
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Hands-off shopkeeper

Since what happened on the night of the seventh day of June, Li Chenan's life has become peaceful and peaceful.

The neighbors in Guangling City found that peach blossom wine was selling very well these days, but the Huo family still didn't do anything to Li Chenan.

I even heard that the old head of the Huo family invited Li Chenan to the Huo mansion as a guest, and then Huo Chuanming, Huo Tongpan, went to the tavern in Erjinggou alley many times, but not drinking in the shop, but in the backyard Drink tea and chat with Li Chenan.

It seems that the Huo family is also afraid of the name of the Ichthyosaur, so they resorted to the means of wooing Li Chenan.

Only in this way, it may be a matter of time before Guangling Powder is replaced by Taohua Niang.

Now the daily supply of peach blossom wine to the market is more than 2,000 jin, all of which are sold out in a short period of time, which leaves a lot of room for Guangling San, so the two families can still live in peace.

Can the production of Peach Blossom Noodles be increased in the future?

This has become people's after-dinner speculation.

In addition, after the Shen family's granary was burned, Shen Qianshan, the Patriarch of the Shen family, became anxious, and suddenly fell ill in bed, unable to take care of the business anymore, so the purchase of autumn grain fell on Shen Qiaodie's shoulders.

That Shen girl left Guangling City on the ninth day of June and went to various places in the south of the Yangtze River.

I heard that the Huo family and the Shen family were also engaged, but the daughter of the Shen family was not the eldest daughter-in-law of the Huo family, but a concubine.

This made many people feel sorry for it, and felt that if the Shen family hadn't divorced the Li family at that time, if the Shen girl had married Li Chen'an, how could the Shen family be in such distress as they are now?

With such a powerful son-in-law, the Shen family was originally in the grain business, the two families complement each other, this noble son-in-law's wine shop can be expanded a lot, and both of them can earn a lot of money.

There is no such thing in the world, so it boils down to the fact that the Shen family is too powerful, and never expected that Li Chen'an would rise to the top, so he lost a lot of sympathy for the Shen family, and his words were a little more mocking.

The Patriarch of the Huo family, Huo Xi, took his grandson Huo Shufan and left Guangling City on the tenth day of June. I heard that he went to the capital. I heard that the eldest grandson of the Huo family was favored by Concubine Li, and he was very likely to become the son-in-law of the sixth princess.

This Huo family is really very lucky, with the identity of this royal family member, I don't know if they will turn around and bite Li Chenan again.

The granary of Cai Zhengyao, another grain merchant in Guangling City, was also burned that night, but Cai Zhengyao didn't seem sad.

He would still go to the tavern under the banyan tree to drink the Hua Ping Chun, which is now three hundred pennies a tael, and even brought his son Cai Qizhi with him.

On the thirteenth of June, Cai Zhengyao also left Guangling City to go to various places in the south of the Yangtze River, while Cai Qizhi became the new shopkeeper of the tavern under the banyan tree.

After that, Li Chenan, the upstart from Guangling, spent more time in Zhuyu Xiaozhu.

Zhu Yu Xiaozhu has a concierge, and the people in Guangling City don't know him, but Huo Chuanming knows him. He is Ye Po, the former guest of the Huo family!

This made Li Chen'an even more mysterious in Huo Chuanming's eyes.

He didn't know how Li Chen'an subdued Ye Po, he only knew that the kid really had a great expert by his side.

With the Ichthyosaur Society in Guangling Prefecture in his hands, I'm afraid it can really improve to the next level!



Cook Yu Xiaozhu.

There is rain rustling and falling.

As a result, water flowers bloomed on Huaping Lake.

The rain washed away the dust on the bamboo leaves, and looking around, a clump of green bamboos on the bank was greener, and that old willow was also renewed.

Sitting on a balcony of Zhuoyu Xiaozhu near the lake, Wen Xiaowan neither went to see the unique Huaping Lake in the mist, nor the lush green willows and bamboos.

