.

However, on weekends, an additional pair of helping hands joined the restaurant crew

Narra. As the eldest daughter of the Molave family, the restaurant's proprietors, Narra eagerly stepped in to contribute to the family business. Despite her tender age of nine, Narra demonstrated an admirable sense of responsibility and dedication.

Narra played a pivotal role at the counter during these bustling weekend shifts. With a bright smile and a friendly demeanor, she engaged with customers, took their orders, and expertly handled payments. Her involvement was not merely a familial obligation but a genuine passion for being a part of the bustling restaurant environment.

In moments when her fellow employee took a well-deserved break, Narra seamlessly took over, showcasing a remarkable level of maturity. As she diligently processed transactions and interacted with customers, she radiated a sense of pride and belonging a testament to the familial bonds that intertwined with the restaurant's vibrant atmosphere.

The harmonious collaboration of the restaurant's five employees, with Narra playing a vital role during weekends, painted a vivid picture of not just a place of business, but a close-knit family endeavor where each member contributed their unique talents to create a memorable dining experience for their patrons.

One day, an extraordinary event unfolded in Mr. Carpus's life as he received a remarkable and otherworldly gift, the power of duplication. Inexplicably, he found himself bestowed with the ability to replicate his own body, creating not one, but four identical versions of himself. This fantastical gift brought with it a unique twist, as each duplicate possessed individual strengths that synergized seamlessly to elevate Mr. Carpus's culinary prowess to extraordinary heights.

As he delved into the mesmerizing realm of duplication, Mr. Carpus discovered that each of his replicated selves had honed their skills to perfection in specific culinary domains. 

The first duplicate emerged as a master of desserts, delicately crafting sweet confections with an artistic touch. The second duplicate, a grilling virtuoso, skillfully handled the flames and smoke, infusing dishes with a smoky allure. The third duplicate excelled in the meticulous art of preparation, ensuring every ingredient was flawlessly prepped for culinary excellence. Finally, the fourth duplicate showcased unparalleled expertise in slicing ingredients and concocting refreshing beverages, adding a vibrant touch to the gastronomic symphony.

With this extraordinary ability, Mr. Carpus's kitchen transformed into a realm of culinary enchantment, where the synchronized efforts of his four duplicates allowed him to cook with unprecedented speed and finesse. The gift of duplication became not just a supernatural gift but an invaluable asset to Mr. Carpus.

----Closing time at the Molave Restaurant----

"Good job everyone, Thank you for your hard work today; we had so many customers, and we are getting many sales," Chef Carpus expressed his gratitude.

"We are getting popular Chef! and I saw new faces a while ago," remarked the male employee, excitement evident in his voice.

"Yeah, I also noticed some new faces, Kai, when I took a peek in the afternoon. I hope more customers will come," Chef Carpus responded optimistically.

"Boss, let's wrap up and clean. We still need to wake up early tomorrow. It's Sunday, so we will be busier, and we need to prep the food earlier," Macopa chimed in, offering a practical suggestion to ensure a smooth start to the following day.

"Absolutely, Maco. Let's make sure everything is spick and span for tomorrow's rush. The more prepared we are, the better we can handle the Sunday crowd," Chef Carpus agreed, emphasizing the importance of meticulous preparation.

The team swiftly transitioned from their roles in the bustling restaurant to the collective effort of cleaning and organizing. The clatter of utensils being put away, the rhythmic swish of mop against the floor, and the murmur of conversation filled the space as they worked harmoniously to conclude the day on a high note.

The camaraderie among the staff was palpable, echoing the success of the day and setting the stage for the challenges and triumphs that awaited them on the busy Sunday ahead.

With the kitchen and dining area now thoroughly cleaned, the crew gathered at the back of the restaurant. Tucked away from the public eye, this area served as a haven for the restaurant staff. A narrow corridor led to a modest living space, shared by the crew and the Molave family.

