
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Li Chen'an, Third Miss calls you home!

Zhongli Qiuyang is not well.

The attitude of the third sister is already clear.

My father didn't interfere after knowing it, but just wrote a letter to grandma.

This kid is very likely to become his brother-in-law.

He actually came to this brothel!

Of course, the Zhongli Mansion has not announced this matter to the outside world, because the mother has a strong opinion on it, and the third sister means to develop step by step, so this matter cannot be made known to the whole city.

Besides... Even if it comes to the third sister, it's hard to tell. After all, if he can come here, of course Li Chenan can come too.

Do the math!

Just pretend you didn't see it.

In case this guy really becomes his brother-in-law, maybe he will go to the brothel with him in the future.

So, he withdrew his gaze and pretended not to see Li Chenan.

"Let's go, Room A No. 1, remember to call Song Yuanping!"

As the young master of Zhongli Mansion, of course he can walk sideways in this Guangling City, and even in the entire Ning Country.

So this guy's arrogance was taken for granted, and he saw a girl who quickly responded, turned around and ran out quickly.

When Li Chenan saw that Young Master Zhongli pretended not to know him, it made sense after thinking about it.

This is the huge disparity in status, and it was the same in the previous life.

So he wasn't embarrassed at all, just smiled lightly.

But his eyes kept falling on the gate, what he needed was to remember Song Yuanping's appearance.

When Zhongli Qiuyang went upstairs, he glanced at Li Chenan again, and a thought suddenly came to his mind——

This kid's poetry is amazing!

If he really becomes his brother-in-law in the future, take him to the brothels together, especially the Yihonglou in Yujing City... The face lost in Yihonglou back then should be easily regained!

I have to go to Yujing City to slap those second-generation ancestors in the face!

Let them know that Zhongli Mansion is not only powerful in war, but also invincible in poetry and writing!

So, he gave instructions to the girl following him, "That table is the table for the two of you, and their account will be charged to me!"

"My servant obeys!"

Then Zhongli Qiuyang, with his hands behind his back, flaunted his might and went to the third floor.


"I always think you are weird today."

Su Muxin poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Li Chenan, "If you don't look at the girl in the building, why are you looking at the door?"

"...Aren't there a few girls at the door?"

"How can it be the same? They are called welcoming guests, and what they do is welcome and send them off. Whether it's beauty or talent, they are two blocks away from those sisters!"

"Look, the girl at the table on the right, although the girls in the lobby are much worse than the ones upstairs, they are still more eye-catching than the ones at the door!"

Li Chenan turned his head and glanced, the girl was indeed quite pretty under the red light of the lantern.

It's just that she is obviously a little older, the makeup on her face is a little thick, and even her laughing voice is a little swaying.

Often in this kind of place, the popular girl must be young, beautiful, and have some connotation.

They usually don't act too exaggerated in front of men, but they will show the taste of wanting to talk but not leaving.

Because rich men prefer well-mannered women.

It is also because women who are not available can make men spend a lot of money, but they still want to stop.

Apparently rich men go upstairs to private rooms.

The ones sitting in this lobby... just want to smell a woman, or get food and clothing at a cheaper price.

Li Chenan raised his eyebrows, took a sip from his wine glass, and looked at the door again.

After a while, he saw the girl who had left just now hurried in with a man.

It was a middle-aged man with a short stature and a potbellied stomach.

He was wearing a brocade uniform and a cap on his head.

He stepped over the threshold, and said to the girls who greeted guests extremely majestically, "Remember, as long as Master Zhongli comes to our Ningxiang Pavilion, any girl he wants will satisfy him unconditionally!"

"Also, as soon as Master Zhongli comes, remember to invite me, Master!"

Several girls bowed in unison, "Your servant will remember!"

"Oh, by the way, the young master of the Huo family will also come later to take him to Room A No. 2, you go ask Liu Qing'er to get ready...it should be Wen Xiaowan, so just tell young master Huo that he I won't embarrass you."

"The servant knows!"

Song Yuanping hurried upstairs, Li Chenan looked away, he had already remembered the appearance of this person.

The two drank wine quite bored, seeing more and more guests entering the Ningxiang restaurant.

Gradually, there were seven or eight people sitting in the lobby, so it became a bit noisy.

Li Chen'an originally wanted to wait for Song Yuanping to come out again, so that he could go out and see where he lived, but unexpectedly a voice came out——

"Yo, isn't that the idiot from the Li family?"

"Ah, no, no, it should be called Boss Li now!"

Li Chenan raised his eyes and saw a man about seventeen or eighteen years old walking towards him.

do not know.

"Which family are you a fool?"

"This young master is from the Huo family..." Huo Zigui was stunned, and then laughed sinisterly, "You have a sharp mouth, I almost fell for you!"

"Let me tell you, my young master's surname is Huo and his name is Zigui. I heard that the Huapingchun you brewed is quite good. I will hand over your brewing method to this young master tomorrow. I will spare your life!"

Li Chen was relieved.

"What if I don't pay?"

"The young master will break your legs and throw you into Huaping Lake to feed the fish!"

Li Chenan looked past Huo Zigui, and when he saw the young man behind him, he immediately smiled.

He waved at the boy, "Little brother-in-law, come here!"

Shen Jiye took a step back, he was frightened by Li Chenan's beating in front of the government office that day.

At this time, the wound on the face was not healed yet.

"Don't be arrogant!"

Shen Jiye pointed at Li Chenan from a distance, before he could say another word, Li Chenan suddenly stood up.

Shen Jiye was taken aback, "Master Huo, be careful!"

Huo Zigui hurriedly took a step back, "What? You want to hit me?"

Li Chenan smiled and sat down again, of course he can't beat Huo Zigui here, he will suffer a disadvantage.

"Tomorrow afternoon, how about you come to the tavern?"

Huo Zigui narrowed his eyes, "...Okay!"

"Tonight, I will let you off at the young master's banquet. If you are not sensible tomorrow, there will be no such good thing!"

After saying this, Huo Zigui led a few people upstairs, and Su Mu looked at Li Chenan worriedly, who still had a calm expression on his face.

"do not worry?"

"I was worried that he wouldn't come."

"What can you do now?"

Li Chenan picked up the wine glass and drank it down, and said lightly, "I will really break his legs and throw him to Huaping Lake to feed the fish!"

Su Mu was startled, and suddenly heard a woman's voice from outside

"Li Chen'an, Miss San told you to go back!"

"You come out!"

"If you don't come out, this girl will go in!"

Su Muxin and Li Chenan looked at each other.

"Miss San?"

"It's Zhong Ruoruo, you've seen it before."


Su Muxin was immediately dumbfounded, Zhongli Ruoshui didn't tell him his real name?

In addition, Miss San told him to go back... What does this mean?