
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Entering Kyoto 1

"You mean that the Marquis of Dingguo sent Zhong Lidang to welcome Li Chenan into Beijing?"

In Yujing City, in the middle of Jinxiu Alley not far from the east gate of the Imperial Palace, there is a mansion that occupies a huge area.

It is the very famous Prime Minister's Mansion in Yujing City!

Prime Minister Ji, the most powerful person in Ningguo today, lives here.

There is a man-made lake in the backyard of Xiangfu, the lake is named Lingyan, there is no misty mist rising in this summer, but there is also a lake full of brilliant lotus.

There is a pavilion by the lake, and on the pavilion are written three big characters Lingyan Pavilion!

At this moment, an old man with a thin figure and a hale and hearty face was sitting in the Lingyan Pavilion.

He is Prime Minister Ji Taji!

With a glass of wine in his hand, he looked up at Yang Sixian who was standing in front of him, and asked again, "Princess Yunchen has gone too?"

He suddenly laughed, and the pair of cloudy old eyes on that wrinkled face suddenly lit up.

"It's interesting!"

"A small person entered the capital, and it actually touched the hearts of Ding Guohou's residence and Cheng Guogong's residence..."

He took a sip of the wine and tasted it for a while, "Well, this Huapingchun is really good, and that kid is also very good."

Yang Sixian said hastily, "In the future, for Huapingchun, that boy will provide Xiangye ten catties a month... The production of this wine is very low, and it is not easy to brew."

"Yeah," Ji Tai took another sip, but suddenly changed the subject

"By the way, the woman you brought back is really Wen Zhuyu's daughter?"

"Master Hui, I haven't admitted it yet, but that girl looks too much like Wen Zhuyu. In addition... she really came to assassinate the villain after she heard about the time when the villain left Guangling, so she is inseparable. Wen Zhuyu's daughter!"

"Oh, don't use torture, but lock it up...and release this news."

Yang Sixian was taken aback, he didn't understand what Ji Tai meant, and he didn't dare to ask, so he bowed and replied, "Okay!"

"I'm afraid you don't know that Xi Wei has a fellow apprentice, and he is Wen Zhuyu!"

Yang Sixian was startled suddenly, and looked up at Ji Tai.

Ji Tai tasted the wine, frowning slightly, but looked towards the lotus pond.

"Death, I want to see the corpse! What you did at Zhuoyu Xiaozhu back then, but you couldn't see Wen Zhuyu's corpse in the end!"

Cold sweat broke out on Yang Sixian's back, and he bowed in fear, "...he, is he still alive?"

"This is the great sin of a villain!"

"You don't have to be nervous. After all these years, I haven't heard anything about Wen Zhuyu."

"Didn't you say that the girl has been in the brothel? If she is really Wen Zhuyu's daughter, with his character, how could he let his daughter fall into the place of fireworks."

"But I have to guard against it. It's always good to be careful."

"In addition, the matter of going to Mobei has been handed over to Peng Shaoqiu by the old man, so you can stay in the capital... and have more contact with Li Chen'an!"

"The villain obeys!"

"This kid is a bit interesting. When Shangdi returned to Beijing, he thought it was the chief of the imperial city, Old Bandit Sun, who had something important to do. Unexpectedly, he came back because of that... that poem written by Li Chenan."

"It seems to be called "Tianjingsha", which is widely sung in Kyoto... That kid is really talented, what a pity!"

Ji Tai said that the boy is very good, that boy is a bit interesting, that boy is really a talent... He has never boasted about a young man like this in Yang Sixian's memory.

But these are not important, what is important is his last few words - what a pity!

"Master Xiang, could it be...he can't be used by the Fish and Dragon Club?"

Ji Tai didn't answer, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, stood up, "It's late at night, you step back, let's see everything again."

"The villain understands."

Yang Sixian bowed and stepped back, pushing a wheelchair out in the dark night.

A little old man sat in the wheelchair.

The man pushed the wheelchair to Lingyan Pavilion, picked up the wheelchair, and put it in the pavilion.

The little old man in the wheelchair reached out, picked up the wine jar, filled a glass of wine, and drank it in one gulp.

After a while, he put down his wine glass and said two words, "Good wine!"

"But no matter how good the wine is, it doesn't have the right to be intoxicating... After all, it's a young man, I think it can be cultivated vigorously!"

Holding the wine jar, he said lightly to the person behind him, "Let's go, go back to sleep."

The man carried the wheelchair out of the Lingyan Pavilion again, pushed the wheelchair and disappeared into the night.

Ji Tai sat alone in the Lingyan Pavilion for a while, and then left.



The sky is dimly bright.

Zhongli Ruoshui got up early in the morning.

After freshening up, she came to the lotus pond.

The heat has not yet risen, and the fresh air carries a faint smell of lotus, and the lotus in the pond is also extraordinarily delicate and beautiful at this time.

She looked at those lotus flowers, but there were no lotus flowers in her eyes.

There was a smile on her face, and her eyes were full of anticipation.

Today Li Chen'an has entered the capital.

The cousin and the others don't know if they can go faster and bring him to the house earlier.

It was actually only three months since Guangling left, but she felt as if it had been three years.

This is caring for a person.

This is enough to show that that person has lived in his heart.

Just when she was thinking about Li Chen'an, Zhongli Ruohua came to her side bouncing around, but he didn't disturb her.

So, Zhongli Ruohua raised his head, turned his head to look at his sister curiously, and saw the strange look on her face.

"Hee hee, sister misses her brother-in-law?"

Zhongli Ruoshui was startled, her face flushed immediately, she glared at Zhongli Ruohua, "Shouldn't you be doing morning exercises at this time? Why did you come here?"

Zhongli Ruohua quickly turned his head and looked around, "Shh..."

"Grandma is not here, don't shout, I, I miss you!"

Zhongli Ruoshui frowned, and said very seriously, "Practicing martial arts is the same as studying, what requires self-awareness!"

"Do you understand self-consciously? This is something you should do yourself, instead of needing to be supervised all the time, you..."


Zhongli Ruohua raised her chubby little hand, and suddenly said treacherously, "Sister, don't you want to see that, that Li Chenan earlier?"

"I heard from Sister Ruoyu that before you came to the capital, Sister Ruoyu took down Qi Zhishan from Duke Qi's mansion!"

Zhongli Ruoshui was startled, and was immediately misled by Zhongli Ruuohua's words, "What did Ruoyu say?"

"Sister Ruoyu said, the women in Zhongli Mansion should take the initiative like a grandma in this matter! Don't be coy, let alone cover up... If the person you like doesn't follow suit, just take the initiative Robbed!"

"She also said that if you like it, you like it. Why bother to act in the kind of hypocritical drama that sits alone in the boudoir, alone with the lonely lamp, and lovesick alone... She said that no one will care about your lovesickness, but everyone will get what they want for you. Congratulations, sir!"

Zhongli Ruohua's big eyes flickered, and he pretended to be a little grown-up, "If I were you, I should go out and greet him from a distance, to show that you attach importance to him, and only in this way can I catch a man's heart!"

Zhongli Ruoshui was stunned, and suddenly felt that what his sister said made sense.

"Then I'm going out!"

"Take me!"

"What are you going to do?"

"...I also want to see if this brother-in-law looks good!"

At this moment, a voice came, "Ruohua, practice martial arts!"

Zhong Li Ruohua shuddered and looked back in horror. Fan Taohua was standing in the corridor.

A sword flew over.

Zhongli Ruohua burst into tears.

She stretched out a hand, and pinched the tip of the sword with two fingers.


"Grandma...I want to go see my brother-in-law!"