As the crew prepared to retire for the night, laughter and camaraderie filled the air. Inside the shared living quarters, the atmosphere was warm and familial. The aroma of home-cooked meals wafted through the air, a comforting reminder of the bonds forged in the restaurant's daily operations.

However, just as the crew was settling into the coziness of their communal space, a sudden, unexpected knock reverberated through the restaurant.

The laughter was hushed, and curious glances were exchanged among the crew members. With a shared sense of intrigue, they made their way back to the front of the restaurant, the knock lingering in the air like an unspoken question.

As the door swung open, revealing the dimly lit exterior, the crew was met with the sight of an unexpected visitor. A mysterious figure stood at the threshold, casting a silhouette against the night. The light from the restaurant spilled outside, but it didn't show much about the person who knocked. Everyone felt curious and looked at each other, wondering what was happening. They were ready to find out who had come to their door.

Chico, the vigilant staff member, approached the entrance of the restaurant, taking a moment to address an individual standing outside.

"I'm sorry, but we are already closed. However, you're welcome to come back tomorrow morning at 7 am," he courteously informed.

The man outside, his voice carrying a sense of urgency, responded,

"I'm not here to eat; I need to talk to Carpus. Tell him I'm from the Hamamelis association."

Upon hearing this, Chico's eyebrows furrowed in intrigue. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Chico shouted

"Boss, someone from the Hamamelis wants to talk to you!"

while still standing at the door to guard, ensuring his tone conveyed both the urgency and the importance of the visitor's affiliation. 

The name "Hamamelis association" hung in the air, sparking curiosity and signaling that the nature of the conversation might extend beyond the routine affairs of the restaurant.

--- Carpus' Office ---

The mahogany door creaked open, and Kai respectfully entered Mr. Carpus' office, understanding the need to interrupt the boss's current task. 

"Boss, sorry to interrupt, but someone from the Hamamelis is at the door and wants to talk to you," Kai conveyed, a note of significance in his voice.

Mr. Carpus, seated behind his polished desk, was in the midst of organizing scattered files. 

He looked up, his attention momentarily diverted. 

"Let him in, and take him into the guest lounge. You can eat dinner without me, and tell Dillenia to leave me some food," Mr. Carpus instructed, his tone carrying a blend of authority and a hint of curiosity about the unexpected visitor.

As Kai exited the office to carry out his boss's instructions, Mr. Carpus continued sorting through the paperwork, his mind briefly dwelling on the name "Hamamelis." 

The door closed behind Kai, leaving Mr. Carpus momentarily immersed in the task at hand, yet his thoughts remained tethered to the imminent meeting with the representative from the Hamamelis association.

---Meanwhile, in the dining area located at the back of the restaurant---

Mrs. Dillenia, the matriarch of the Molave family, was engrossed in the culinary task of preparing dinner at the large wooden table. The enticing aroma of home-cooked meals wafted through the air, creating an inviting atmosphere.

Assisting Mrs. Dillenia were Presa and Pinya, employees and also adoptive children of the Molave family actively engaged in setting the table for the impending meal. They arrange utensils, plates, and glasses with meticulous care.

While preparing dinner, Mrs. Dillenia looked up and addressed Maco, one of the family members also an employee at the Mr.Carpus Restaurant present.

"Maco, could you please go and fetch Lia and Narra? Also, get your brother upstairs. We will be eating dinner shortly," she requested, her voice carrying a gentle yet firm tone that echoed the rhythm of a well-practiced routine within the household.

The dining area was bathed in warm light and adorned with the comforting sounds of clinking tableware.

As Maco ascended the staircase, his footsteps resonated against the wooden steps, carrying him to his siblings' rooms. His first stop was Baby Lia's room, where the soft glow of a nightlight painted a gentle ambiance. Maco approached the crib, and with utmost care, he lifted Baby Lia into his arms, her innocent eyes peering curiously at the world around her.

