
The Most Villainous Player

What will happen when your favorite game is dying? Will you feel frustrated? Angry? Sad? Clay Boare is one of the passionate player of the popular Nexus Fantasy, a VRMMORPG that is played by almost 6 billion people worldwide. Clay is the no. 1 in all of the game history, he spends almost his earnings in the game and plays it nonstop. It's not just a pastime for him, he treats it as his second life. But that's all in the past. The game will shutdown after running for almost three decades. Feeling sad and empty inside, he didn't stop playing. Spending the game's last moment in the Temple of Creation, he accepted that he can't do anything and watch as the clock ticks nearing the worldwide shutdown of the game. But what he expected to be the end is merely the beginning! As the clock goes past the countdown, all players of the game got transported in a world where strong rules over the weak with their game abilities intact! Unexpectedly, Clay or rather Diabolus with his other guildmates got a privilege that no other people have... Along with their headquarters, all of their items also transmigrated! With their vast amount of power and possessions they will rule and dominate enemies that stood against them!

Nomobu · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Death Supremacist

I was miserable, pathetic, and weak. I hated myself.

All of what I did will be like rejected by the world itself. Nothing will go my way. Even now the game I loved and cherished for the past few years will shutdown!

I forgot to say this but I'm an evil fanatic. I'm obsessed with the word 'evil.' I like to be the bad guy, I like to be the villain.

But when I'm in middle school, my viewpoint change because I got bullied.

It didn't stop there. Every single day, I got verbal abuse as well as beatings. When the day ends, I'm basically worn out as a rag.

That nightmare continued until I'm in my high school.

'Is this what it meant to be evil?' Every morals in my mind questioned me.

'This is not evil, this is downright trash.'

'Well, being evil is being a garbage right? Is this because I'm weak?'

'I can't be the evil if I'm weak.'

'Then what are they? Are they evil?'

'No, that's wrong. They're the stepping stone in becoming the evil.'

'Is this the path in becoming evil?'

'I don't have a chance.'

'This is not fair at all.'

I thought hard and long but can only wish that equality are present at the world.

I strived to be strong but it just won't work out. My body is as fat as a boar. Just a few workouts and it's like my whole body would lose it's soul. Every time I did something, much worse problem comes out. So I stop doing anything altogether and endured the beatings I got everyday.

Then Nexus Fantasy comes out. That game saved my life. I poured everything in the game like my life depended on it.

That's where my wish can become true after all. The impossible wish that only comes true when I play this game.

'And now...'

I can't accept it.

I grit my teeth and took my VR helmet. I put it on and lay on my bed. I turned on the helmet and soon my vision grew dark.

After a few moments, a selection screen appeared before me. I look for Nexus Fantasy and clicked on it, soon my vision grew dark again.

[Welcome back, Diabolus!]

[Sequence starting...]

[Fate smiles upon you!]


A grasslands came to view.

In the corner of my vision, I saw a timer.

[Remaining Time]


'Only two hours left, huh?'

There are no players to be seen. In the past, these view is filled with players chatting and talking with each other as they walk or rest while admiring the scenery.

All of the players left Nexus Fantasy as it's a dying game.

'Sigh... It's really the end.'

I sit and admired the view.

It's beautiful. It can be mistaken as reality.

However, what's the use of beauty when it's nothing more than that.

[Remaining Time]


'One hour left and I-I...'

All of this will crumble. My avatar that I cherished so much will be gone. This paradise to escape from the sad reality; where I can do whatever I want will crumble away...

My shoulders shuddered violently, and the true feelings that had been building up all this time suddenly gushed out. "Don't fuck with me!" I roared, pounding the ground with both of my fists.

"How can I easily give this up?! This is where I look forward to everyday! Even if the life is harsh, but now this will be taken as well?"

'I refuse!' I rejected with all my might.

I breathe heavily for a while. A moment later I stand up and put a portal destined to the Temple of Creation.

"There's no point dwelling on it, I know that this game's era is..." I didn't continue, rather I can't. I can't accept it.

I walked through the portal and emerged inside the Temple of Creation. I'm currently on the 9th floor where the shrine is located. This is our guild "The Pandemonium" headquarters.


"The preparations are complete, would you like to proceed to second phase?" An old man said to the figure at the front of him.

"Go, you have my permission. Also, launch the modifier while at it, those past gods didn't make full use of everything. I'll make their work clean." The figure replied.

"As you wish—" Before the man can continue the figure interrupted him.

"Wait... did you feel that? It's..." The figure finally turned around. It's a woman with a long, smooth lustrous black hair. Her left eye are colored white while the right eye are black. Her skin is smooth as silk. Her height is around 180 cm. All of her features are seductive, even the old man before her gulped.

"W-what is, Lady Iris?"

"It's the... no... nevermind. Go finish the task at hand." She sit at the sole chair in the room.

"...Certainly." The old man said with a pause. He wondered what his Lady Iris will say but bowed and left anyway.

After the door closed, the woman, Iris furrowed her brow. Earlier, she felt a shiver run down her spine. Even her hairs are standing at it's end.

"Is this a good idea? I wonder what will happen..." Iris muttered.