
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Wenhui 5

Changsun Jinghong stroked his long beard and looked at Li Chenan with a gratified smile.

All around his ears were the applause of those teenagers, as well as their excited roars!

He doesn't know much about poetry and articles, but he knows that all the applause is for Li Chen'an!

Those excited shouts are the expression of their inner turbulence, and they are their heartfelt actions of worshiping Li Chen'an!

From this point of view, Li Chenan's victory tonight is already set.

Of course, even if he lost, it would be fine.

But he can win, of course the best.

Li Chen'an didn't raise his head amidst the warm applause. This child's temperament is very stable and very good, so that he can cope with the twists and turns and ups and downs in the future.

Changsun Jinghong didn't look any further.

Because he still has something to do.

He turned around, squeezed out of the crowd, and walked out of the gate of the literary world. The applause behind him gradually diminished, and then fell silent.

Only the night rain is still falling.

He passed Wenchang Temple, thought for a while, and went in again.

Of course he would not go to worship Emperor Wenchang.

He came to the small cottage where Wei San lived...

There is an osmanthus tree next to the small thatched cottage.

On the sweet-scented osmanthus tree hung a wind lamp of death, and also hung Wei San's corpse!

He killed himself!

Changsun Jinghong frowned, he looked at the corpse, and then walked into the small hut.

There is only a bed, a small table, and a small stool inside.

A lamp was burning on the table.

There is a piece of paper next to the lamp.

Of course the paper is not blank.

two lines on paper

"Everything in the world is destined like a chess game."

"If you look for the source, go to Yunshan Mountain!"

Changsun Jinghong kept looking at these two lines for a long time, then lit the piece of paper with a candle on the table.

Ashes follow the wind.

He walked out of the small thatched hut, looked at Wei San hanging on the tree, then turned and walked towards the Imperial City Secretary.



The applause in the literary world has stopped.

But the atmosphere in Zaidaolou became more and more dignified——

Although I don't know what Li Chenan's poem is like, but this applause is enough to show that the poem is good and has been recognized by tens of thousands of students!

The flowers on Emperor Ning's face bloomed again.

But he pretended to be indifferent.

"Well, since he has started to write the second poem... you go down and fetch me his second poem!"

"The servant obeys!"

However, the little eunuch didn't get up.

He hesitated for a moment before he said again, "Your Majesty, this servant is by Mr. Li's side. I heard him say a few words in a low voice."

Ning Huang stroked his short beard, "Oh...? What did he say?"

"He said, he said this shit is really troublesome."

"He also said that he doesn't know how many songs you need, Your Majesty."

"There are sixteen people on the other side, so I'll just make sixteen!"

Ning Huang was not the only one who was stunned by this guy.

The laid-back Concubine Li Gui beside Emperor Ning also raised her head at this time, and opened her mouth in surprise.

When Ji Tai heard this sentence, he seemed to be in a dream——

How can this be?

He, Ji Tai, is also the No. 2 in the list of serious children. Although what he has done has brought disaster to the country and the people, his poems and essays are still excellent.

He wondered if he had auditory hallucinations, because no one in the world could compose sixteen poems without thinking!

Unless he is really a star of Wenqu.

At this moment, there was another sound of climbing the stairs.

More urgent than before, like a war hammer hitting everyone's tense heartstrings.

Obviously, the little eunuch who came up knew the emperor's expectation, so he lost his sense of proportion.

Sure enough, the little eunuch hurried over with a piece of paper in both hands.

"Your Majesty... Mr. Li's first poem is here!"

Emperor Ning was overjoyed, and waved his hand, "Bring it to me!"

Chang Zuoqing, the royal father-in-law standing beside him, hurried down, took the paper from the little eunuch, and bowed to present it in front of the emperor.

Ning Huang sat on the dragon chair and took the paper.

He took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, and his eyes fell on this piece of paper.

Everyone's eyes also fell on his face at this moment.

