
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Duke Cheng's Mansion

Amu did not follow Li Chenan to Duke Cheng's mansion.

Amu followed his junior brother Wang Zhenghaoxuan to the Imperial City Division.

Li Chen'an went to Duke Cheng's mansion with An Zizi.

It was a bit late to go.

When An Zizai sent the fetish to Dingguohou's mansion, Zhongli Ruoshui just left Dingguohou's mansion and went to Sun Tuozi's small courtyard.

The fetish exploded in Zhonglipo and Fan Taohua's doubts. It was also in a lotus pond. The effect was of course shocking. Zhonglipo, Fan Taohua and Rong Yiyin were all shocked, and they couldn't look back for a long time. Come on.

That lotus pond was of course destroyed in this way.

The broken flowers and leaves from the lotus pond drifted away, and the fish in the lotus pond obviously did not expect death to come.

Just such a guy, let Fan Taohua decide on the spot to see Li Chenan tomorrow!

Because both she and Zhong Lipo realized the great role of this fetish, they naturally also realized the great value of Li Chenan.

This is reality.

Rong Yiyin's eyes showed a hint of disappointment.

From this point of view, the mother-in-law can no longer be persuaded after all, so the daughter will be by Li Chenan's side.

As for Rongfu, there is no hope of restoring its former glory.

An Zizai happily returned to the other courtyard, and after telling Li Chenan the news, Li Chenan was of course also overjoyed——

Knocked on the door of Dingguohou's Mansion with that thing.

Then, when I talk to Mrs. Fan or Master Hou about the matter with Zhongli Ruoshui, it will be a matter of course!

It is now August thirteenth.

If you leave for Guangling City in late August, you will arrive in Guangling City in early September.

Invite father to go to Zhongli Mansion to propose marriage, maybe this winter he will be able to marry Zhongli Ruoshui.

It's a bit cold in winter, so there are people who have warm quilts.

After coming to this world for more than half a year, I finally fell to the ground and took root.

Li Chen'an happily went to Cheng Guogong's mansion with An Zizai, but he didn't know about the huge change that happened to Zhongli Ruoshui.



When Zhongli Ruoshui left Sun Tuozi's small courtyard and headed for the palace, the banquet at Cheng Guogong's mansion had already ended.

The pleasantries at the banquet never involve important matters, but are just a process in which the host and guest get to know each other and get to know each other better.

Li Chenan followed Cheng Guogong to his study.

Cheng Zhe also went with him.

This is where we talk about things.

Li Chen'an didn't believe that a person like Cheng Guogong would treat himself to a meal when he was bored.

He sat opposite Cheng Guogong, probably because of the pleasant conversation just now, Cheng Guogong drank two more glasses, his wrinkled face was slightly red.

Looks pretty good.

The spirit is also very good.

I just don't know what he wants to say to himself.

Cheng Jingting turned away the two maids who came to serve him, and asked Cheng Zhe to sit beside him and make tea.

He raised his eyes to look at Li Chen'an, and suddenly said, "Do you know why the Yan Zifu from the Duke of Yan's mansion didn't come to trouble you?"

Li Chenan was taken aback, "Is it because I live in Huaxi Bieyuan? How much face will he give to the Marquis Mansion after all?"

Cheng Jingting grinned, "That kid doesn't want to talk about Dingguohoufu's face, even the old man's dukefu...he still dares to raise his sword and strike twice!"

"That's a master who won't suffer at all. You threw him down from the third floor of Juxian Pavilion, which is unprecedented!"

"According to his temperament, he will definitely bring those dead soldiers raised by the Duke of Yan's mansion to retrieve that place. Even if you don't come out of Huaxi Bieyuan, he will still bring people to kill him!"

Li Chenan opened his mouth in astonishment, only to realize that his thinking about that matter was a bit simple.

"Could it be that Duke Yan restrained him?"

"No, Duke Yan ordered him to go to Wuya Pass!"

Li Chen'an was a little confused for a moment, "Where is Wu Ya Pass?"

