
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

the enemy

Li Chenan took the account book and put it on the table, only then did he notice the strange look on Yang Sixian's face.

He looked at Wen Xiaowan again, thinking that this old thing Yang Sixian was lucky, so he said with a smile

"Old Yang, she is the shopkeeper of Ningxiang Restaurant."

Yang Sixian's eyes narrowed slightly, he didn't respond to Li Chenan's words, but asked Wen Xiaowan

"How is Mr. Zhu Yu?"

Mr. Zhuyu is Wen Zhuyu, the former owner of Zhuyu Xiaozhu, who was killed in a certain night ten years ago, and Zhuyu Xiaozhu fell into the hands of Guangling sub-helm of the Fish and Dragon Society.

Wen Xiaowan's heart skipped a beat, but there was a trace of doubt on her face.

She looked at Yang Sixian, with a gleam of hatred hidden deep in her eyes.

"What Mr. Boiling Rain?"

Yang Sixian raised his eyebrows slightly, "Where are you from?"

"The little girl is from Hejian County, Yongzhou."

"Oh, like, the more I look at it, the more I look like it!"

"...Dare to ask the old man, what do you look like?"

Yang Sixian's eyebrows stretched, he looked away, and picked up the teacup, "It's nothing, seeing you, I remembered an old friend."

"Oh," Wen Xiaowan also looked away, landed on the account book that Li Chenan had opened, and said in a low voice, "After the Peach Blossom Brew, the business of the Ningxiang Hall has improved a lot."

"The guests have made a request, and the servant thinks it is very good."

"What request?"

"The Huapingchun will also be sold in limited quantities at the Ningxiang Pavilion."

Li Chenan shook his head, "The tavern has not been open these few days, and the production of Huapingchun is too low. I have to save some and ask this old man to take it to the capital."

"It's very useful, it's more useful than putting it in the Ningxiang Pavilion and giving it to those people."

"Oh, well, the other thing is, if you are free, can you write two lyrics for the Ningxiang Pavilion? After all, the guests are getting tired of singing "Butterfly Love Flower" every day."

Li Chenan laughed, "Okay, I'll write two songs for you before I go to Kyoto."

"Thank you son!"

At this time, Yang Sixian said something, but he didn't ask for Li Chenan's poems, "The old man is going to leave for the capital early tomorrow morning. When will you leave?"

"I still need to wait a few more days... don't you stay in Guangling for a few more days?"

"The mission is complete, there are still some things to do in Kyoto, we have to go first."

"Okay! After a while, I will send someone to send Hua Pingchun here!"



Li Chenan did not stay in Zhuyu Xiaozhu to accompany Yang Sixian that night.

The task has been completed, Yang Sixian doesn't need to be suspicious of him anymore, so Li Chenan went to Ningxiang Pavilion.

It was still early, and Wen Xiaowan hadn't gone to the private room of Ningxiang Hall yet.

She lives in a two-story building in the backyard of Ningxiang Pavilion.

On the second floor, there is a small table, a red candle, and a pot of freshly brewed tea.

Li Chen'an lay lazily on the opposite side of Wen Xiaowan, he looked at Wen Xiaowan's very beautiful face intently, and Wen Xiaowan's face turned red slightly, making her more attractive.

She raised her head, there was a pool of autumn water in her eyes

"I'm a gentleman, if you, if you have an idea, I don't mind giving it to you."

Li Chenan suddenly felt a heat in his abdomen, and only then did he feel the smell of dry firewood.

After all, at the age of seventeen, he is still a baby in this world.

"I don't ask you to give me any title. Anyway, this body will be handed over to someone sooner or later. You are good. You are good at poetry and writing, and you are also very attractive."

It's July day.

Wen Xiaowan was wearing a bright red gauze dress.

The night wind entered the window, blowing the cluster of flames of the red candle and Wen Xiaowan's gauze skirt, so that the mountains were faintly visible.

In addition, the graceful tea smoke permeated with the wind, as if there was mist rising among the mountains, making it even more profound and mysterious.

The scenery is really infinite.

The corners of Li Chenan's mouth curled up, and he was still half lying on the reclining chair, with a playful look in his eyes, which made Wen Xiaowan's face even redder and brighter.

"That's not what I came to see you for."

Wen Xiaowan glared at Li Chenan, "What is that for?"

"That old man's name is Yang Sixian."

The blushing on Wen Xiaowan's face gradually faded, she poured a cup of tea for Li Chenan, "I know."

"You have a grudge against him?"

"...A mortal enmity!"

"I'm here to tell you, don't do anything to him when he leaves Guangling City tomorrow!"

Wen Xiaowan's hand holding the teapot froze, she looked at Li Chenan, "Why?"

"That old man is very cunning. He deliberately said that he would leave early tomorrow morning, just to let you fall into the trap!"

"He will definitely arrange everything. If you go, believe me, your life will be worse than death!"

Wen Xiaowan put down the teapot, and was silent for a long time, "It's been eleven years, and I've been waiting for him in the Ningxiang Pavilion for five full years!"

"He finally arrived at Guangling City. If we don't take this opportunity to kill him... I'm afraid we will have to wait for many years."

"I'm afraid that he will die of old age, and then I won't be able to avenge him in this life."

Li Chenan shook his head, "Stupid!"

"If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about no firewood. Instead of dying in vain, it's better to find another opportunity."

Wen Xiaowan suddenly laughed, and her face bloomed like a flower, making Li Chenan's little heart tremble violently.

She stood up, walked behind Li Chenan, stretched out two pink hands and landed on Li Chenan's shoulders.

She gently squeezed Li Chenan's shoulder, and said softly, "Then give me an excuse not to seek my own death!"


That is to give her a hope of living!

What kind of hope would it take to make her let go of her hatred for a while, and not even think about it?

There is a way, but Li Chenan is not ready yet!

He has real feelings for Zhongli Ruoshui, but for Wen Xiaowan, it's not because of Wen Xiaowan's current status as an oiran, but because he just admires this body.

For a man, his emotions can be pinned on a certain woman, but he prefers to plow other people's land when working.

So Li Chen'an couldn't give Wen Xiaowan that hope.

The movements of Wen Xiaowan's hands became slower and slower until they stopped.

She stood in front of Li Chenan, took a deep breath, "I know I'm not worthy."


"Miss San is of course your best match, don't worry!"

"I like you, after hearing your poems, and after listening to Shang Lao highly praised you on Peach Blossom Island."

"This is a bit inexplicable, and I find it incredible."

"Don't talk about it, I promise you not to go tomorrow...you go to bed and lie down!"

Li Chenan felt relieved, but was taken aback by her last words——

Lying on the bed?

Of course he doesn't mind.

She doesn't even mind!

Isn't that good?

So, he quickly got up from the reclining chair, and hastily unbuttoned a button of his clothes.

Wen Xiaowan opened her mouth in astonishment, "No, what are you thinking?!"

"...Didn't you tell me to go to bed and lie down?"

"Yes, do you have to do something else while lying down?"

"Then what are you doing in bed if you don't do anything?"

"...I'll beat your back! Anything else... don't even think about it!"