
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Prepare for a rainy day

Suddenly the abandoned son of the Li family came into the sight of many people.

Some people are planning his way of brewing wine, while others are expecting him to create waves in Guangling City.

Li Chenan, who was the person involved, didn't think about anything.

These days, apart from Wu Xichen still getting him to practice painting Pingtung every night, there are basically only three things he does——

First, do not practice the four movements of Er Zhou Tian Jue.

Second, walk around the construction site by the Taohuaxi River, chat with those craftsmen, and talk about your views and opinions on those buildings.

Third, occasionally go to Peach Blossom Villa to accompany Zhongli Ruoshui.

In addition, these days, he has sixty people on his hands.

It was the group of orphans from the Ax Gang.

He threw the No. 60 person to Li Xiaohua. After all, Li Xiaohua had been in the army, and he knew how to train these people better than himself.

However, Li Chenan gave Li Xiaohua some advice.

Those suggestions come from what he heard in his previous life. He has no actual experience, just some theoretical knowledge.

For example, he organized these sixty people into a small army and named it Li Jiajun, which is his armed force.

For example, he suggested that Li Xiaohua start training from physical fitness, and Taohuashan is a good place to train.

For example, he personally wrote down the Li Jiajun's restraint regulations, and happily named them "Three Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention".


Of course Li Xiaohua was a little confused, but after he thought about it carefully, he became extremely admirable for his young master.

These things are obviously completely different from the things he has learned in the army. These things are much better than the training methods and discipline constraints in the army!

Li Chenan appointed him as the company commander of Li Jiajun, and he promoted Lu Xiaotian as the deputy company commander along the way.

He didn't know what a company commander was, but the young master said that a company with one hundred and twenty people is almost a centurion.

There is also a unit below the company called a platoon, and a platoon is full of 30 people, and that platoon leader is equivalent to three platoon leaders.

Now there are only sixty people, Li Xiaohua happily set up two platoons.

But there is no queue yet.

The young master said that after the training is over, the best of the sixty people will be selected and promoted to be the platoon leader.

This worked out wonderfully.

The sixty people were very obedient, and no one complained even if they were exhausted during the training.

In order to accommodate these sixty people, Li Chenan asked those craftsmen to build a simple barracks beside the wine making workshop under Peach Blossom Mountain.

He even hired a cook to cook for the sixty people.

Every meal is cooked rice, and every meal is meat, which makes the orphans feel grateful to Li Chenan, and swears that they will throw their heads and blood for the young master in this life.

Especially Lu Xiaotian.

After he knew about the cooking of Yu Xiaozhu, he guessed that it was Li Chenan who did it.

He never expected that Li Chen'an would have such a powerful force, that he would actually take the heavily guarded Zhuoyu Xiaozhu into one pot!

They were arrested and sent to the Fuya Prison, but unexpectedly they came out safe and sound.

All these things made him very clearly aware of the difficulty of the young master.

So he worked harder.

After hearing what he said in private, the brothers who followed him to Li Chenan naturally put away their little thoughts and regarded Li Chenan as their master.


"After all, they used to be gangsters, can they really be trained?"

Zhongli Ruoshui looked at Li Chen'an worriedly and asked, after all, in her opinion, these people are not high class.

"I am born to be useful. The oldest of these people is only 18 years old, and the youngest is only 14 years old. They are very malleable."

"Judging from the training these days, they are also very able to endure hardships and are very obedient. I think that in a few days, the old scumbags on them should be washed away, and then you will see them with a new look ."

"Really?" Zhongli Ruoshui's eyes lit up, if that's the case, wouldn't it prove that Li Chenan still has the ability to be a servant?

She came up with those methods watching Li Chenan with her own eyes.

She even kept the three major disciplines and eight points of attention in mind.

These things are obviously very new to Zhongli Ruoshui, and they are only fresh.

She didn't expect Li Chenan to be as proficient in the art of war as her grandfather Zhong Lipo, she just thought that Li Chenan really needed a general of her own.

In her opinion, such a family general should also go to the tooth shop to buy slaves for training.

They are more loyal and will never betray.

But Li Chen'an gathered the rabble who used to be from the Ax Gang, and he even spent huge sums of money to build weapons for them - not a big knife like Li Xiaohua, but a long halberd!

Zhongli Ruoshui felt a little weird when he saw this thing, because he used to go with his grandfather to inspect the army when he was in the capital, and he had never seen this kind of weapon in the army.

Haven't even heard of it.

Maybe it's because I have too little knowledge, if I go to the capital again, I have to ask my grandfather.

"In more than a month, we will see the outcome."

"I have to go to the tavern, and I need to discuss something with Su Muxin."

"Okay, I asked Mr. Wu to build a carriage for you. It will take a while to finish it."

"Let Mr. Wu take you back first, and let's go to the workshop together tomorrow."


Li Chenan left Peach Blossom Villa and headed towards Erjinggou Alley.

Zhongli Ruoshui sat in the garden of Peach Blossom Villa and thought quietly for a moment, then asked Jian Wu beside him, "He said a few days ago that he asked you to help him find some Jianghu female heroes... Is there any clue about this matter?"

"Miss Hui, originally it was very simple to issue the Jianghu order, but the lady said that the female heroes that Mr. Li wants are to fill the vacancy of the Qi Lijing Department...then this matter cannot be done with great fanfare, otherwise those female heroes have not yet come. Joining the Lijing Division has already been known by interested people."

"So I entrusted my junior sister to handle this matter, and it is estimated that there will be news in a few days."

"Okay, I get it now."

As soon as Zhongli Ruoshui finished speaking, her maid, Lin Xueer, walked in.

"Miss, Miss Shen's family, please see... Miss, will you see me or not?"

Zhongli Ruoshui pondered for a moment, "Bring her in."

"The servant obeys!"

Lin Xueer turned to leave, and Jian Wu said again at this time, "Miss, there are rumors that the Huo family may be disadvantageous to Mr. Li."

"Hua Ping Chun is about to come out, Guang Ling San is the first enemy."

"The two will meet one day, and Hua Pingchun will win, so it is only natural that the Huo family is against him."

"He asked Li Xiaohua to train those sixty teenagers, and that's why he asked you to help him find eight hundred chivalrous girls... Actually, it's also for the future, so you must take this matter to heart."

"I see!"

Zhong Liruo boiled a pot of tea, and suddenly laughed, "I think Miss Shen came here because she wanted to hear something about the Huo family."

"...The lady told her the truth, so as to break the Huo family's thoughts!"

"It's not time to publicize the matter between me and him," Zhongli Ruoshui shook his head and sighed, "Father means to wait for grandma to reply before making a decision."