
Chapter 772

Three Lives Pupils

"Three Lives Pupils?"

As soon as that person's voice fell, the surrounding crowd revealed blank expressions. Obviously, they had never heard of this name before.

Seeing their reaction, another cultivator who knew about it sighed and said in a deep voice, "Three Lives Pupils can be said to be the most heaven-defying of all the special eyes. However, at the same time, cultivators who possess this eye will also suffer a terrifying curse!"

"In the process of their cultivation, they will encounter many difficulties and tribulations that ordinary people would find hard to imagine. Every one of the Three Lives Pupils' possessors possess extremely terrifying talent and strength, but they also have extremely tragic fates."

"They are destined to be alone for their entire lives. Any friend, family, or lover will die due to some unknown force. Not only that, when they enter their later years, they will experience all sorts of ominous events, and in the end, they will die in an extremely miserable manner!"

"It is because of this that many years ago, this eye was said to have gone extinct. I never thought that I would be able to see an owner of Three Lives Pupils here."

That martial artist's words caused everyone's hair to stand on end.

What kind of existence was this eye? While it gave people great strength, it also brought about tragic misfortune. It was hard to say whether possessing this eye was a blessing or a misfortune.

"Of course, if we ignore the power of the curse, the Three Lives Pupils are indeed so powerful that they are almost heaven-defying. The so-called Three Lives represent the past, present, and future. Each life contains an extremely powerful ability. If the Three Lives Pupils are combined, it is so powerful that it can be said to be unsolvable."

"It is said that there was once a Rank Nine Regal who possessed Three Lives Pupils. He relied on the ultimate meaning of Three Lives Pupils to kill an Emperor powerhouse!"


As soon as these words were spoken, the entire crowd was shocked and could not help but gasp.

One had to know that everyone below the Emperor level was an ant. This was not just a saying. Regal powerhouses had only grasped the Dao. However, Emperor powerhouses had reached the Dao Fusion Realm, where they had fused with the Dao. The difference between the two could be described as the difference between the Heavens and the Earth!

Even an expert who had just entered the Emperor Realm could easily kill countless Peak-Stage Emperors. This was a qualitative change. No matter how many there were, it was impossible to make up for this difference.

And the ultimate profound of the Three Lives Pupils could actually allow a rank nine Titled Monarch to kill a Titled Emperor powerhouse. This was like a fairy tale, inconceivable!

"Three Lives Pupils?"

In the audience, Lin Yu raised his eyebrows, and his expression became increasingly solemn.

In truth, he didn't know much about the Three Lives Pupils. However, with the strength of his soul force, it wasn't hard for him to hear the discussions of the crowd. Naturally, he also heard the news about the Three Lives Pupils.

If these words were true, this Gu San Sheng would indeed be a terrifying opponent, who would be more difficult to deal with than Xuan Heng Dao!

To be honest, Lin Yu didn't have any confidence in defeating Gu San Sheng. With his current strength, his chances of winning were less than 30%.

Of course, probability was just probability. In a real battle, there were many factors that would affect the final result. Before the outcome was decided, nothing could be certain.

In the seventh round, the first match was between Jiang Lanyue and Xuan Heng Dao.

In this battle, Xuan Heng Dao was defeated once more. Even though he had displayed the state of being one with the heavens, in front of Jiang Lanyue, he was still completely suppressed. The difference in strength between them was more than a single level.

Without a doubt, this First Martial Meeting was an enormous blow to Xuan Heng Dao. He had lost to three martial artists of his generation in succession. Moreover, all three of them were younger than him. Even the oldest, Gu San Sheng, was 10 years younger than him. As for Lin Yu, he was over 20 years younger than him.

From this point on, not only was he not the number one junior of his generation, but he didn't even enter the top three. This caused him to look at Lin Yu, Jiang Lanyue, and the others with incomparably bitter resentment.

If it weren't for Lin Yu and the others, he would never have suffered such humiliation. If he had the chance, he would never let Lin Yu and the others off!

However, whether it was Lin Yu, Jiang Lanyue, or Gu San Sheng, none of them cared about Xuan Heng Dao's thoughts.

If a martial artist, after being defeated, didn't think about how to surpass his opponent, but only thought about revenge, such a person was destined to have no achievements.

If there were no accidents, Xuan Heng Dao would have no hope of stepping into the Emperor Realm in this lifetime. And those who didn't have the chance to become Emperor Realm simply didn't have the qualifications to be their opponent.

After Jiang Lanyue and Xuan Heng Dao's battle, it was Lin Yu and Gu San Sheng's turn!

Shua! Shua!

It was unknown whether it was a coincidence or a tacit understanding, but almost at the same time, Lin Yu and Gu San Sheng's figures flew onto the stage at the same time. Even the positions they stood in were very similar.

"Lin Yu …"

Gu San Sheng looked at Lin Yu and suddenly said, "I can feel that you and I have some similarities."


Gu San Sheng's words caused Lin Yu to be slightly stunned.

Without waiting for Lin Yu to reply, Gu San Sheng spoke again, "Your soul is very special and very powerful. It is the most powerful soul I have ever seen. Perhaps, in the future, you will be a formidable opponent for me."

"Is that so?"

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows. Although he didn't show it on his face, he was secretly shocked by Gu San Sheng's keen senses.

Almost no one knew that he possessed three souls. Even the Azure Emperor was unable to discover this point. However, Gu Sansheng was able to sense some clues. It had to be said that the Three Lives Pupils of his opponent could not be underestimated.

"Let's talk about the future later. For now, let's finish this battle first."

Soon, Lin Yu put away the distracting thoughts in his mind. Against an opponent of Gu San Sheng's level, he couldn't afford to be distracted. A moment of carelessness might mean a crushing defeat.

"Very well, let me see how far you can push me!"

Gu San Sheng's face also became serious. He took a step forward, and his eyes turned gray. A strange light emitted from them as he looked at Lin Yu's eyes.

When their eyes met, Lin Yu felt his body tremble. The light in Gu San Sheng's eyes turned into gray threads that quickly invaded his soul space and entangled his soul.

"Oh? This is the method he used in the elimination round? "

Lin Yu's heart moved, and he instantly reacted.