Her eyes fell on Li Chenan's face, but there was already a look of surprise on her face wearing a mask.

Li Chenan was making tea, which was the green bamboo leaves brought by Shang Di.

Of course he knew that Wen Xiaowan was staring at him intently, because the moment Wen Xiaowan came in, he had already recognized her——

Because she was wearing a face towel.

What's more, this woman's eyebrows and eyes look very beautiful, and there is a conspicuous mole on the right earlobe!

She is the heroine she met on the second floor behind Zhuoyu Xiaozhu that night!

But, how could she be with everyone Shang?

It looked as if she recognized herself too.

Li Chenan didn't go to poke it, he poured two cups of tea and handed it over, looked at Shang Di, and said with a smile, "Brother, if you talk about the tune of this poem, I really don't understand it. I just heard you hum it casually." Come on, I think it's pretty good, if it's paired with a musical instrument...especially Xiao, it will definitely be famous all over the world!"

Shang Di laughed, "You are a modest kid, let me introduce you."

He pointed to the girl beside him, "Her name is Wen Xiaowan, and she is in the Ningxiang Pavilion... Although she is in the Ningxiang Pavilion, she is innocent, and it is also because she has a mission!"

Li Chenan was startled, only then did he realize that this girl is actually the number one in Ningxiang Hall!

The starting fee is 100 taels of silver, and you still need to make an appointment to be the top card!

He looked at Wen Xiaowan, Wen Xiaowan smiled slightly, frowned, and took off the scarf, revealing that delicate and beautiful face.

She bowed slightly, and uttered a gentle word between her lips and teeth, "Little girl has seen Mr. Li!"

Li Chenan smiled calmly, "I've heard about the girl's name for a long time, and I'm honored to meet you today."

Shang Di picked up the teacup and took a sip, "Brother, I won't hide it from you, Miss Wen is a member of the Imperial City Department's Outer Sect, so I'll bring her here today. I'm afraid it won't be good for a while if you take over the Ningxiang Pavilion." Familiar, but Xiaowan is very familiar."

"The second thing... I am also worried about some misunderstandings. After all, the Imperial City Secretary is not very friendly to Yulonghui. If Xiaowan does something unfavorable to you without knowing it, it will cause a big problem."

Saying this, Shang Di looked at Wen Xiaowan again, "There are mixed fish and dragons in the Fish and Dragon Club, but this Li Duozhu...you can rest assured of his actions. What I mean is that in Guangling City in the future, if he Need some help, you are obliged!"

"The servant obeys!"

Wen Xiaowan raised her eyes to look at Li Chen'an again, feeling more and more curious.

"Thank you bro, don't tell me, I feel a little worried when I look at the account books of Ningxiang Pavilion."

"You know I'm lazy, or else..."

Li Chen'an looked at Wen Xiaowan again, "I will entrust you to take care of all the affairs of the Ningxiang Pavilion. You only need to make a monthly account book and tell me the income and expenditure status. How about it?"

Wen Xiaowan was taken aback, thinking that the Ningxiang Pavilion was making a lot of money every day, and he would actually hand over the business to herself!

She looked at Shang Di, Shang Di pondered for a moment and nodded, "Alright, he will go to the capital with the old man in a few days, and you have done him a great favor by helping him manage the Ningxiang Pavilion."

"Then it's settled."

Li Chenan threw the account book to Wen Xiaowan with a wave of his hands, "Ningxiang Pavilion uses wine, you go to Taohuaxi Winery to find Su Muxin."

The three of them drank tea while listening to the rain, and chatted for a while, then Shang Di and Wen Xiaowan left Zhuoyu Xiaozhu in a carriage.

In the carriage.

Wen Xiaowan said to Shang Di, "That night, the boy who killed Song Yuanping should be Li Chen'an!"

Shang Di was startled, "You read that right?"

"Return to the venerable, the slaves will not be mistaken!"

"...This matter, you are rotten in your stomach!"