Suddenly Ning Huang's eyes lit up, and then...the bright light gradually went out!

A look of sadness gradually appeared on his face!

As time passed, the sadness on his face became more and more intense.

He suddenly raised his head, but instead of looking at his courtiers, he looked at the dome of Zaidaolou.

He closed his eyes, as if trying to control the sadness in his heart.

Hua Manting was extremely disturbed.

Little brother Li Chenan, what kind of poem did he write that made the emperor want to cry?

The rest of the people were also stirred up in their hearts at this moment. To make this emperor who had practiced Taoism for more than ten years and no longer cared about world affairs lose his composure, what exactly did Li Chenan write in this poem that touched the emperor's already dead heart?

The crown prince, the second prince, and all the concubines and princesses who were sitting on the left and right of the emperor, except Concubine Li, all held their breath at this time, with uneasy expressions in their eyes.

Concubine Li looked down, but there was still no expression on her face.

At this moment, Ning Huang suddenly stood up again.

He still held the paper in his hand.

His eyes slowly scanned the people below, his eyes were a little empty, and Ji Tai who was approaching even felt that the sockets of the emperor's eyes were still a little red.

"I... I and Empress Lu are childhood sweethearts."

"I thought that in this lifetime, I would be able to stay with Empress Lu for the rest of my life."

"In a blink of an eye, goodbye, twenty years have passed."

"In the past twenty years, Empress Lu has often entered my dreams...she is still as beautiful and virtuous as before."

"Last night, Empress Lu fell into my dream again. When I woke up today, I... miss her more and more."

"Mid-autumn night, when all families are reunited, but Empress Lu and I are separated from each other!"

"So, I came up with such a topic, hoping to have such a poem, which can express my thoughts on Empress Lu."

He raised the piece of paper in his hand, and his expression was much more relaxed than before.

"This poem by Li Chen'an... has been written in my heart!"

"I will recite this word. I hope that my Empress Lu can hear it...and know my heart!"

He holds the paper in both hands.

A light piece of paper seemed to be heavy because of the poem written on it, so that his hands trembled slightly.

Everyone pricked up their ears, and they all wanted to know what kind of poem Li Chenan wrote, which could allow the emperor to express his condolences to Empress Lu.

"This word is called "Jiangchengzi"!"

Ning Huang's voice was suddenly high-pitched, his dragon body shook, and he chanted affectionately

"Ten years of life and death are boundless,

Don't think about it, never forget it.

A lonely grave for thousands of miles... There is nowhere to say desolation.

Even if you don't know each other when you meet,

His face was covered with dust... his temples were like frost. "

His face was sad again, his voice became extremely low, his eyes were filled with tears, and the dragon robe on his body was trembling uncontrollably.

And those people here at this moment, after hearing the first half of the que recited by the emperor affectionately, they suddenly felt a sense of sadness in their hearts.

Like this autumn wind and night rain.

Like being in the autumn wind and night rain.

"When you come at night, you dream and suddenly return home,

Xiaoxuan window is dressing up.

There is no words to look at each other, only a thousand lines of tears.

It is expected that the heart will be broken every year,

Moonlit night...short Songgang! "

After Ning Huang chanted, he slowly put down his hand, and the tears in his eyes finally flowed down uncontrollably.

His voice seemed to be still echoing in this empty hall, and everyone's minds were blank at the moment.

Because... this poem has exhausted all the emperor's thoughts about Empress Lu!

As soon as this word came out, Li Chenan's victory was decided.

This word not only fits the title, it also expresses mourning and mourning to the fullest...even if someone else hears it, they can't help but shed tears.

The atmosphere here is extremely sad.

Suddenly there was a flood of applause from outside.

A little eunuch rushed over, but he didn't see the sadness on the emperor's face at this moment.

He knelt down on the ground with a thud, "Your Majesty, Li Chenan's second poem... Please take a look at it!"