
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

let's kill someone1

Behind the tavern, Yuan Cuihua was a little nervous. She was worried that the embroiderer had forgotten the task.

"My lord, this is the last day of the mission."

Li Chenan nodded and put down the pen in his hand, looked up at the fine rain, "But I really don't like killing people!"

"Then the adults will wait to be killed by the elders."

"Hey... Could it be that people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be stabbed?"

Li Chenan sighed, and muttered again, "I thought the rivers and lakes were far away from me, but I didn't expect that I was on the shore of the rivers and lakes."

"Little flower!"

Li Xiaohua ran over with his big knife on his shoulder, "Master, the villain is here!"

"Go, change clothes, and go to work with the young master!"

Murong He, who had just stepped into the backyard from the tavern, happened to see Li Chenan and Li Xiaohua dressed in black, "It's getting late, the wine is sold out, Mr. Su said he would come over to Qianmo Academy, where are you going?"

"I'm going to kill someone."

"..." Murong He was stunned, thinking that you are a small tavern owner who has no strength to restrain a chicken, and you have only learned kung fu from Wu Xichen for a few days. The law is just a trick, maybe it's okay to beat two ordinary ruffians... You actually said you were going to kill someone!


"A damned man!"


Murong He looked at Li Chenan's leaving back and thought for a while. From these days, although this Li Chenan was a little out of tune, he had a deep friendship with Mr. Su.

In addition, this person's life experience is relatively simple, he has never had any intersection with people in the world.

If I have to say there are still a few, one is myself, the other is old Wu, and there is a sword dance girl.

But these three people are not his enemies.

Thinking about it, he doesn't have any enemies in the world, so the person he wants to kill is probably an ordinary person.

Or...he was just saying a joke, and what he really wanted was to go to the Ningxiang Pavilion?

Murong He followed out, because she was very worried that Li Chen'an would lead Su Mu's heart into trouble.

But when she was standing in the alley of Erjinggou, she suddenly realized that Li Chenan and Li Xiaohua were not going to the Qianmo Academy diagonally opposite.

They walked towards the west end of the alley in the rain.

Murong He turned his gaze, and saw Su Muxin walking out of Qianmo Academy.

She immediately felt relieved and hurried into the tavern.

As for Li Chenan's talk about killing someone, she ignored it.



"Master, where are we going?"

Li Xiaohua asked curiously.

"Go to Ningxiang Pavilion."

"...drinking and listening to music?"

"You think too much, you've said it all, let's kill someone."

Li Xiaohua suddenly felt a little cold, he shivered, looked left and right, there was no one in the alley at this time.

He asked again in a low voice, "Kill who?"

"Kill a short and frustrated fat man!"

"...The young master is mighty!"

"It's not me who kills, it's you who kills!"


Li Xiaohua's eyes widened immediately, she swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and stopped in her tracks.

But Li Chenan didn't stop, he continued to walk forward as if he didn't know that Li Xiaohua hadn't followed.

After three breaths, Li Xiaohua finally let out a long sigh, and quickly chased after her.

"If the villain is arrested and sentenced to death, please take care of my poor mother."

"Actually, you don't have to go."

"The villain was originally fished out of the prison by the young master. If the villain doesn't go, he will be in vain!"

Li Chenan looked at Li Xiaohua, "Are you afraid of death?"


"It's good to be afraid. When you arrive at the Ningxiang Pavilion, follow the orders of the young master!"


Song Yuanping really lived in the Ningxiang Hall.

It's just that it's not in the three buildings of Ningxiang Pavilion, but in a quiet courtyard hundreds of feet away from Ningxiang Pavilion.

Lu Xiaotian said that the courtyard was named Zhuyu Xiaozhu.

The original owner of Zhuoyu Xiaozhu was a well-known Mr. Zhuyu in Guangling City, and his name was Wen Zhuyu.

This Mr. Zhu Yu used to be the owner of Ningxiang Restaurant.

Ten years ago, Ningxiang Pavilion changed owners, and Zhuo Yu Xiaozhu also changed owners. Mr. Zhuo Yu is said to have gone to Shuzhou, but there are rumors that Mr. Zhuo Yu's family was killed and their bodies were buried in Huaping Lake. fish.

Afterwards, people in Guangling City gradually knew that the new owner of Ningxiang Hall was Song Yuanping, a short, fat and kind middle-aged man.

But not many people have actually seen Song Yuanping, even the neighbors of the lakeside family said that Boss Song lives in a simple way and rarely shows up.

The reason why Lu Xiaotian knew it was because Chen Chun, the former leader of the Ax Gang, said something after drinking some time not long ago.

Chen Chun said that the Ax Gang will become stronger in the future!

Because he found a strong backer for the Ax Gang!

That backer is the famous Ningguo Ichthyosaur Association!

Chen Chun also said that the rudder master of the Guangling sub-helm of the Yulonghui summoned him, and that rudder master was Song Yuanping, the owner of the Ningxiang Pavilion, and the place where Song Yuanping met Chen Chun was in a small courtyard at the southeast corner of Zhuoyu Xiaozhu. .

All the members of the Ax Gang thought that they would have a better life in the future with their backs on fish and dragons, but unexpectedly even their gang leader was caught by the yamen and beaten to death in prison.

They observed for a while, but they didn't see the ichthyosaur coming to help the ax gang, so they were all disappointed, thinking that it was Chen Chun's drunken bragging.

Thinking about it, how could the prestigious Ichthyosaur Society be able to take a fancy to mobs like the Ax Gang.

As a result, the Ax Gang disintegrated, and each gang went its own way.

Only then did Li Chen'an feel the desire to gather those gangsters of the Axe Gang together, and only then did he know where he should go to complete this task.

It's just... Lu Xiaotian also said something.

He said that Chen Chun said that Zhuoyu Xiaozhu was heavily guarded, and that many Ichthyosaur masters might have gathered there to protect Song Yuanping's safety.

This mission is a bit difficult.

But today is the last time, and Li Chenan doesn't have any martial arts masters available——

He was not familiar with the old man surnamed Wu, so he might be able to ask Jian Wu or the old man for help through Zhongli Ruoshui. Zhongli Ruoshui had been here a few times in the past few days, but he never asked for help.

The other one is Murong He.

But Murong He is originally a member of the Fish and Dragon Society, if he speaks up, he is afraid that Murong He will cut himself off instead of dating Su Muxin.

So this trip can only rely on myself and Li Xiaohua.

This is a risky thing, and he is well prepared.

Not only the dagger in her bosom, but also the lime hidden in her sleeve pocket, and even Li Xiaohua was carrying a bucket of kerosene on her back!

As for the escape route...

Zhuoyu Xiaozhu is by the Huaping Lake, as long as he can kill Song Yuanping, as long as he can jump into the Huaping Lake, Li Chenan believes that no one can catch him in the water.

But the most critical factor in this trip depends on Li Xiaohua.

The two came to the archway of Ningxiang Pavilion.

He didn't enter the road under the archway, but walked straight to the selling gold gambling house in front.

There is an alley next to the Gold Casino.

At the end of this winding alley is Zhuyu Xiaozhu.

"Stay back and rush in, find a building and light a fire."

"Remember, gods block and kill gods and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!"

"Let's fight and retreat, and then retreat to the Ningxiang Pavilion."

Li Xiaohua nodded, "And then?"

"... If you are still alive, run away!"

"Where are you going?"

"Fu Ya!"

Li Xiaohua was taken aback, "Didn't you throw yourself into a trap?"