
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

I am an undercover agent!

After all, he is an outstanding young man who follows Hua Manting.

Su Muxin quickly adjusted his mentality, and of course he also knew that this was momentum!

Li Chenan and the teacher called each other brothers, but he couldn't please him at all in front of Li Chenan.

Then it's better to follow along, maybe you can really learn a lot from Li Chenan.

"I was second in last year's Chunwei list."

Li Chenan was stunned, only then did he realize that this kid really has a few brushes.

"According to the principle, as long as there is a real shortage in the Ministry of Officials, I can be released as an official."

"But... of the four great talents in Kyoto, I am the only one who comes from a farming family and has no background. Even if I live in Kyoto, I still rely on selling some poems and articles to women in brothels."

"This time I came to Guangling City with my teacher. I came to participate in the selection of the son-in-law of the third lady of Zhongli Mansion. I thought I could find a strong backer to realize my ambition..."

Su Muxin looked at Li Chenan and sighed, "How did I know you made that song "Butterfly Love Flower"!"

"...I didn't do it on purpose!"

Li Chenan felt that he was a little wronged, and he thought of that handsome father-in-law again, thinking that if he was to blame for this matter, he would have to blame that father-in-law.

He didn't even have that job, so why did he pay a hundred taels of silver for that song?

Even if he likes that poem, you, a father-in-law, don't give that poem to Miss Zhongli!

This guy made the third lady of Zhongli's mansion fail to choose a relative, and also killed many teenagers' fantasies.

Isn't this a fool who is making trouble?

"You may not have meant it, but that guy of yours shattered my hopes."

"To tell you the truth, when the teacher told me that you wrote the poem, I didn't admire you, but resented you!"

Su Muxin raised her head, looked up to the sky and sighed, "This day is so unfair!"

"My heart, Su Mu...was born at an untimely time!"

He withdrew his gaze and looked at Li Chenan again, "Even if you made the song "Qing Xing'er" at the Yanyu Pavilion on the spot, I didn't have a good impression of you until you made the song "" Will enter the wine."

"I admit that although I was drunk that night, I really started to admire you."

"But the next day the teacher told me that poems and articles are not the most worth learning in you."

Li Chenan didn't know about this, but he was a little curious when he heard it now.

"Then Brother Hua thinks I have something worth learning from you?"



"Yes, as forbearing as the turtle in the lotus pond in Zuixinting!"

Li Chen'an felt bad all of a sudden, "You are the turtle!"

"No, my temper is impatient, more like a rabbit, you are the tortoise!"


"Tell me, look at the world, who else can endure seventeen years like you?"

"You actually pretended to be a fool for seventeen years, deceiving the people of Guangling City, even your father!"

"I don't understand. A tortoise might bite if it's in a hurry. You have been buried for seventeen years and even kicked out of your house, but you still haven't farted... How did you do it?"

Li Chenan was dumbfounded.

This misunderstanding is a bit big!

How to answer this?

You can't say that you have traveled from another world, even if you tell others, you won't believe it!

Su Muxin looked at Li Chen'an with great anticipation in his eyes. He really wanted to know, because after thinking about it, he was absolutely unable to do it.

It's clear that this guy has great talent, but he didn't show it at all before this.

It is clear that this guy has the ability to make a lot of money, but he used to sell the steamed cakes and straw cakes for a small profit.

It was clear that this guy could marry that young lady from the Shen family, but he just accepted being bullied and came to divorce him.

He doesn't care what the neighbors say at all.

Even being driven out of the house by his father, he remained indifferent.

How can this be human, this is even more ruthless than a turtle!

"Let's not talk about this, I said you are a literati, you can't do anything, I have to feed you... Otherwise, from tomorrow on, you will be the lobby manager of this tavern, uh, you will be the shopkeeper Already!"

"Wait, you haven't answered my question yet."

"Don't ask, it's good for you if you don't know some things!"

Su Mu was startled, and asked in a low voice, "Could it be that you, do you have another identity?"

"Yes, I'm an undercover agent, don't make it public!"

"...Seventeen years in bed?"

Just when Li Chenan was speechless, Cuihua stepped into the backyard.

She came to Li Chenan's side and looked at Su Muxin, "Master, I have a mission!"

Su Mu was startled, my lord... Could it be that Li Chen'an is really an undercover agent?

Li Chenan raised his hand, stopping Cuihua's words.

He looked at Su Muxin with a serious face, "You can go back, remember to have lunch at Qianmo Academy tomorrow."

Su Muxin swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at Li Chen'an three times like a curious baby, then got up, and left the tavern with complicated emotions.

He is not envious, but sympathetic.

It's not easy to be an undercover agent!

Only forbearance like a tortoise will do!

Could it be that the teacher meant for me to learn his invincible tolerance?

In the small courtyard, Li Chenan looked at Cuihua with question marks all over his face.

What I said to Su Muxin just now was to send that guy away, otherwise it would be too difficult for me to explain it clearly to him.

"Where is the mission?"

"My lord, I went down to the Four Temples and received a mission from above. Take a look."

Cuihua handed Li Chenan a small bamboo tube sealed with wax.

He took it, lit the fire folder to melt the wax, and took out a small note from inside.

Take a look——

"The Presbyterian Council of the Division of Lighting ordered

The Embroidered Clothes Envoy of Guangling Prefecture immediately performs the following tasks

Assassinate Song Yuanping, the rudder leader of the Guangling Prefecture of the Ichthyosaur Society!

The task period is ten days, and the task completion points are 10 points.

In addition, Song Yuanping is the owner of the Ningxiang Pavilion. He is forty years old and a man of the world. He is good at using a pair of judge pens. According to a preliminary assessment, his force value is the lower level of the eighth realm. "

Li Chenan was stunned.

This embroiderer has only been working for a few days?

It was only two days ago that Liu Zhuo mentioned the Fish and Dragon Society, and only then did he know that Li Jingsi had a rival called the Fish and Dragon Society.

He also wondered if the Ichthyosaur Society should not come to trouble him, but he didn't expect that the first task given by the above was to kill the owner of the family!

That handsome father-in-law dug a big hole for himself!

"Which... Cuihua, what is the meaning of this force value of the lower level of the eighth realm?"

Cuihua's eyes widened, "My lord, how did you become this embroidery envoy?"

"Don't ask, you tell me first."

"People in the Jianghu martial arts world divide the realm of martial arts into nine realms and three levels. The lowest is the nine realms, and the highest is not the first realm, but the grand master. The third stage is the upper, middle and lower stages of each realm, and the lower level of the nine realms. It's the worst kind of martial arts."

Li Chenan was stunned, "Is the lower level of the eighth realm really good?"

"It's not very powerful, but it can hit you roughly ten times."

Li Chenan's whole body is not well.

This is so weird, the bronze medals in his hand are only one Cuihua and one Li Xiaohua, none of them are martial arts masters, how to complete this task?

"What does this point mean?"

"It's the meritorious service of Lijing Division. If you accumulate 30,000 points, you can enter the Presbyterian Church."

Thirty thousand points... It is impossible to get it in a lifetime.

"What happens if I don't complete the task?"

Cuihua looked at the embroiderer with some sympathy, "The Council of Presbyterians will send someone to kill you by the way!"