
The Most Wanted Lover

Mei Sakura Hakashi, a 23-year-old girl has finally become what she had wanted to be, a Crime Investigator! But she is soon made to handle one of the most dangerous cases as her first case, a murderer on the loose. Sakura and her friend Himiko San sets out to investigate the case when Sakura's mother, Mayumi Hakashi dies tragically. She soon searches for a part-time job which changes her life as she falls in love with a beautiful but unknowingly dangerous man. How would she react if she finds out this man was not who she thought was? Would that love still persist within her soft heart? Read as Sakura engages in a relationship well knowing her life is on the line.

Abel_Thomas_5611 · Urban
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18 Chs


The car suddenly stopped. I quickly ran out to the spot where a crowd had jostled together. Lucas slowly followed behind me.

I pushed my way through the people and discovered a 'do not cross' line. I quickly stepped inside and went near the dead body.

"Himiko... NO NO! IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!" I wailed out.

Few women came upto me and tried to held me out of the place.

"Mam, you are not supposed to be here." they warned.

"NO!! Please...." I cried.

"We are still investigating. Please calm down, we are not sure who this person is. We will inform you the post-mortem report by tomorrow." they said.

"B-BUT I AM AN OFFICER! I have the right to be here and check upon this incident!" I screamed.

"Where is your ID, mam?"

I struggled to move forward while the women held me back strongly.

"I forgot to bring it. I was in a hurry!"

"Sorry, mam. We can't be of any help then."

I gave up. I stopped trying.

"No.... Himiko- I would have never imagined you to end up like this." I sobbed.

"Mam, please leave." the women requested.


Cautiously, they removed their hands from me. I quickly trodded down the marshy area by the lake, my shoes covered in mud.

Lucas was leaning by the car smoking.

"It will take a day for them to get the report." I said to him crying a lot.

"Okay then, let's go." Lucas said throwing the cigarette away and stepping on it.

"Himiko's parents found out about this?" I asked.

"I don't know. Why are you asking me?" he said annoyed.

"Then let's go to her house first."

"I can't waste anymore time for this."

"Don't you have a little bit of shame? You cruel-hearted mafia! YOU KILLED HER!!"

"5 minutes max. That's it. Get in now, bitch."

* * *

I knocked on her door. There was no reply.

I waited for a few minutes before leaving. I quickly checked the windows. There was no one inside. I ran back to the car.

"There's no one in the house." I told Lucas.

"Get in then, we are going back." he replied.

"WHAT! NO!! There's something off about this."

"Yeah, no shit sherlock."

"Did they get informed about that body?!?" I asked confused.

"GOD! What is wrong with you? Get in already, you slut."

" Dare call me that once again-! This is a fucking serious matter." I yelled.

"Oh. So you are yelling at me now." he said calmly.

Lucas got out of the car, removed his suit and stood straight.

"Oh shit, he is so tall." I thought.

"You want me to do it the hard way, don't you?" Lucas said laughing.

He quickly pushed me up and tried to throw me down the car. I resisted.

Suddenly, I felt a hand gripping on my shoulder. I turned around to find a police officer.

"Oh please sir, I am being held hostage by this mafia guy-" I said pointing in his direction without looking.

"Mam, you are being delusional. There's no one there."

I turned around to see Lucas gone.

"Oh fuck that guy...." I thought.

"But please-" I said blowing the last straw.

"Mam, calm down."


"You are under arrest for treason, betrayal of a fellow citizen and involved in the missing of an assistant officer, Himiko."

"WH-WHAT??? I don't understand-"

"You have the right to remain silent." he said.

He took a pair of handcuffs and cuffed me. Slowly, he directed me to a van. I was traumatized and confused at the same time.

* * *

I was enclosed inside the cell.

"How.... I don't get it. Who did-" I thought.

Finally, I accepted the situation and was full of hopelessness.

"Calm down, Sakura. Take a deep breath. Phew. It's alright. Think about the bright side, I won't have to be enslaved by Lucas fucking Beaufort." I calmed myself down.


A female constable came up to me.

"Hey, you. Behave yourself. Now come out. Toru sir is calling you." she scoffed.

"Great, it had to be him out of everyone." I thought.

* * *

"Sakura, Sakura, Sakura HA! I thought you would bring glory to our land! You really had to tear up my hopes." he said disappointed.

"This is a false accusation, sir. I don't understand. Who even complained about this??" I asked.

"Call them in." Toru said pointing to a police.

A door quickly opened and two familiar people flew in.

"Chizuhu San and Toshiko San...." I murmured.

"There she is. Acting all innocent after killing my daughter!" Chizuhu burst with anger.

"W-What are you saying? I was helping to find her for both of you. For us. She is like my sister." I cried out.

"How do you explain this photo of you talking happily to the mafia guy just outside my backyard!" Chizuhu exclaimed handing me a thin sheet.

"T-That's part of the plan! Why else?!? GO CATCH HIM RIGHT NOW! NOT ME!" I screamed.

"Plan, my ass!" her parents cried.

"But the plan didn't mention about having sex with the mafia consigliere." Toru countered.


"I have my ways. Also, you are suspended from the case." Toru continued.

"NO! I have come this far.... You can't-" I shouted.

"I have my all right to do that. You won't see the outside world for another 8 years until or unless someone bails you out in the next 24 hours, which I seriously doubt would happen." Toru ordered.

"Don't you dare remove the protection squads." I pleaded.

"Oh. Thanks for reminding. Well you won't need them anyways since you are going to be in jail. You have the right to obtain a lawyer and we might have to go through trials."

I scoffed.

"Now pull this women away and put her back in the jail." Toru ordered pointing to a constable.

"Hey, listen you old hag. You are making a huge mistake by trusting someone you never knew." I said.

"Listen, trust is something which exists in personal life. In real life, all that matters is proof. Now these photos are proof. Snap out of your fairytale." Toru said in a cruel tone.

"It could have been fabricated." I said back.

"Doesn't matter to me. Now get out."

* * *

I sat there in the corner of the little room weeping. I had lost track of time. They had taken my wallet, watch and everything. But it felt like an eternity. I quickly fell asleep.

Someone quickly opened the lock and woke me up.

"You are free. Someone bailed you out." a police said annoyed.

"Yes of course, Lucas had to. He needs me for his mission." I thought.

I quickly got up, took all my possessions and left the building.

It was very cold outside and was snowing. I was unable to see anything.

Someone lent me a jacket. I turned to see Asahi smiling.

"Get in" he requested.

* * *