Meanwhile, in another corner of their home, Narra ventured into her little brother Philip's room. The soft hum of imagination filled the space as she discovered him engrossed in constructing his ship toy. The room, is adorned with colorful playthings.

"Narra," Philip greeted, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm as he proudly displayed his partially built ship.

"Philip, let's organize your toys and eat dinner downstairs; Mom is waiting for us, you can continue your ship tomorrow" Narra gently suggested, her tone a mix of sisterly authority and warmth.

Obeying without hesitation, Philip eagerly complied. The siblings are tidying up the scattered toys. The carefully assembled ship found its place among other playthings, awaiting the adventures that would resume tomorrow.


Mr. Carpus entered the guest lounge, and his surprise was palpable when he saw the unfamiliar man. Quickly regaining his composure, he warmly greeted the visitor.

"It's been a long time, Jacinto. How are you doing?" Mr. Carpus inquired, leading the way toward the drink station inside the room.

"It's been a while, my friend. I apologize for not giving you a heads-up before I came. I've been stressed lately, I have no vacation this year, and to be straightforward, there are problems on the other side that may affect this side. That's why I came here unannounced," explained Jacinto, his expression reflecting the weight of the issues he brought.

"I figured that would be the reason. I've also noticed some unusual events here, and even the police came asking for help," Mr. Carpus remarked, pouring some tea. He walked towards the center of the room, placing the teacups on the table.

The atmosphere in the guest lounge shifted, the air thick with the gravity of the conversation as the two friends settled into a serious discussion.

Jacinto, with a serious expression, shared alarming findings with Mr. Carpus, revealing a hidden danger that lurked on the other side.

"The association found ritual marks for a sacrifice and ritual circles scattered around the cities on the other side. A rebel group has been abducting elves, beasts, and humans from this side for these sacrifices. They amputate limbs to form ritual circles, but their ultimate goal remains unclear. The rituals are not precisely for summoning or resurrection, but they bear similarities," Jacinto explained, presenting research papers on the grim incidents.

Mr. Carpus listened attentively, absorbing the gravity of the situation. Jacinto continued, revealing the personal toll the situation had taken.

"My wife and I have been helping some engkanto who escaped from these rebels. She's been treating them, but wounds with sacrificial marks embedded don't heal; they keep burning. It's been challenging for her lately. What do you need me for?" Mr. Carpus inquired, sipping his tea.

Jacinto outlined their urgent mission, "We believe unauthorized portals have been opening to different places here. It's becoming a problem. We've asked families guarding this side to assist injured beings, close unauthorized portals, and apprehend rebels and illegal dwellers. We need you to do the same as we prepare for a potential calamity."

"We will do that," Mr. Carpus affirmed.

"My wife sought help from Menalam to aid the sacrificial victims. When they wake up, we'll gather more information about the abductors. After that, we'll visit the association with my family. But first, we'll hold a ceremony at the Temple of Segoyong to receive blessings for my children." The gravity of the situation weighed on the room, setting the stage for a joint effort to face the looming threat on both sides.

"We can discuss this further tomorrow, I still have to wake up early to open my shop, you can sleep here at my house, In the meantime join me for dinner while I ask Maco to prepare your room" said Mr.Carpus.

----NARRA'S ROOM----

The atmosphere inside Narra's room was filled with the hurried and purposeful sound of pacing footsteps. The room seemed alive with anticipation and clandestine activity.

Amidst the pacing, a calm voice spoke, "Did you finish our homework?"

Another voice chimed in anxiously, "Where did you put the ingredients?"

"Are they asleep?" someone else whispered,

"I want to sleep, could you all please quiet down?" pleaded another voice.

Suddenly, Narra took charge of the situation, calling for attention with an air of authority.

"Everyone! Attention! Mom and Dad don't know that I already received my gift and I've been using it to go to the other side and do business. We need to quiet down so we don't get caught. Duplicates, do you understand?" Narra's revelation.

