
The Most OP'est Human? (Nier Automata Fanfic)

A man in his mid 20's, wakes up thousands of years later, to a world that is at war between Androids and Machines. What he doesn't know was that a certain virus was put to slumber along with him. Will he survive in this new world or will he perish, just like his predecessors. *Warning - The story is a little bit dark in the first few chapters, to build up the world. It’ll get lighter in the later chapters.* Also, this is fanfiction so there will be some logic or information, etc. that will not be followed exactly to that of the canon. Damn yoko taro with his complicated lore spanning multiple games! Also also, spoilers! You've been warned. Updates would be erratic, meaning I will upload when I feel like writing. So that's that. My other fanfic would be on hold until I get the energy to continue that. I was cringing the whole time rereading it T_T and felt like rewriting it all. Gosh, it was embarrassing rereading it lol. Welp, at least this would be somewhat decent........I hope(─.─||) This is a work of fiction, I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content or plot or story and whatnot, except my original characters. The cover picture is not mine, got it from uhdpaper.com

Aldunhokoron · Video Games
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13 Chs

Chapter 10 *R-18*

Warning! Don't read this chapter if you are under 18 and it is not for the faint of heart. Gore and Death ahead. Read at your own risk.


*9A's pov*

No no no! This can't be happening! Not 12B! Although we had backed up our memories back on bunker before the mission but with the machines' interference, our current memories won't be transferred back! The time we spent together, the feelings we shared, all of it won't be sent back. The 'Us' now will be dead for good! We should've backed up our memories when we were resting! Damn it! We let our guard down thinking the mission is going to end!! These damn MACHINES! I WILL KILL THEM! I WILL KILL THEM ALL!

*End of 9A's pov*

Androids rarely back up their data mid-mission. They don't just 'quick save' every chance they get as most don't really care about dying since they think they will be the same person since they have backed up their data before the mission. They only do so mid-mission if they have crucial information that needs to be relayed by showing their memories instead of just contacting their operator and telling them about it.

Some don't think that way, such as 2B, as the current 'you' and the 'you' before are two different people. For example, the current 5B now knows that she could ask for help if needed from her Captain and her worries were abated. The past 5B doesn't, so she will still keep her worries and insecurities to herself and perhaps jeopardize whatever mission she does in the future because she doesn't have the right state of mind.

The past 9A might not confront about 5B's insecurities and worries since she would either not find the right time or be busy with something else and so on.

"RAGHHHHHH YOU FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT! I WILL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!!!!!" screamed 9A hysterically as she started to recklessly kill and destroy any and all machines she sees. Her clothes were shredded with each damage to her. Chunks of her body were missing due to being hit by the projectiles from the enemies' fliers and gouged out by the bipeds. Her innards were sticking out of her body as she went full berserk ignoring the pain.

"Captain!" shouted 5B as she saw her captain's state. She too was on her last leg as she tried her best to fight back. Her left hand was broken and her whole body has either burn marks or missing flesh. At this point, the Pods of both of them were also destroyed by the enemy.


Suddenly 9A was blasted back towards 5B by a goliath biped which is twice the size of the medium-sized biped. It has long legs with a bulky body and with huge arms which it used to send 9A flying back.

"Captain!" 5B tried to rush towards 9A disregarding any damage she would receive from the machines. To her surprise, the machines stopped their onslaught and just stood around them, watching them as if amused at their pointless struggle.

"Captain....I...what should we do?" asked 5B tearfully as she held 9A in her embrace.

"5....B.....*cough*....there's only....*cough*......one other way.......*wheeze*......we....take them.....down....with us," spoke 9A with difficulty as her body is beyond repairable with her limbs twisting unnaturally outwards with one of them nearly hanging on to her body.

"Un!" replied 5B with a determined nod as she wiped away her tears and took out her power source, the black box or fusion cores. 5B helped 9A to take out her black box as well as they both looked at each other and then at the machines one last time before touching each black box together.

"It was an honor to fight with you, Captain," said 5B with a smile as tears drop down from her eyes. The visors of both of them had already been destroyed during the fight.