"South of Ningguo, a border gate bordering Wuguo!"

That's pretty far.

Obviously, Duke Yan was not worried that Mrs. Yan would provoke him again, because Duke Yan's mansion had such strength to provoke him, and even killed him.

But Yan Guogong let Yan Zifu go to that remote border land... Of course, this is not a distribution.

Li Chenan looked at Cheng Jingting, his eyes were full of doubts.

Even Chen Zhe, who was making tea, looked at his grandfather at the moment. He knew that Yan Zifu had left the capital, but he didn't know why the king of the capital left the capital.

"That place, forty years ago, was not the territory of Ningguo."

Cheng Jingting stroked his white beard and his face became serious.

"Twenty-seven years before Jingtai, there was a country between Ning State and Wu State, and it was Yong State!"

"Yong Country is not big, only three prefectures and twenty-six counties. But Yong Country has a unique geographical advantage... The whole country is flat, fertile, and has four distinct seasons, which is very suitable for the growth of crops. Therefore, Yong Country at that time was still It is rich and powerful."

"It's just that compared to Ning State, its population is too small, and its military strength is much worse than that of Ning State."

Cheng Jingting didn't directly say why Yan Zifu went to Wuya Pass, but talked about that not-so-distant history.

Cheng Zhe knew about this history, but Li Chenan really didn't, so he listened very seriously.

"Ning Guo has actually been spying on Yong Country for a long time, but because the relationship between Yong Country and Wu Country is good, it has been difficult for Ning Country to attack Yong Country."

"It's been twenty-five years in Jingtai."

"There have been some changes in the country of Wu... that is, the struggle for the throne. The late emperor seized this opportunity and sent General Ningguo to assist the country, and Lu Zhanxiao to command 100,000 troops to conquer Yongguo!"

"This battle lasted for two years, that is, in the twenty-seventh year of Jingtai, Yong Kingdom was destroyed by Lu Zhanxiao!"

"Since then, Yong Kingdom has become the territory of Ning Kingdom, which is now the Annan Province."

"Wuya Pass is located in Wuya Mountain. Naturally, this pass has also become the border pass between Ning State and Wu State. It is guarded by Lu Zhanxiao's Red Flame Army, which is as famous as the Shenwu Army of the Marquis of Dingguo!"

"The royal family of the Yong Kingdom was completely killed by Lu Zhanxiao... In fact, a few people from the royal family of the Yong Kingdom survived, such as... that Xi Wei next to Ji Tai!"

Li Chen'an was taken aback, he had heard the name Xi Wei several times, and only then did he know that the old guy who was wise enough to trick monsters was actually a member of the royal family of the Yong Kingdom.

"How could Ji Tai have the courage to use this kind of person?"

Cheng Jingting smiled slightly, "Because there are only a handful of people in the world who know that Xi Wei is a remnant of the royal family of Yong Kingdom!"

"This is what Chang Sun Jinghong spent a lot of energy over the years to find out from all kinds of clues. He didn't need to tell the emperor, because no one would believe it, because many people have heard the name Xi Wei. But no one has ever seen it!"

"Afterwards, Lu Zhanxiao's whole family was wiped out in the third year of Zhaohua."

"Yan Guogong's government took advantage of it and gained control of the Red Flame Army."

"After these 20 years of cleansing, the current Chiyan Army has become the private soldiers of the Duke of Yan!"

"Yan Zifu is the eldest son and grandson of Yan Guogong's mansion, and he is the future Yan Guogong. Therefore, he went to Wuyaguan not because he was afraid of you, but because Yan Guogong's old man wanted to train Yan Zifu! "

Li Chenan was still a little puzzled, because these things had nothing to do with him.

Cheng Jingting took the teacup from Cheng Zhe, and said again, "I'm calling you here, not to let you hear these secret stories, but, the old man heard that you intend to leave the capital after the Mid-Autumn Festival...can you Leave?"

"For Ningguo!"