
23. The Stranger

I came down the main staircase in my evening gown. Father and the rest of my siblings were out at a play tonight; I stay home because I felt faint earlier. It wasn't particularly late out, only five o'clock or so. Not late by evening standards but far too late for visitors. This is why I was so surprised when our manservant, Jennings, looked rather anxious as he exited the drawing room. His eyes rolled to me in a worried fashion. I had planned to spend the night reading Mary Shelley's new novel, but as it would so happen things would….. turn out differently for me.

Jennings left the parlour and gazed my way uneasily. Immediately sensing this but unsure what was wrong, I smiled warmly at him anyway, fixing my hair as I descended the last stair steps. "Evening, Jennings." "Evening, Miss. Um, you have….. a visitor waiting in the drawing room," he hesitated with this last part. I blinked in surprise. "What? This late?" "He wishes to speak to you, Miss." "Oh! Oh, ok, uh….. Does Father…?" "No, Miss; he departed shortly before he arrived." He? It's a man, then. Realizing that it might be Lord Hastings come for a brief chat- probably to apologize for that fight we had- I instantly perked up. "Of course. Um please, lead the way," was my next issue. Jennings gave a head nod and guided me to the drawing room. "Miss Daphne Bridgerton," he announced my arrival before I set foot in the room. I entered, expecting to find the duke inside.

Only it was not the duke.

My feet stopped on their own accord the first time I saw him. I instantly knew that I'd never met the fellow before, but there was something about him. He had a familiar sort of face, though I couldn't put my finger on where I might have seen it before. Obviously English; he dressed like a dandy. I knew from first sight that this was not Prince Frederick, who was supposed to wait for a formal introduction anyway. I didn't know who he might be, although he was very good looking. Young- I'd say in his early to mid-twenties, and such piercing eyes. He had this sort of aura about him; an air of worldly experience one might say. He seemed beyond his years, if that made sense. And that face….. That face….. He was nothing like Lord Hastings, but there was still something enticing about him. Hardly enough to tempt me, but I could see why others might be drawn to him.

I came into the room silence for a second. Then my back suddenly arched as Jennings slammed the doors shut. I looked behind me at them, and the stranger turned his head to face me. He saw me and his eyes immediately lit up. "Ah! Miss Bridgerton, I presume? We meet at last," he had the audacity to stick his hand out for a shake. I was very reluctant to take it, all of a sudden feeling as if I was doing something wrong. When I hesitated, he chuckled. "There's nothing to be afraid of, my dear. I don't bite…. Unless you want me to," his face leaned in a bit closer at these words. My cheeks flushed and I instinctively leaned backward, clasping my hands tightly together in front of me.

"F-Forgive me, sir, but…. I do not know your name," my womanly training kicked into automatic gear; I was hardly aware of the words escaping my lips. His eyebrow lifted up in a mischievous way. "You don't know who I am?" This was put forward as both a question and statement, catching me off guard. "U-Uh well…. Um… Have you left a calling card, sir?" He waved his hand in the air dismissively. "Bah, I never carry calling cards. Waste of good parchment, if you ask me. Quite an old-fashioned idea to my way of thinking." So that's a "no" then? Fantastic. It would be rude of me to ask him his name outright, which is why we have calling cards to begin with. Just who was this guy anyway and how did he know my name? My spine stiffened as he flashed me another seductive grin- seductive on his account.

It was clear he liked what he saw…. when he looked at me.

"But I'd be much obliged to have one of YOUR calling cards, my lady," his tongue ran along his top teeth as he said this. My back visibly arched in horror. Oh no….. Nope! If I gave him one of my cards, it would be akin to giving him my consent to call on me, or god forbid start courting me. Under any circumstances can I not give him one of my cards! I'm already engaged to a duke…. I mean a prince! This cannot happen! My brain's defence mechanisms went into overdrive again.

"Uh…. Um…. Sir! Sir, the man of the house is presently out so I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to…" "Mmmmm? Oh, I know; I waited until you were home alone to call on you," he declared like it was the most natural thing in the world. I don't think my stomach as ever sunk that fast before. While I stared at him in complete terror, he amused himself by scanning about the room, playing with little trinkets laying around. "Yes, I wanted to wait so I could speak to you in private. I had this notion that your family might be against my visit, and seeing as you never returned my letter, I thought it best to come in person." "Letter? What letter?" My lips quivered, still in shock. He chuckled, giving his beautiful head a little shake. "Precisely."