"You.....too.....5..B," replied 9A as both of them were engulfed in a bright light expanding from the black boxes. Everything within 0.5 miles radius was turned to dust due to the explosion, leaving nothing but a huge crater behind.

***************************** End of R-18

"Have you managed to contact the escort teams yet?" asked Commander White to an operator on the holographic screen.

"No, commander, but judging from the seismic readings, I fear they may have detonated their black boxes," reported the operator with a sad tone behind her serious voice.

"Did they manage to upload their memories?" asked Commander White with a hopeful tone.

"Unfortunately not, Commander. The enemy interference prevented them from doing so," replied the operator.

"I see," replied Commander White as she closed her eyes and went silent for a while, "I want all three teams equipped with heavy armor and sent back down as soon as they are able. Sent two more as a backup. Those supplies must reach here no matter what!" Commander White continued with a heavy tone.

"Understood, Commander," replied the operator as the hologram closes.

"Why did the machines decide to suddenly become much more aggressive? And how did they manage to find out about the route that the supply team was going to take? Is it because of that back door? Are we already compromised?" Commander White muttered to herself as she watched various androids building up tents and patrolling and whatnot in the surrounding.

She had finally arrived at the entrance of the facility, along with sizeable support androids and combat androids to build a mini base at the entrance so that when Azriel comes out, he could take a rest at the newly built bed.

At first, she decided to escort Azriel to the nearby resistance base and then fortify it before sending him back to bunker. But with the recent aggression from the machines, she decided to just build a temporary mini base here before moving Azriel anywhere else. She also decided not to bring him back to the bunker as well as she figured that the bunker is already compromised and would likely blow up sooner or later.

"Commander, the command center is now ready to be used," reported one of the support androids to her.

"Thank you, but I will stay here to welcome Sir Azriel as soon as he exits the facility. Make sure the perimeter is safe and defenses are in place," replied Commander White.

"Understood, Commander, I will make sure no harm would come to Sir Azriel," replied the support android with a bow and left to do as instructed.

'I hope everything goes well,' thought Commander White as she continued to stand at the entrance of the facility.


"We're almost to the entrance," reported 2B.

"Finally, I thought these hallways would never end," Azriel complained.

"I had the same thought when we first came in," chuckled 9S. He then gave Azriel a worried look and asked "Sir, are you sure you are ok?"

"Yes, I'm totally fine 9S, don't worry. I can breathe just fine. Though it would be a lot better if I could get some fresh air but yes, I am fine," Azriel replied nonchalantly.

"*sigh* We will have to make a comprehensive check-up just to be sure once we reached the surface. I'm sure the Commander already set up a base," (9S)

2B just listened closely as she led the way from the front. As her high heels klick klack across the hallway.

"I will get one after I get something to eat, been getting really hungry for a while now," Azriel replied while holding his stomach.

"Ah, may I ask what kind of sustenance does humans take?" asked 9S politely.

"You don't have to be so polite and formal 9S, you too 2B, just call me Azriel or Az if you like, and how do you not know what humans eat?" asked Azriel with a raised eyebrow.

"Then, then, you can call me Nines as well instead of 9S," 9S replied energetically before continuing with a shy smile "Umm, we don't really know much about humans actually, all we know are a few tidbits from the Council and Commander."

"Ohh, Nines, that's a cool nickname, also, what? Why do you guys not know anything about humans? What the hell? Do you guys not interact with the people on the moon? Why the hell do they not give you guys basic knowledge of us. What are they even doing?" came an exasperated reply from Azriel.

"Thank you!" 9S was over the moon as Azriel thought his nickname was cool. His joy was brought down by the next series of questions.

"I...I do not know as well, the Council only contacted us when there was a mission or announcement," (9S)

"Wooow, here you guys are, fighting at the frontline and they didn't even have the decency to give you guys basic knowledge of us? What a bunch of stuck-up idiots are they?! I can't believe this, did they only think of you guys as weapons and decided not to bother with anything else? Well now that I'm here, I'll make sure to change that," Azriel commented angrily.

2B and 9S couldn't help but feel happiness well up from within as their admiration for Azriel grew stronger.

I haven't proofread this one yet, I'm too sleepy to do it. Let me know if you find any mistakes.

Aldunhokoroncreators' thoughts