
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

tricky task

The moon is shining brightly.

There are bursts of frogs.

The light of the lantern was dim red, the night breeze entered the window, and the lights flickered. Li Chenan listened to the sound of frogs and looked at the shadowy vegetation outside the window, his heart was filled with tranquility.

There is a faint zhenqi flowing slowly in the body.

Just like a gurgling brook, although its momentum is weak, it trickles continuously.

The master said that it will continue to grow by itself, but it is restricted by only learning those four movements, so...it can only be a stream.

Put the little yellow book on the table, turn it left and right, the patterns are still clear, but I still don't understand how to practice the fifth movement.

So, he put away the little yellow book and simply came to the yard.

Looking up at the moon, he naturally thought of Zhongli Ruoshui who was far away in the capital.

Did she get that letter?

I'm afraid she has also heard about the fact that she has become the helmsman of the Fish and Dragon Club.

How would she feel about it?

Li Chenan was startled suddenly, only to realize that he really cared about Zhongli Ruoshui, otherwise, how could he care about her opinion.

He suddenly smiled, thinking that if Zhongli Ruoshui had objected to this, he would have sent a letter to inform him.

Walking a few steps between the courtyards, I thought about the troubles I might face when I went to Kyoto, and felt that I had no idea about this matter for the time being, because my current identity was very contradictory, so I couldn't judge who would be unfavorable to me.

Judging from the master's analysis, he may really be a pawn in the hands of some nobles in Kyoto, such as Mrs. Fan, Prime Minister Ji, or the fourth princess Ning Chuchu who is in charge of the Mirror Division.

These are the real big shots in Ningguo, and they can strangle themselves like an ant.

Among them, Prime Minister Ji, who gave himself the status of the fish-dragon club rudder, is the most dangerous.

Huang Sanlie thinks that Prime Minister Ji's move is to test the meaning of Zhongli Mansion. If the relationship between himself and Zhongli Ruoshui is announced, it will send a wrong signal to the world——

They will think that Zhongli Mansion is on the side of the second prince represented by Prime Minister Ji!

Otherwise, how could the son-in-law of Zhongli Mansion be the leader of the Fish and Dragon Society?

Then the Crown Prince's lineage will definitely regard himself as an enemy.

They won't anger Zhongli Mansion, but they can get rid of themselves before they get married with Zhongli Ruoshui, and before the name of Zhongli Mansion's son-in-law is confirmed!

His Highness the Crown Prince's family would not be so stupid. If they killed themselves, they would not leave Zhongli Mansion with a handle, and if they wanted to come to Zhongli Mansion, they would not turn against His Highness the Crown Prince because of themselves, a small person in Guangling City.

Li Chen'an laughed at himself, and murmured, "I just want to live a happy life in Guangling City...don't come here to provoke me!"

A voice suddenly came from the moonlight a little far away, "I don't go to sleep in the middle of the night, who provoked you?"

That was Xiao Shisanniang's voice.

She came from a distant field with a hoe on her shoulders.

She stood in front of Li Chenan, raised her head to look at Li Chenan, the moonlight shone on that face, "Tell me, who provoked you? This girl is going to kill him!"

"What are you doing this late at night?"

"Oh, the leeks planted a few days ago can be harvested."

Xiao Shisanniang turned her head to look around, and said, "The shepherd's purse is also ripe, but the okra is not growing well. I just went to water it."

"...Is this how you lived in Wanxi Zhai?"

Xiao Shisanniang nodded, "That's right, except for the homework of martial arts, the master takes us to farm every day."

"Of course there is no need to farm at night. We like to sit in front of the house and listen to the master playing the piano at night."

Xiao Shisanniang's eyes sparkled, "Master will sit on the piano platform, which is a platform halfway up the mountain behind Wanxi Zhai, and play the piano."

"I can tell you, the master plays the piano very well! Every time it is played, the birds in Wanxizhai will dance with it, and even gather on the pine trees on the piano platform!"

Li Chen'an was taken aback for a moment, of course he didn't believe it, because the birds returned to their nests at night, unless they were frightened, they would never leave the nest at all.

So a story about a hundred birds coming to court is unscientific.

"You haven't told me your master's name yet."

Xiao Shisanniang was immediately vigilant, she carried a hoe and went to her room, "I can't tell you this, what if you get my master's idea?"

Li Chenan touched his nose in embarrassment,

"Hey, the letter has been sent out for a month, when will your seniors and seniors come over?"

"Should be in September."

"However, now that you have the status of the fish and dragon club master, you need to write another letter to explain to the master, otherwise I am worried that those senior sisters and sisters will... kill you when they come!"

"...then you come back!"

"It's late at night, the master said that lonely men and widows should avoid being under the same light, let's wait another day."


It does need an explanation.

September, isn't too far away.

It's just that I'm not sure if I can return to Guangling City in September.

Instead, this matter has to be handed over to Xiao Shisanniang.



Early the next morning, Li Chenan wrote another letter under Xiao Shisanniang's dictation. Xiao Shisanniang still drew a dog's tail grass at the end of the letter, but Li Chenan was a little confused, so he asked

"If they are already on the way, how can this letter be delivered?"

"It's okay, Master has a bird."

"After the master receives the letter, if the senior sisters and sisters have left, she will use that bird to deliver the letter to them."


"No, it's a sea dongqing."

Looking at Li Chen'an, Xiao Shisanniang added, "The master is from Yue, and he is good at raising birds."

Yue girl... Li Chenan laughed, laughing so much that Xiao Shisanniang couldn't figure it out.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, just curious about your master."

Xiao Shisanniang rolled her eyes at Li Chenan, "You are not worthy of my master!"

Li Chen'an felt that a knife had been stabbed in his chest, he stood up, and put the letter into his arms, "I remember you said that your master is twenty years old?"

"Yes, it's not that master can't get married, she's just pure-hearted and ascetic."

"Oh, I'm seventeen, and the female junior is holding a golden brick, which is very good!"

After saying this, Li Chen'an turned around and walked out, not realizing that Shisanniang Xiao was secretly smiling while looking at his back.

Sit in the carriage and arrive at Zhuoyu Xiaozhu all the way.

Ye Po was standing at the door of Zhuoyu Xiaozhu, with a very serious expression on his knife-sharpened face.

Seeing Li Chenan get off the carriage, he walked forward, stood beside Li Chenan, took out a letter from his arms and handed it over, "Look at this."


"The Ichthyosaur will give you the task at the helm!"

Li Chenan was startled, took the envelope and opened it, took out the letter paper and opened it, his brows frowned

"Fish Dragon Order

Li Chenan, the rudder master of Guangling sub-rudder, carried out the orders of the headquarters

When Liu Zhuo left Guangling City and went to Shuzhou to take up his post, kill him without revealing or making mistakes! "

There is a small bright red seal on the bottom, which is a lifelike red carp.