
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Meet Shen Qiaodie again

That morning, in the shop in Dongshi, Li Chenan and Huang Sanlie chatted a lot.

It was almost noon, and the business outside was getting better and better, so Li Chenan and Huang Sanlie came out from the backyard.

rejoice in each other.

The moment Li Chenan appeared in the shop, and the moment those people who entered the shop to buy wine recognized Li Chenan, everyone suddenly gave way consciously.

The boiling sound just disappeared.

Those eyes looking at Li Chen'an were full of obvious fear.

The identity of the ichthyosaur rudder actually has such a powerful deterrent force.

Li Chenan laughed.

He didn't pay attention to those people, he and Huang Sanlie walked out of the shop and came to the alley, the crowd in the alley immediately retreated like a tide.

Li Chenan raised his eyebrows, and stepped up to go to the carriage parked at the corner of the wall, but unexpectedly, a voice came from behind


Li Chenan was very familiar with this voice, he retracted the foot he stepped out, turned around to look at Shen Qiaodie, and then smiled brightly.

"Buy wine, please go to the queue, catch up... I don't have time, goodbye!"

Shen Qiaodie gritted her silver teeth and stomped her feet, "Li Chen'an! Stop!"

There are many people outside the wine shop.

Afraid of Li Chen'an's identity, these people stepped back and gave way to a large open space in the street.

Li Chenan was standing in the middle of this open space.

The eyes of those drinkers fell on a woman at this moment.

there are whispers

"Whose family does this girl belong to?"

"It seems to be the daughter of the Shen family."

"Shen Qianshan? Didn't Boss Shen's granary burnt down last night? Could it be that Li Chenan really did it?"

"Hush... It's not surprising that fish and dragons would do this kind of thing, but the strange thing is that this lady from the Shen family is quite bold. Could it be that she still wants to ask Mr. Li why?"

"I said, don't forget that she once had an engagement with Li Chen'an!"

"... But I heard that the Huo family has proposed marriage to the Shen family, and Huo Shufan, the grandson of Huo's family, is her fiancé now! Is it something wrong for her to come here?"

"What's wrong with this? The Shen family is a businessman. I heard that Miss Shen married Young Master Huo as a concubine! Instead of being a concubine, it's better to marry Mr. Li as a regular wife. After all, Mr. Li is the master of fish and dragons." , with this identity, the Huo family can't do anything to him."

Someone suddenly realized, "So, Miss Shen is going to divorce again?"

"Look carefully, it depends on whether Mr. Li wants to eat this grass."

Those words fell into Shen Qiaodie's ears, causing her face to turn red immediately, she stared at her almond-shaped eyes, stepped forward three steps, and stood in front of Li Chen'an.

She is very angry.

She really wanted to reprimand Li Chenan again.

But she remembered the words Shen Qianshan said to her when she came here——

"You apologize to him on behalf of the Shen family... You are very wronged, and you are also very wronged as a father, but this grievance must be hidden in your heart now! The deeper you hide, the better!"

Li Chen'an also thought that Shen Qiaodie was going to make something wrong, but unexpectedly, a smile suddenly appeared on Shen Qiaodie's face that was originally covered with frost.

This instead made him vigilant.

Then Shen Qiaodie politely said a blessing to him, "Even if I'm blind, in fact, when I think about it carefully, the Shen family and you don't have any unreasonable hatred, even if you returned the marriage certificate, you still took the money. "

"Now, since you have become the helmsman of the Fish and Dragon Club...the Shen family's business in the Jiangnan Province, please show your respect!"

There was no sound.

The onlookers of course heard Shen Qiaodie's words, and these words once again confirmed Li Chen'an's identity, and made them understand that it was the Shen family who bowed to Li Chen'an.

The once abandoned son of the Li family, that useless fool in the alley of Erjinggou, the son-in-law who made the Shen family think hard about returning the marriage certificate, has now become an existence that the Shen family cannot climb!

The world is unpredictable!

At that time, the Shen family didn't sell a grain to Li Chenan, and even united with many grain merchants, large and small, so that they were not allowed to sell a grain to Li Chenan. Now, the Shen family might regret it.

Not to mention the returned marriage certificate.

Everyone looked at Li Chenan again, thinking that if such a clever person came to plead for mercy, Li Chenan might borrow a donkey to go downhill, expose those things, and easily gain the friendship of the Shen family.

Unexpectedly, they saw Li Chenan grinning, and then they heard Li Chenan's voice as soft as spring breeze, but as cold as frost

"Miss Shen is not sincere enough!"

"Didn't you say that I am an ant-like existence?"

"Didn't you say that I don't know how much I weigh, let alone how high the sky is and how thick the ground is?"

"Actually, I do know, that's why I told your father that his structure was a little small...I'm afraid he didn't understand what I meant."

"Your father asked you to come here to apologize to me, which still shows that his structure is a bit small!"

"Because if an apology is useful, there will be no hatred in this world that cannot be overcome."

"But I don't have any deep hatred for you and your Shen family, because you are not qualified, but you are not sincere enough!"

His words were not sincere enough, Shen Qiaodie was a little confused, not knowing what kind of sincerity he wanted.

She stood up and said in a low voice, "The Shen family...is really not qualified to let you bear grudges, why don't you prepare a glass of water and wine at the house to congratulate Mr. Li?"

Li Chenan shrugged, turned around, raised his steps, turned his head, looked at Shen Qiaodie and smiled, "I'm just a wine seller, what do I need is your glass of water wine?"

The smile that fell on Shen Qiaodie's eyes was a bit different.

She thought it was obscene, ambiguous, and malicious!

Shen Qiaodie's face turned red suddenly, "Li Chen'an! Don't even think about it!"

Li Chen'an was immediately happy, "It's not me, it's you!"

"Besides, don't you know me very well? Sincerity! What I want is sincerity!"

His eyes wandered over Shen Qiaodie's graceful body, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, this time it was really an evil smile

"Of course, if you really want to, I'll help you as hard as I can, but you have to pay me money!"


Li Chenan laughed loudly, turned around and left, "Remember, sincerity is very important!"

The anger on Shen Qiaodie's face became more and more intense, but it dissipated in an instant like snowflakes in the sun.

She just watched Li Chenan board the carriage and drive away.

She turned around, bowed her head, passed through the crowd in full view, and got into her carriage.

She returned to the Shen residence and came to her boudoir.

She closed the door and wailed.

She smashed vases all over the floor and tore up paper all over the place.

She wiped away the tears from her face, and a vicious gleam appeared in her eyes.

"Li Chen'an!"

"Don't think that you have nothing to do with the amulet girl from the Ichthyosaur Society!"

"Today's humiliation, I want you to pay back a hundredfold!"

"I want you to die without a place to die!"