
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

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Li Chenan turned his head, and a look of joy suddenly appeared on his face.

He also leaned over, and sincerely said to Yang Sixian, "To tell the truth, Mr. Yang, I also just arrived at Zhuyu Xiaozhu, and I just got this task just now."

"You don't know, when I got this task, I was so worried!"

"This is clearly the chief rudder's great trust in me, Li Chen'an! Of course I have to fulfill this task with my duty, and hand in the most perfect answer sheet to the chief rudder!"

Li Chenan sighed deeply, "But the money allocated by the chief rudder has not yet arrived, and I... you probably know that I used to be a little scholar, and I didn't understand people in the world at all, let alone Say I know you."

"So I'm really worried!"

"I'm afraid that the transfer order document from the Ministry of Officials came too early, and I don't have anyone in my hand, so let that Liu Zhuo run away!"

"This is a great crime! Even if I, Li Chen'an, commit suicide, I can't live up to the trust of the superior!"

"Old Yang, you are sending charcoal in a timely manner! The boy believes that the people that Elder Yang mobilized must be masters, and he can easily kill a small civil servant."

"This is the blessing that the boy entrusted to you, Mr. Yang. It was originally your credit... After the task is completed, when the boy returns to life, write it all down!"

Yang Sixian laughed, and pointed at Li Chenan, "Sensible! Sure enough!"

"But..." He changed the subject again, "This old man is already old, and he doesn't need such credits when he's old."

"You are still young, and there is still a long way to go in the future, you need this credit even more!"

"So in the return document, you don't need to mention this old man!"

"It's not that the old man and you are modest and polite, but that the old man hopes that you can grow up as soon as possible, go to the capital earlier, and enter the core circle of the Ichthyosaur Society earlier!"

Yang Sixian was extremely sincere when he said these words. If someone who didn't know heard it, he would think that this was the old generation's support for the newcomers, but Li Chen'an instantly understood what he meant——

He didn't want to have anything to do with killing Liu Zhuo!

It is a bold guess that this Yang Sixian must know that Liu Zhuo's transfer to Shuzhou is the layout of Zhongli Mansion.

He didn't want to provoke Zhongli Mansion, so he gave up the credit, put the pot on his back, and kept Yang Sixian out of the matter.

"I'm ashamed of this... boy!"

Yang Sixian waved his hand, "Although I am older than you by many years, I felt very kind before I saw you. Now that I see you, I feel even more familiar!"

"This old man understands that such a noble Confucian as Mr. Hua is willing to call you a brother..."

He turned sideways and knocked on the table, "This is not just Mr. Li's poems and essays! This is Mr. Li's sophisticated way of dealing with people!"

"Mr. Yang has won the award. The boy doesn't know how to behave in the world, but he just does what he wants!"

Yang Sixian laughed loudly, "What a good one! What comes naturally is flawless, and what happens naturally is flawless!"

"Brother, this is the highest state of being a human being. How many people in the world can understand this truth?"

"Things with too much ingenuity,"

He picked up the teacup and took a sip, "If you carve deliberately, you won't be able to produce a high-quality product, but it's the rough jade that can be priceless!"

"This man, that's what he is. There are many things, but you can't get what you want, and you can go straight to Qingyun if you follow your heart!"

"It's good to be a fish and a dragon. Although I don't know how to tell fortunes, I still believe that Mr. Li will meet Prime Minister Ji one day!"

The two flattered each other, and Wu Xichen who was on the side was listening while drinking, and would glance at Li Chenan from time to time, feeling a little weird in his heart.

This kid is really a genius.

He was able to talk with the old man about those unnutritious things.

He definitely wouldn't kill Liu Zhuo, but what method would he use to fool the old man's eyes?

The assassin was the old man's man.

The location of the assassination was also chosen by the old man.

Even the time of the assassination is difficult to change, because Liu Zhuo set off for Shuzhou and boarded the boat at Linfengdu, this time is also fixed.

Could it be that he will let the old man take action to kill all the killers that the old man brought?

This is the worst method.

Although Liu Zhuo's life could be saved, the task that fell on him was not completed.

This trip to Shuzhou is a long way away, so the Ichthyosaur Society will definitely be in another place, and other people will kill Liu Zhuo again.

The best way is of course to make the old man think that Liu Zhuo was really killed, so that Liu Zhuo could arrive in Shuzhou quietly.

This matter... is very tricky!

Let's see how this kid will respond.

Ye Po brought Huapingchun from the tavern under the banyan tree, and Wen Huan brought the best table noodles from Shiheju.

Li Chenan invited everyone to the table, and Yang Sixian sat at the head.

He is not interested in the exquisite table, because these things are simply not comparable to the delicacies of Juxiange in Kyoto.

His interest was in the jar of wine.

When Li Chenan patted the mud seal open, and the moment the aroma of wine wafted out, Yang Sixian's old eyes lit up.

He stretched out his hand and hugged the wine jar, moved to the mouth of the jar and took a deep breath, "Good wine!"

"I've heard in the capital that Mr. Li's Huapingchun is far superior to Ruilu. At first I was a bit skeptical, but now I know that it really lives up to its reputation!"

"Change the bowl and pour the wine!"

Li Chenan filled a bowl of wine for him.

Holding the wine bowl, Yang Sixian took a big sip. As the strong aroma of the wine lingered in his mouth, and as the sip of wine burned all the way into his throat, his complexion became more and more excited.

"Good wine!"

"The best wine in the world!"

He looked at Li Chenan, "This old man has traveled all over the world in his life, whether it's Ruilu from Ningguo, Xiangquan from Yueguo, or Qiongsu from Wuguo, none of them can compare with your painting screen spring." Compare them!"

He picked up the wine bowl and took another sip. This time he sipped it for a long time, and he swallowed it slowly after ten breaths, with an extremely refreshed look on his face.

"Young Master Li amazes the old man!"

"After the task is completed this time, please also ask Mr. Li to bring this Huapingchun to the old man for two jars... It's not that the old man wants to drink this wine, but that the old man should think about it. I should invite Prime Minister Ji to taste such a good wine."

After saying this, he looked at Li Chen'an meaningfully again, "Although Prime Minister Ji appreciates Mr. Li's three poems very much, Prime Minister Ji admires practical people even more!"

Li Chenan cupped his hands immediately, "Boy, thank you, Mr. Yang, for your love!"

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Yang, the production of this Huapingchun is extremely limited. My boy, let the tavern no longer sell this Huapingchun these days, so we have to keep it no matter what."

"Swords are given to heroes, pink powder is given to beauties, this fine wine...of course it should be given to those who can really appreciate it!"

Yang Sixian stroked his long beard and laughed loudly, but suddenly changed the topic after a while

"The old man heard that Liu Zhuo is Hua Manting's favorite student."

"The old man also heard that Liu Zhuo has a very close relationship with you."

He suppressed his smile, and his eyes fell on Li Chenan's face. After a while, he looked away and picked up the wine bowl again, and asked casually

"Liu Zhuo died, you will be safe at the meeting of fish and dragons."

"Then Mr. Li thinks he is dead... or not?"