
The Mugunghwa’s Death

Long Fei, a cultivator of the righteous sects, fought in a war where he had no place. As a result, he began trapped and dark qi seeped into his mind, creating a new, evil alternate version of himself. Will he be able to defeat his alternate self or will he fall to temptations and destroy the world? Only time will tell. Long ver.: In a world torn apart by civil war, a young monk defies his righteous sect and takes up arms to fight alongside the very rebels his order opposes. His devotion to justice and freedom is unshakeable, but fate has other plans for him. In a moment of near-death, he is rescued by a powerful cultivator, only to find himself trapped beneath the earth for a millennium. As the centuries pass, the demonic Qi that surrounds him seeps into his soul, corrupting him from the inside out. Now, he has awoken from his long slumber, but he is no longer the pure-hearted monk he once was. The evil inside him wages a fierce battle against his righteous nature, threatening to consume him completely. Will he be able to resist the temptation of the darkness that surrounds him, or will his newfound power and corrupted soul lead him down a path of destruction? The fate of the world hangs in the balance as this young monk grapples with his inner demons and battles to save his soul. Only time will tell if he will emerge as a hero or a villain in this epic tale of good versus evil.

Rowan_Damisch · Eastern
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11 Chs

The General of the Sky

The echoes of laughter, clinking cups, and boisterous shouts came from the lively tavern. Smoke billowed out from its lone, dilapidated chimney, and the shining windows of its three floors provided glimpses into the bustling atmosphere within.

Upon entering, the ground floor revealed a plethora of tables, surrounded by countless people, all intoxicated by the renowned qi beer. Its potency was said to be so formidable that a mere sip could render an ordinary commoner unconscious. However, this was no concern for the people present, after all, they were all at least 5th stage mortal cultivators.

"Girl, fetch me another mug of beer! Over here!" a voice called out amidst the clamor.

"Of course! Just a moment!"

A young woman, wearing a striking red tunic with short black hair, exclaimed over the rowdy crowd. Swiftly, she dashed toward the counter, a few feet away from the entrance, where the bartender awaited. With efficiency, she gathered three tankards of beer from the attentive barkeep.

Securing the tankards from the aged, well-polished surface, she gracefully traveled through the tavern, maneuvering past occupied tables and individuals engrossed in their conversations, brawls, or sorrows.

As she made her way towards the table that had beckoned her, her foot caught on a loose floorboard.

A small scream escaped her lips as she stumbled forward, struggling to maintain her balance with the burden of the drinks in her hands. Just as she seemed to reach a point of no return a hand from a nearby table clasped her wrist, preventing her fall. Though a few droplets of liquid were spilled, she managed to regain her composure.

After shaking off her confusion, she blinked for a few seconds, then turned her attention to her savior.

"Thank you so much, sir. I am truly grateful," she said, bowing twice in quick succession.

"No problem, young lady. Just be more careful," replied a gruff, seasoned voice.

Looking up at her benefactor's face, she couldn't help but emit a startled yelp, hastily covering her mouth with the tankards.

The man appeared elderly, with deep wrinkles etched across his countenance. Despite not being exceedingly old, she could discern his powerful build from the massive muscles in his exposed arm. However, it was not these traits that had startled her. A colossal scar traversed his face, running from the left corner of his eye to the lower portion of his right lip.

"Apologies, sir. I meant no disrespect. I was simply taken aback," she blurted out, bowing once more, averting her gaze

The old man chuckled, his voice tinged with amusement. "No need to worry, young girl. You may continue on."

"Thank you!" she exclaimed once again, swiftly scurrying away.

The old man chuckled once more and shook his head, diverting his attention back to the table where another person sat across from him. This man appeared younger, bearing an unremarkable visage with short black hair. His clothes were the only part of him which captured people's attention. A black cloak, inscribed with intricate red patterns, oversat a plain red tunic and and on it sat a black crescent moon

"Sky General Ba Tian," the man addressed, "How could you let her off so easily? Her insolence should be met with punishment."

The general glanced over his shoulder at the girl, who now faced the wrath of her boss, the bartender. She lowered her head, clutching a few empty tankards with palpable nervousness.

He shifted his gaze back to the man before him and replied, "It is of no consequence. These commoners do not need further troubles in their lives."

He then directed his attention to the documents the man had retrieved from his attire, exhaling wearily. "So, what is it that you need me to review this time, Lower Demon 5?" The General inquired, adopting a more formal tone as he folded his hand.

"Well General, the Abyssal Recruitment period is drawing to a close. Our disciples have been gathering the remaining individuals from the nearby villages," Lower Demon 5 explained, handing the papers to him. "These documents include the people we have recruited thus far. We require your signature to proceed with the procurement of materials for the upcoming ceremony."

"Ah, is it already that time? It feels like only a few years have passed since the last one," the General mused, "Let's hope there are some good talents this time."

"No, General, it has been approximately 75 years," Lower Demon 5 responded.

The General paused for a moment, contemplating the passage of time, before taking the papers. With a touch of his qi-infused energy, he seamlessly input the required information onto the documents. He then nodded approvingly and returned them.

He waited for him to finish putting his papers back into his cloak. As soon as he did, he took action.

"Now that the formalities are taken care of, let us partake in a drink, grandson!" General Ba Tian exclaimed, grabbing his companion's shoulder, shedding all composure of formalness.

"No, grandfather! Remember what happened last time! You mustn't—" the sentence was abruptly cut off as a tankard of beer was thrust into his mouth. He had no choice but to grab it, unwittingly consuming a gulp before he could protest further.

"When did you even acquire these?!" he exclaimed, his gaze fixed on his grandfather. He sat in disbelief once more, like many times before, at the man who had once been feared as the slayer of over a million righteous cultivators, but now found joy in laughter and the taste of beer.