
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Some people are happy while others are sad

The people watching outside the government office have not dispersed.

Qi Zhixue is still in it.

He just wanted to see if Li Chen'an, who was worthless but favored by the third lady of Zhongli Mansion, could get him out.

These days he got some news.

These news are of course not good news.

For example, there are rumors that the song "Butterfly Love Flower" was written by Li Chenan.

For example, the third lady of Zhongli Mansion seemed to be interested in Li Chenan because of the song "Butterfly Love Flower".

So at the literary meeting on March 3rd, it was Li Chen'an who did the wrong thing!

But after some investigation, he originally thought that Li Chen'an was a great figure in Guangling City, but unexpectedly, all the news he got said that he was a fool!

This made Qi Zhixue a little uncomfortable——

Young master, I am one of the four great talents in Yujing City, but I lost to a fool!

There is obviously something hidden in it, but it just needs a deeper understanding.

Today I am going to Zhongli Mansion, because Cheng Guogong is going to Zhongli Mansion.

Passing through this mansion, I happened to see what happened, and I just heard that the guy was called Li Chen'an, so I got out of the carriage to see what happened——

Is this Li Chenan stupid?

If he wanted to make money, the normal procedure would be to write a complaint to prove the innocence of that person named Li Xiaohua.

But he chose to beat someone up!

Beating people in full view at the gate of the government office!

Then he must have no good fruit to eat. It is certain that he will be dragged in by those arresters and beaten dozens of times.

So he is indeed stupid.

But those arresters went back after they came out... It was obvious that the arresters knew him, and they knew they couldn't provoke him.

So he is not stupid, he is confident!

Could it be that Zhongli Mansion has accepted him?

Just when Qi Zhixue was guessing wildly, she saw a policeman walking out of the yamen with a big man.

The policeman stood in front of Li Chenan and said something casually, then handed the big man to Li Chenan, and the two had some very cordial conversations, and then Li Chenan walked towards the crowd with the big man, the policeman He even arched his hands towards Li Chenan's back——


After a while, I went to Zhongli's mansion, just in time to ask Zhongli Qiuyang.

The onlookers were also completely silent at this time.

They looked at Li Chenan and Li Xiaohua walking in disbelief. The big man was crying as he walked, and Li Chenan seemed to be comforting him non-stop.

Then... that big man actually leaned on Li Chenan's shoulder!

Li Chenan kicked up, and the big man took two steps back.

Li Chen'an was cursing and cursing, the big guy felt ashamed.

"What are you looking at!"

"Everyone goes back to their respective houses, each finds his own mother!"

The crowd dispersed.

The group of dogs who came to rescue the young master of the Shen family carried Shen Jiye, who didn't even dare to utter a wail, and ran away like flying.

A moment later, another middle-aged man with a falcon face walked out of the yamen gate.

He stroked his short beard.

He frowned tightly.

He looked at Li Chenan's back, looked up at the sky after a while, then turned around and walked back in silence.

He is Huo Chuanming, the general judge of Guangling.

He returned to his official office, and said to Shen Qianshan who was sitting by the side: "I'm afraid it's going to rain, you go back first."

Shen Qianshan didn't know why.



West Market, Li Ji Liang Shop.

Li Xiaohua's mother, Cui Sanniang, was looking anxiously while leaning on the threshold.

It turned out that the neighbors who were onlookers had dispersed quite a bit. In their view, how could that idiot Li Chen'an bring Li Xiaohua back.

Not only would he not be able to get it back, he might even get himself involved——

The root cause of this matter is not deep, even these merchants have seen the clues.

Shen's divorce was unsuccessful, so she must transfer her anger to Li Chen'an.

It happened that Li Chen'an wanted to open a small tavern to make wine by himself. Brewing needed food, and Shen refused to sell him food. He bought food from Li Xiaohua's shop, so Shen naturally held a grudge against Li Xiaohua.

The Shen family is the largest grain merchant in Guangling City.

But Li Xiaohua's mother and son are outsiders.

People often say that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, but the Shen family is a local snake in Guangling City, but Li Xiaohua is not a strong dragon.

Besides, based on the foundation of the Shen family, it is estimated that it has some relationship with the government.

The Shen family sent people to smash Li Xiaohua's shop. This was a warning to Li Xiaohua and other grain merchants, telling them not to sell grain to Li Chenan.

It's just that Shen probably didn't expect Li Xiaohua's fighting power to be so strong, and instead knocked down all the people sent by Shen.

So Shen took the route of the government again, and arrested Li Xiaohua in a short time.

This also served as a deterrent. In this way, how would those small grain merchants in Guangling City dare to sell grain to Li Chenan? Then of course Li Chenan's tavern couldn't continue to operate.

Some people are full of sympathy for Li Xiaohua and Li Chenan, while others don't care about it.

Just as these people were whispering about this matter, someone was suddenly taken aback:

"Look, is that Li Chen'an and Xiao Hua?"

When those people heard the words and looked towards the end of the alley, they were all surprised.

"Isn't that right... This Li Chen'an really brought him back! So...the Shen family suffered from being dumb?"

"I don't know the details yet. I'll ask my third brother-in-law and younger aunt's cousin later. He works as a policeman in the Yamen."


In short, whether these people believe it or not, Li Chen'an really brought back Li Xiaohua with all beards and tails.

It didn't take long before the entire West City knew about it.

Even the things that happened in front of the government office were spread in West Market.

Only then did people know that Li Chenan not only brought Li Xiaohua back, but also beat up the young master of the Shen family at the gate of the mansion.

As a result, Li Chen'an's image suddenly became taller in the eyes of these people.

They seemed to have forgotten his idiot name, and when they looked at Li Chenan again, they all showed admiration in their eyes, and even greeted those who knew him.

"This is human nature."

"Bully the weak and fear the strong!"

Li Chen'an patted Li Xiaohua's shoulder, and said loudly: "In the future, whoever dares to bully you or me, Young Master, you can just beat him up!"

"As long as no one is killed. Young Master, I will settle everything for you!"

"From now on, in Guangling City, you can walk sideways bearing my name, Young Master!"

Li Xiaohua has long admired Li Chenan's five bodies.

"Remember, villain, whoever dares to lose his eyes in front of the young master, the villain will beat him until he doesn't even recognize his mother!"

The two came to Li Jiliang's shop, Cui Sanniang came out tremblingly, and knelt down in front of Li Chen'an with a "plop".

"Son, kneel down to your benefactor!"

Li Xiaohua also knelt down together.

Cui Sanniang kowtowed and said, "Thank you young master for saving your life. For the rest of your life, Xiaohua will always be your servant. Xiaohua's life, this life of this slave's, will always belong to you, young master!"

Li Chenan accepted this gift.

Because he needs a confidant who truly belongs to him.

Cui Sanniang knows how to settle accounts, and she can manage the tavern if she wants to.

And Li Xiaohua's role is extremely powerful, he will be a knife in his hand!

A knife that will never bite the Lord!