
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Shi Xian 2

At this moment, Wei Xuanmo, the great scholar of the Yue Kingdom, was looking at the emperor of the Ning Kingdom with great anticipation.

It's just that his state of mind has changed tremendously now.

If it had been before, when he heard the first "Jiangchengzi" composed by Li Chenan, he would have been a little anxious and worried that his students would not be able to compose poems comparable to it.

But now, he is very pleased.

Because half of Li Chenan's body is the blood of the Yue Kingdom's royal family!

He's better off winning.

Today, winning or losing is no longer important.

Ning Huang was still holding that piece of paper, no one knew what kind of thoughts he had in his heart now, but in everyone's eyes, Li Chen'an was already deeply liked by the emperor.

He was originally the eldest son of the emperor who had been separated for twenty years. He could appear in front of the emperor's eyes, which already made the emperor lose his composure.

Now, he is writing in that Moxiang Pavilion, writing wonderful poems that shock the world.

He is really the number one talented person in Ningguo.

He is even the number one genius in the world!

The eldest son of the emperor is living in Guangling City, but has such amazing talent, this is not just icing on the cake for the emperor!

His talent has far surpassed the current prince and other princes.

His name is now known to every household in Kyoto, presumably after this essay meeting, his name will be known to women and children throughout Ning country.

He is also the future son-in-law of Dingguo Houfu.

He also has an uncle who is the emperor of Yue!

If he enters the East Palace, he will inherit the Great Treasure in the future... Many people who are worried about the future of Ningguo start to look forward to it.

So they looked at the emperor with hot eyes.

Similarly, those who have planned for many years and intend to push the second prince to the throne, have a bit more stern look in their eyes.

But now no one can do anything, only to hear what kind of lyrics Li Chenan has made.

Ning Huang opened his mouth.

He scanned the crowd and said slowly

"If it was in the past, if it wasn't for what I saw with my own eyes tonight... I would never have believed that someone could write a beautiful poem!"

He suddenly raised the piece of paper in his hand, with a look of pride on his face.

"In the long history of thousands of years, there are countless outstanding literati."

"They used their pens to write poems and articles that have been handed down to this day and are also famous in the world."

"We have never witnessed what it was like when they wrote those poems, but tonight...we will all witness the birth of another genius literati!"

"He, of course, is Li Chenan!"

"The title of this poem is "Moon on the West River, A Big Dream in the World". I... also like it very much!"

"Because I, for the past twenty years, have always felt that I was in a big dream. This word fell on my heart again!"

"I recite it and share it with all the ministers!"

When Emperor Ning said these words, the sixth princess Ning Shuyu who was sitting on the side took a deep breath, but at this moment everyone's eyes were focused on the emperor, and they all eagerly wanted to know what Li Chenan had written. No one saw the monstrous hatred in her eyes like the flames of hell.

Ning Huang flicked his sleeves, brewed for three breaths, and recited the poem

"The world is a dream,

How many times in life is cool.

When the night comes, the wind leaves the corridor.

Look at the eyebrows and temples.

The wine is cheap and the customers are few,

The moonlight is often hindered by clouds.

Who will share the lonely light during the Mid-Autumn Festival?

Look north sadly! "

After reciting a word, the audience became more and more silent.

No one knows why the seventeen-year-old boy from Guangling City can write such sad words.

The interpretation of this word in everyone's heart is not the same, but there are still some things in common.

For example, the tone of this poem is very depressing, the whole word is low and sad, full of deep sighs about the illusion of life.

That is, a little decadent.

Some feel sorry for themselves.

With such a poem, he is describing the shortness of life and lamenting the difficulty of repaying ambition!

I also feel the danger of the world and feel sad about the sparseness of life!

This is the true portrayal of his heart!

But if it comes to the theme of "Tonight..." Although it is not as perfect as the first "Jiangchengzi", in this poem, he also vaguely expresses his longing for his relatives.

Whoever shares the solitary light during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the solitary light is the bright moon.

Now that he has come to the capital, he knows his life experience after thinking about it, but on this Mid-Autumn Festival reunion night...but he just can't enjoy himself with his relatives.

This is regret, but also his thoughts.

This word, from the autumn night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, thinking about life as a dream, touching the scene to create emotion, expressing emotion and elegy, savoring it carefully, the sincerity of the emotion and the meaning, it is a long aftertaste!

Wei Xuanmo was shocked again, if he judged this word...it would be unparalleled in the world again!

He looked at Emperor Ning on the stage again, as if he wanted to know the emperor's current attitude towards his son.

The emperor on the stage seemed to be in a bit of a slump at the moment.

It's not that this poem is bad, it should be that the emperor felt even more guilty towards Li Chen'an in his heart.

This is really a big dream in life, who would have thought that Empress Lu's son is really still alive?

Who would have expected that he would appear in front of the emperor in this way when he came to the capital!

Then, how will Ningguo's story unfold?

Wei Xuanmo didn't know.

Of course Hua Manting didn't know either.

He only knows about his year-end friendship now, it's really amazing!

He is very relieved.

Not just Li Chenan's peerless talent, but this wonderful change tonight——

He was originally extremely worried about Li Chenan's safety in the capital, but he never expected that in Zaidaolou, there would be a scene where father and son meet.

Of course, the emperor still did not announce it.

But this actually confirmed Li Chenan's life experience even more.

In this way, of course the emperor will not let Li Chen'an die.

He will send someone to protect Li Chen'an, as for the future... then wait for the future.

Just as everyone was meditating, thunderous applause came from outside again!

Everyone turned their heads to look at the window, and all of them showed shocking expressions on their faces again.

This Li Chenan made a third poem?

He, he really doesn't think?

At this moment, Ji Tai's eyebrows were indifferent.

Because, he had to admire Li Chenan's talent.

Also because... these are no longer important.

Tonight, Li Chen'an definitely won't die, but tonight at Shuangjiao Mountain... the tax and food that was allocated that day should have fallen into the hands of those water bandits at this moment.

So what if Li Chenan's poems and essays are good?

To live, one must eat.

If you want to grasp the power of Ningguo...you don't need to rely on poetry and articles!

There was another sound of climbing on the stairs.

This time, two young eunuchs came up.

One of them hurried to the emperor, but the other came to Ji Tai.

He bowed and said in a low voice, "Master Xiang, there is a letter for you outside."

Ji Tai was slightly taken aback, took the letter, opened it, and his face suddenly changed.

Then it quickly returned to normal.

Another little eunuch had already knelt down in front of the emperor, and said loudly, "Your Majesty, Mr. Li, his third poem, please have a look at it!"

This time, without waiting for the emperor's signal, Eunuch Chang at the side had already fetched the poem and held it in front of the emperor with both hands.

Emperor Ning took the paper, looked at Ji Tai suddenly, and asked, "Ji Qing, you are my prime minister, and you have been taking care of my country for me all these years."

"I'm asking you... for a young man as talented as Li Chen'an, have you found anything?"

Ji Tai hurriedly got up and bowed, "This is my fault, I hope the emperor will forgive me!"

"Well, it's not really a crime."

Emperor Ning pondered for three breaths, and suddenly asked, "If I want to use him, what kind of official do you think it would be better for him?"