
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Hurt parting

The third day of May in the 23rd year of Zhaohua.


A curved Emei moon hangs high in the sky, and there are little stars beside it.

Li Chen'an was originally practicing the Heavenly Jue in the tavern, but Mr. Wu hurried over to pick him up to Peach Blossom Villa, saying that the third lady had something to look for him.

In the backyard of Peach Blossom Villa, there is a waterfall viewing pavilion.

Perhaps it was because of the heavy rain a few days ago that the water force of Nalian Waterfall was much stronger than before.

As a result, the misty rain and fog became thicker, and even the Waterfall Pavilion was shrouded in the rain and fog.

The light of the red lanterns in the Waterfall Pavilion has also become much more dim.

When Li Chenan arrived at the Waterfall Pavilion, Zhongli Ruoshui was sitting alone, looking up at the waterfall in a daze.

He walked over and came to Zhongli Ruoshui's side, and saw that the look on her face was a bit sad, and she no longer had the carefree and joyful look of a young girl in the past.

The mist fell on the ends of her hair, and also on the center of her eyebrows.

The girl lost her soul, and smiled forcedly when she looked at Li Chenan.

"I'm going to leave Guangling City for a while."

Li Chenan was startled, and sat opposite her.

"Where are you going?"

"Go to Kyoto."

Li Chenan frowned, his heart sank

"...The second prince really wants to propose marriage to Zhongli Mansion?"

"Grandma didn't mention this matter in her letter back to me, but...Grandma told me to go to Kyoto, and I will go now."

"I mentioned our matter in the letter to my grandma. Grandma didn't object in the letter, but said that I did a good job."

"She said that she had also heard of your name in Kyoto. After Mr. Hua arrived in Kyoto, he invited six great Confucian scholars from the Taiyuan Academy and the Imperial College to appreciate and analyze your two poems and that poem."

"Grandma said that after receiving my letter, she specially invited Mrs. Hua to her house as a guest, and asked about your situation in detail."

"Master Hua is of course very appreciative of you. He also said that the re-ranking of "Ning Poetry Collection Yuan Baipian" will be launched soon. After the discussion is passed, "Ning Poetry Collection Yuan Baipian" will be reprinted, and your Two words and one poem will enter into this great book."

Zhongli Ruoshui leaned on the white jade table with his elbows, propped his chin with both hands, looked at Li Chenan, his big eyes blinked.

"According to what I originally thought, after reading my letter and knowing your talent, grandma should have asked me to take you to Kyoto to meet her. But grandma didn't mention it in her reply. Instead, let me go to Kyoto alone, which is a bit weird..."

"My father came here this morning, and I realized that my father wrote a letter to grandma earlier than me."

"Father said that grandma mentioned the current situation in Kyoto in her letter to him. Zhongli Mansion is not willing to participate in the struggle for imperial power, but Zhongli Mansion is a very important pawn in this struggle."

"So, so Prime Minister Ji has been to Dingguohou's Mansion in Yujing City many times."

"Of course His Royal Highness and the Second Prince have also been there many times."

"It's just that grandma and grandpa either avoided it in advance, or prevaricated them on the grounds that the current emperor is still alive."

"Just a few days before grandma replied, Concubine Ji Gui also went to Dingguohou's Mansion... She mentioned the meaning of the second prince... Don't take it to heart, this kind of thing was originally common in the family of noble families. I definitely won't agree."

Li Chenan nodded, and asked with some worry in his heart, "What's your grandma's opinion?"

"My grandma definitely doesn't want me to marry into the palace, after all, she even refused the marriage proposal from Duke Cheng's mansion."

Li Chenan thought about it carefully, "Then if you go to the capital, it is your grandma who is protecting you. As long as the emperor does not issue an order, no matter whether it is Prime Minister Ji, Concubine Ji or the second prince, they dare not make excessive demands on Zhongli Mansion."

"Well, my father analyzed it in the same way. It's just...it's just that I won't see you when I go to Kyoto..."

Zhongli Ruoshui blushed slightly, "Besides, I went to the capital, and I'm worried that the Huo family in Guangling City will be unfavorable to you!"

"And my mother, she wants to go with me... She hopes that I can marry into the palace. In this way, Zhongli Mansion may become another Duke's mansion in Ning Kingdom."

Li Chen'an smiled slightly, and he stretched out his hand to hold Zhongli Ruoshui's little hand.

"Don't worry about me here. After all, I have a certain ability to protect myself. Besides... the magistrate Liu of Guangling Prefecture is a disciple of Brother Hua, and he has some friendship with me."

"Don't forget that I still have the identity of Lijing Division Embroidery Envoy. If Jian Wu helps me find some heroines in the past few days... the strength in my hand will increase a little bit."

"Jian Wu said that her junior sister will come in these two days, but I have to tell you something!"

Zhongli Ruoshui looked at Li Chen'an, and said very seriously, "They are all women, you...you are among the flowers! Don't mess with your senses!"

Li Chenan laughed out loud, Zhongli Ruoshui blushed, and glanced at him, "I'm serious with you!"

"What do you think? Weak water is three thousand, I only take a scoop and drink it. With you, my life is enough!"

Zhongli Ruoshui's heart was as sweet as eating that acacia nectar.

She threw away the troubles of parting, like a magnolia flower blooming in the rain.

"That's what you said!"


"When I go to Kyoto, if I can't come back in time, I will write to you, and you must reply to me in time."


"Also... You must pay attention to safety when you go out. I am not only worried about those forces in Guangling City, I am also worried about the second prince... This person looks gentle and elegant, but he often does things unscrupulously!"

"If he finds out about our relationship, I'm worried that he will be bad for you!"

"I see. Before you came back, I was huddled in this workshop, not going anywhere."

"I heard that Huaping Lake will hold a huge literature meeting on the Dragon Boat Festival, but unfortunately I couldn't see it... With your talent, you should be included in the invitation list, and this is also the time to go. After all, I hope you can do such a good job again. The poems, get the leader of the literary society."

"Su Muxin told me, but I didn't attend the literary meeting for the sake of the leader, but to give our wine a name."

Zhongli Ruoshui shook his head, "Since it's for our wine, you should take down the leader!"

"By the way, it's been a long time since I saw you make a poem. I'm leaving tomorrow. Can you write me a poem?"

Of course Li Chenan understood Zhongli Ruoshui's thoughts, this was what she thought about herself after she went to the capital.

"Bring a pen, ink, paper and inkstone!"


Zhongli Ruoshui happily ran out with a lantern, and came back after a while.

She lifted up her sleeves to polish Li Chenan's ink, thinking that this is the red sleeves to add fragrance.

I thought how wonderful it would be to be as quiet and serene as I am now for the rest of my life!

Li Chenan thought for a moment, picked up a pen and put it on the paper

"Magpie bridge fairy

Xianyun plays tricks, flying stars spread hatred, and silver men travel secretly.

As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet,

It wins but there are countless people in the world.

Tenderness is like water, good times are like dreams, and I endure the magpie bridge to return.

If the two feelings last for a long time,

How can it be day and night. "