
The Muggle V Magical situation

In the second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter had hoped for a somewhat peaceful year after surviving the ordeal with the Sorcerer's Stone. However, the tranquility didn't last long as a strange series of events began to unfold. Muggles across the world were beginning to stumble upon evidence of magic. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Aftodelse · Book&Literature
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All coming together

Riddle had a malicious grin, the chilly room's scant light casting an eerie glow on his ashen face. His plan had been carried out flawlessly, playing out as delicately as a finely tuned symphony — each movement masterfully orchestrated, the crescendo of his schemes unfolding flawlessly.

The Weasleys had been his first move, the pawns swiftly taken off the board. The Basilisk then had been his rook, a formidable weapon claimed, adding power to his game. Now, all that was left was the king — the final accomplishment on the horizon, the one that would solidify him as the undefeated champion of this chilling game of mental chess. The creation of a new runic configuration.

The dark wizard's knowledge on ancient runes was vast, and his proficiency unchallenged. His hands swiped over his work table, his long, slender fingers brushing over old parchment, semi-precious gems, and vials bubbling with enchanted inks, finally resting on his most prized possession — an untouched gargantuan slab of obsidian.

It would serve as the canvas for his rune, it's dark surface reflecting his own soul, dense, inscrutable, and inherently unstoppable. His wand slashed through the air. A torrent of symbols, forgotten by time and forbidden by magical law, spiraled from its tip, imprinted intricately on the obsidian's surface. His voice, smooth as fallen velvet, began to chant, eerily echoing in the empty room, each syllable introducing a new layer of ancient spellcraft.

Words, like cryptic charms, tangled with forgotten tongues, melded into a complex symphony of power, inducing an otherworldly energy that crackled around him, manifesting the dark narrative of the runic configuration.

First up was Ignis. The Ignis Rune is an ancient and powerful symbol that embodies the essence of fire and illumination. When etched or drawn, this rune emanates the energy of flames, representing both the physical fire that provides light and warmth and the metaphorical fire of inspiration, transformation, and passion. Its intricate design is reminiscent of flickering flames that dance and weave in unpredictable patterns.

The Ignis Rune consists of intertwining lines that form the shape of stylized flames. The lines are jagged and fluid, capturing the dynamic and ever-changing nature of fire. At the center of the rune, there is often a focal point that resembles a small, concentrated flame, radiating warmth and brilliance.

Upon activation, the Ignis Rune emits a warm, golden light that mimics the intensity and hues of a real fire. It is not a mere imitation, but rather a magical representation of fire's essence. The light it produces is gentle yet powerful, casting a comforting and radiant glow that dispels darkness and reveals hidden truths.

Those who encounter the Ignis Rune can sense its connection to the primal force of fire. It evokes feelings of warmth, protection, and even reverence. Some might see it as a symbol of hope and guidance, leading them through the darkest of times.

In magical applications, the Ignis Rune is often used to create sources of illumination, whether as enchanted torches, lanterns, or even magical firework displays. Its presence can also be invoked to symbolize a connection to the fire element, harnessing its energies for various purposes such as spellcasting, purification rituals, or enhancing one's inner strength and determination.


The hard part about this is that you must fit the rune and the others you plan on applying in the rune circle. If it's out of bound there is a fifty percent chance that it will blow up in your face when activated. And the smaller the rune the less the effect it would have when activated.

But the obsidian was not yet satisfied. Its surface remained eternally hungry. Riddle had more runes to offer, each bringing more power to the canvas. Yet, a small error could lead to unfathomable consequences - one wrong rotation, one misplaced rune, the circle could implode. And even if every rune was meticulously placed, their power depended on their scale.

Thus, in front of the obsidian canvas, a dangerous dance of runes began. Delicate strokes against the cold surface, whispering chants that hung in the freezing air, the gradual building of unknown power, the room thrumming with potent magic — all culminating to the final, deadly moment.

The checkmate to his long-winded game of magical chess. Riddle couldn't help but have a Cheshire grin that marred his frost-kissed face, reflecting the flickering lights of the fireplace. The climax was on the horizon, growing more potent with each stroke of his wand.

Then it was finally done. Now all he had to do was charge it with magic and see if it would blow up in his face. The obsidian canvas glowed a dark green. The runes lit up like a beacon in the night sky.

In that room,all had finally come together; a moment that would've sanctified the heart of any wizard, only this heart danced to a darker symphony. A symphony of defiance, mastery, and power. It was a tapestry that was both beautiful and chilling, much like the chilling view outside the frost-kissed window.

this will be the spark for whats about to happen.

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