A pregnant pause fell over us. I continued to watch as he fiddled about the room; he seemed quite at home and relaxed for his part. And that cheeky grin of his never left his face. I mean yes, the man was quite attractive but obviously very conceited. I had no idea how to communicate with this stranger, which worked out well for him as it allowed him to lead the conversation… And he always led it to places he wanted it to go. "Rather nice place you got here. Have you lived here long?" He hummed casually. That's when I finally summoned up the courage- and physical strength- to have a bit of a backbone. I frowned and flung my arms angrily down at my sides.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave at once!" "Why?" Why? WHY?! Why this little….! This made me all the more annoyed. "We're not supposed to speak to each other without a formal introduction! You may know my name, but it's incredibly ill-mannered to visit a lady before she even knows your name." His smile just then…. "Ah, well you can call me George." "I most certainly will not! I can't believe you would even suggest such a thing!" I didn't mean to say that last part out loud. "Why not? George is my name, after all, and I'm sure it would sound so lovely coming from those lips," he cooed, taking a step nearer to me. I, in turn, took an instant step backward towards the door. My heart was racing, and not in a good way; not like when Lord Hastings…..

My frown was so wide and determined by now, it would be impossible to miss it's meaning. "Sir, this is entirely inappropriate! I still don't know your family name and there's no escort present!" "Relax; that butler of yours is close outside the doors, to be sure," this guy was just too casual- it infuriated me. "That doesn't matter! You must leave immediately! My fianc-…. My father wouldn't approve of this im-prompt-to meeting! I have no desire to carry this discussion any further," I would have stomped my foot on the ground if I wasn't a lady.

The stranger watched me for a second, studying my posture. He dug his hands into his pockets and chuckled again. It was my turn to observe him as he nonchalantly made his way to the door. His shoulder was so near mine so to almost brush up against it as he passed. He stopped mere feet away from me, cementing his soft gaze into mine. His grin never faltered…. "I had a feeling you might be this way….. Ah well, it was a pleasure to meet you all the same. Here," his hand reached down deep into his coat pocket to grab something. He pulled out an envelope and held it out for me. My eyes peered down at it suspiciously. When I failed to take it, he pushed it closer through the air towards my folded hands.

"Now you may see why wanted to hand-deliver this to you…. alone." "W-What is it?" "Something I wish you to pass onto a mutual acquaintance. I'm about to flee the country myself soon and don't have time to find them beforehand." "Find who?" I took the envelop; it had an odd seal I'd never seen before on it. But I knew it was a royal seal… For his part, the stranger merely smiled with tenderness. "You know. I've managed to obtain their pardon from the Regent, who's been asked by the queen herself as well. He says they're welcomed back at court whenever they please." "The Regent?! This is the Prince Regent's royal stamp?!" I gasped beyond shocked. He chuckled yet again, nodding his head gently. "It wasn't that hard to get. The Regent and I share a great many tastes. Good food, fine wine, pleasing aesthetics… and beautiful women," he tacked on, leaning in nearer to me. A drop of nervous sweat rolled down the back of my neck. I was still so confused…. Whoever he was, this man evidently had some real and powerful connections in high society….. and he came to hand-deliver me a letter signed by the queen's son. But why? Why would someone I've never met before go through all this effort for a girl he doesn't know? And who's the letter even for?

I don't think I've gasped louder in my life as his slender white fingers lifted up to caress my cheek. My face turned ghost white as I stumbled backwards in an attempt to get away from him. This, of course, made him chuckle to himself again and his hand retreated back to his pocket. "So pure….. so perfect. No, I'm not surprised you don't know me; how could you? It's no great surprise…. But I won't forget you, and if fortune is in my favour, we might meet again someday…. Before I leave for Europe, that is." "W-Who's the letter for?" I asked in very hushed, timid tone. He took a single step near to me; his eyes making mine lock onto his. "Like music…. on the waters is thy sweet voice to me." "Huh?" I blinked confused. He chuckled for the last time, shaking his head. Only then did he finally turn to head for the door. The stranger only paused for a second, glancing over his shoulder at me.

"Give Mary my warmest salutations in your next letter."