"Yes Mam!" replied the duplicates in unison,

Narra continued to assign tasks and roles. "Okay Narra no.1, did you prepare the food?"

The mention of food hinted at the need for sustenance during their covert operations.

"Yes! All in the bag," replied Narra no.1, confirming readiness and efficiency.

"Narra no.2, you will stay here and sleep so that Mom and Dad will not get suspicious," instructed Narra, highlighting the importance of maintaining a facade of normalcy.

"May I go to bed now?" asked Narra No. 2, seeking confirmation and expressing weariness from the night's activities.

"Narra no.3, continue studying. We have a quiz at the university on Monday," directed Narra, emphasizing the importance of balancing their mysterious activities with their academic responsibilities.

"Okay," acknowledged Narra no.3, accepting the responsibility.

"Narra no.4, continue our project at the lab. Narra no.1, help no.4, and wait till I call you. You'll be in charge here for the meantime," concluded Narra, distributing tasks and establishing a hierarchy within the group.

"Understand/okay," affirmed Narra no.4 and no.1 in unison, solidifying their commitment to the assigned roles.

In the dimly lit room, Narra stood with determination. The atmosphere crackled with otherworldly energy as Narra held a silver pen in hand, its metallic surface glinting in the low light. The pen, seemingly ordinary at first glance, carried an extraordinary power within.

With swift and deliberate motion, Narra brought the pen forward, piercing the air with a stabbing movement. The room seemed to respond, a subtle distortion forming around the pen as if reality itself yielded to its touch. In that instant, the silver pen left behind a trail of shimmering light, tracing a slashing movement through the space before Narra.

A surreal portal materialized where the slashing movement had been. 

The portal, an ethereal gateway, pulsed with an otherworldly glow. The boundaries of the room seemed to warp and twist as the portal slowly formed.

The room itself became a gateway, a convergence point between two worlds. 

Narra, undeterred, gazed intently at the newly opened portal, ready to step into the unknown. The silver pen, now a key to uncharted realms, exuded an aura of mystique and power. 

"I will call you guys when I arrive, goodbye!" Narra said before jumping into the portal. 

Going into the other side of the unseen world.


As you can read in the last part, Narra has the same gift as her father but differently. Her father, Mr. Carpus was given the gift of duplicating his body, while Narra had the gift of the Ultimate Copy. She can copy gifts that she saw. In the last scene, Narra has copied her father's gift, the Duplication, and she copied another power which is the Portal creation, which will be revealed later who is the person she copied it from.

The employees of the restaurant are adoptive children of Mr. & Mrs. Molave when they were just lovers, the employees help the Molave family in running their business as a family and sign of gratitude, they are also getting paid and still studying.

Segoyong - Guardians of nature; many specialize in a particular class, such as fire, water, trees, grass, deer, pigs, land caves, and caves behind waterfalls

Menalam- female goddess-spirit who enters the body of a healer in a trance and gives instructions on how to heal the sick.

I named the association with Witch Hazel (Hamamelis) Hamamelis, more commonly referred to as Witch Hazel, has always been known as a symbol of protection and healing. name translating to the Greek words 'hama', meaning both together� and 'at the same time.'


Main Characters Profile:

Surname: Molave

Name: Narra Bani

-9 years old

Gift: The Ultimate Copy, she can copy powers.

Molave Family

Father: Carpus Molave (Pterocarpus indicus (Narra) tree

-Chef and Owner of their family restaurant

Gift: Duplication of Body

Mother: Dillenia Molave (derived from Dillenia philippinensis (Katmon) tree

-Doctor and Owner of their Clinic


2nd child-Brother: Philippinensis (derived from Dillenia philippinensis (Katmon) tree

-6 years old

Nickname: Philip


Youngest Sister: Carallia Molave (derived from Carallia brachiata (Bakuan Gubat) tree


Nickname: Lia








That's all! keep on reading hehehe.