
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

mid autumn night 3

A single spark can start a prairie fire!

Xiang Dong's heart was shocked, he turned his head to look at Li Chen'an.

Under the dim light, Li Chen'an didn't have the slightest expression of nervousness on his face.

He looked calm.

Some advanced.

Walk calmly.

He walked against the tide of students, as if gathering those fireflies together, Xiangdong suddenly felt that what he saw was a bright light!

Using one person as a spark to ignite all sentient beings, can it really start a prairie fire?

Xiangdong, who has been struggling in the officialdom for many years, of course won't just believe it so easily.

However, he felt that even his heart that had been silent for many years seemed to warm up a little at this moment.

Just a little.

Moments later it was gone.

Although this young man is the grandson of his teacher, although there are many powerful forces behind him, even if His Highness the Crown Prince can inherit the great rule, but... Ningguo has long been like a rotten tree. If you want this rotten tree to regenerate and regenerate a new one When the buds come...even if they are born, their roots are not firm, their tendrils are difficult to attach, they are still young plants, how can they withstand the wind and rain again?

If you want to be cured of a chronic illness... you must scrape the bone to heal the wound.

But His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is kind, and after all, he will not be able to scrape the bone and heal the wound.

Therefore, he has already seen through.

Has already sprouted the idea of retreating.

Because the heart is disheartened, so the heart is cold!

However, Li Chenan had two sentences today, but they were firmly engraved in his mind. Of course, he didn't want to follow Li Chenan just because of these two sentences, he just felt that this young man still had a beating heart.

That's all!



Tai Academy backyard.

A lantern was lit in the small wooden building.

The light spilled from the half-opened window lattice, making it look a little lonely.

It's extremely quiet here.

Apart from the sound of falling rain, there was no other sound.

Li Chen'an and the others came to the small wooden building, saw Hua Manting sitting in front of the window, and heard the sound of pages being turned.

He went to the door and knocked on the door.

After a while, the small wooden door creaked open, and Hua Manting stood in front of Li Chenan, slightly taken aback, and a smile from the bottom of his heart suddenly appeared on that old face.

"Why did you come here?"

"It's too early to go to the literary world, and I don't want those people to treat me like a monkey out of curiosity. I thought you probably haven't gone yet, so I came over to have a sit... This is Mr. Yin Xiang of Jingzhao Mansion."

Xiangdong stepped forward, bowed and said, "Hello, old sir!"

"Hahaha, Xiang... Dong? The old man remembered, this little brother is...?"

"Ah, his name is Xiao Wu, and he has some ear problems."

"Oh... Hurry up, come in, all three!"

Hua Manting brought Li Chen'an and the others into the living room of his small wooden building.

It is said to be the living room, but it is actually the main room. There is only a table and a few small stools.

Quite crude.

It's also very simple.

It is in line with the pure-minded and ascetic mood of scholars these days, but Li Chen'an doesn't quite agree with it.

Hua Manting made a pot of tea, looked up at Li Chen'an, "I heard you're a little busy today?"

This means that Li Chenan has been to many very important places today, and met two very important people who look at the entire Ning country.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Eastern Palace.

There is also Mr. Changsun of the Imperial City Division.

Li Chenan nodded, and said with a smile, "So I really shouldn't come to the capital. If I'm still in Guangling City, I'm afraid I should be in the tavern under the banyan tree at this time."

"If brother, you were also in Guangling City, we should have had two cups of Huapingchun like idle clouds and wild cranes."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Hua Manting stroked his long beard and laughed heartily, "Bro, I also want to live the comfortable life of cooking wine and listening to the rain. I can actually do it, for example, I can go to Guangling City tomorrow."

He gradually restrained his smile, leaned over, and said very seriously, "But you can't!"

"Why can't I? I'm leaving Kyoto. Could it be that someone will come and tie my legs and feet?"

"Brother, although we haven't met these days, I have heard a little bit about you."

The water on the tea stove boiled.

Hua Manting took some tea leaves from the pot and put them into the teapot, and said, "You can indeed leave, but... I don't think you are someone who puts your fate in other people's hands!"

"If you want to be safe in Guangling City, you must..."

Hua Manting suddenly looked at Xiang Dong, because Xiang Dong was an official of the imperial court, and there were some things that could not be said in front of such a person.

Xiang Dong was about to get up to avoid it, but Li Chenan grabbed his sleeve.

"Brother, it's okay to say, Mr. Xiang is my grandfather's disciple, and also a member of His Highness the Crown Prince."


Hua Manting withdrew his gaze, and looked at Li Chen'an again, "You must be aware of the current situation in the capital. Since Mrs. Fan has seen you yesterday, she approves of you and the matter of you and Zhongli Ruoshui."

"Actually, after you and Zhongli Ruoshui met in Guangling City, in the eyes of others, you have already been branded with the Dingguohou Mansion!"

"This is the faction!"

"With factions, there are fights."

"At this moment, it is an extremely critical time for this battle!"

"If the Dingguohou's House wins, you can of course live a peaceful life in Guangling City, but if the Dingguohou's House loses..."

Tea smoke curled up.

Hua Manting extinguished the fire, but the pot of tea was still a bit short of heat.

"How can you be at ease in Guangling City, an uncle of the Hou Mansion?"

The reason is very simple, of course Li Chenan understands, so when he was in the small wooden house in the Hou Mansion, Fan Taohua asked Li Chenan, are you afraid?

Li Chenan's answer to her was——

"Old lady, if Xu Ruoshui is my wife... I, Li Chen'an, can play chess!"

So, he became a pawn.

So, next he went to the East Palace, and then to the Imperial City Division.

From then on, he had to stay in the capital, he had to win the essay meeting tonight, and he had to stand on top of the temple and face Prime Minister Ji directly!

Li Chenan took the teapot, poured four cups of tea, and handed them to each other, with a wry smile on his face

"So, fate is a bastard!"

"I want to be happy, but I have the instinct to be happy, but it happens to be a hard-working life!"

"Brother, don't go to Guangling City anymore. From now on... if I suffer setbacks and suffer, I need to come to you!"

Hua Manting laughed again.


"I'm not going anywhere, I'm just here to see how many waves your kid will make."

"However, at this stage...they were really bought or coerced by Ji Tai, and you will face those students from the Yue Kingdom alone."

"Of course, my brother believes that you can win, but to be honest, my brother has no idea... Can you really win?"

"Maybe Wei Xuanmo already knows the topic chosen by the emperor tonight!"

One side came prepared, and the other side didn't know.

This is why Hua Manting is really worried.

Although he is a great Confucian, he is still the principal of this Taiyuan Academy, but he can do nothing about this matter except anger.

Li Chenan picked up the teacup, with a confident smile on his face.

"Brother, didn't you say that?"

"Since the heavens gave birth to me, Li Chen'an, I will definitely be a romantic figure in the literary world for five hundred years!"

"Actually, I can be coquettish in the literary world for five thousand years!"