
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs


People tend to change more easily under certain external stimuli.

For example, Li Chenan, when he came to this world, his initial idea was to open a small tavern, sell ten catties of wine every day, and earn one or twenty taels of silver, which is enough.

But after he became the Embroidery Envoy of the Lijing Division, and after learning about the current situation of the Guangling Prefecture Branch of the Lijing Division, he planned to open a winemaking workshop.

What he wants is to be able to mass-produce his wine through the workshop, including the current Huapingchun, and better wine than Huapingchun. Only in this way can he support his 800 bronze agents.

This plan was originally supposed to start after one year of accumulation, but it was greatly advanced because of meeting Zhongli Ruoshui.

On the issue of relationship, it was also because of the accidental meeting with Zhongli Ruoshui's mother in Peach Blossom Villa that the layer of window paper between him and Zhongli Ruoshui was pierced.

It may take a long time for the friendship between the two to break through, but now, the hearts of the two are actually closer.

As a man, especially as a man who was very famous in his previous life, Li Chenan understands the reality of society better than many people.

The world used to be like this.

The world is no different now.

The status of Zhongli Mansion is very high, so he needs to constantly improve his status to match it.

Although many people say that status is not important in front of true love, even Zhongli Ruoshui said the same, but in fact, there are still countless people who will point fingers at this, and even sneer at it.

Although Li Chenan doesn't care what others say, if he can do better, make those gossip less, and even make people in the world think that Zhongli Ruoshui and himself are the perfect couple, wouldn't that be better?

Therefore, he had the idea of creating a business empire in this world.

It is not too difficult to implement, because there are not many commodities in this world, especially some commodities that he knows can be produced in this world, he believes that each one has epoch-making significance.

It's just the same sentence, Ruth walked step by step.

This step is critical now.

That is to establish a brewing workshop and make Huapingchun become a hit in the huge market!

At the same time, he needs to deliberately collect some information about people in the arena, especially those female heroes.

Because revitalizing the Guangling branch of Lijing Division should also be put on the agenda.

It's not entirely for the task of Lijing Division, but for the next thing he needs these people to help him with other things.



It was late when we returned to the tavern, and the tavern was already closed.

Li Chenan came to the backyard, only Li Xiaohua was playing with his big knife, and Cui Sanniang was mending Li Xiaohua's clothes sitting under a lamp.

The backyard was a bit small, and Li Xiaohua's knife was a bit too big, and it seemed impossible to use it, but it chopped off the banyan leaves all over the ground.

"Where are Murong He and Su Muxin?"

"Master," Li Xiaohua ran over with a knife on his shoulder, "Master Su has returned to Qianmo Academy, Miss Murong followed him."

"Oh, where is Cuihua?"

"I don't know, the wine was sold out this evening, so Cuihua left, probably to her coffin shop."

Li Chen'an didn't care, after all, Cuihua had to visit that place occasionally, in case there was any task assigned there.

"Is no one here to cause trouble today?"

"No, the Huo family seems to have forgotten. By the way, the rice is still hot in the pot. Have you eaten, young master?"

"not yet."

"The villain is going to serve it to the young master."

After Li Chenan finished his meal, he gave Li Xiaohua an order: "It is estimated that our wine making workshop will start in the next few days. I will take you to find the way tomorrow. You will be tired later. The place where the workshop is." You need to keep an eye on it."

"Young Master, don't worry. By the way, this knife is thirty-two taels of silver. Blacksmith Duan said that if it is convenient for the Young Master, he will come to pick it up tomorrow morning."

"... so expensive?"

"Yeah, iron is very expensive, and this knife is a bit heavy."

"How much does it weigh?"

"Thirty-two catties!"

"Weigh it for me."

The long knife was in his hand, but it was very overwhelming. Li Chen'an played it twice, his hands were sore, and he threw the knife to Li Xiaohua, and he returned to his room.

He took the torch and lit the candles on the table.

Li Chenan was about to sit down and design all the things needed for the workshop, but suddenly he was taken aback. There was a pamphlet the size of a palm on the table!

He picked up the booklet, the cover was already yellowed, but the words on it could be vaguely seen——Fu Er Zhou Tian Jue!

Where did this come from?

He opened the booklet and suddenly opened his eyes wide.

With the dim candlelight, he saw a lifelike human body sketch drawn on paper!

He flipped through the pages one by one, and from an artistic point of view, every painting on it has a very high appreciation value.

Standing from a man's point of view... This painting is a man, it is really a bit ecstasy.

Has this thing become popular in this era?

But after a while, he noticed something strange——

Each of these paintings has some curves.

Somewhere on those curves there would be a little dot marked with red cinnabar.

In addition, the shape of the human body is different in each painting.

At a glance, those movements are really indecent, and those postures cannot be described.

This... is not suitable for children!

Li Chen'an closed the booklet, with eighteen pages and eighteen tricks in total. Looking at the cover again, Bu Er Zhou Tian Jue, why does this name look like a very powerful skill?

Is this really a practice?

But I really don't have the system to send this stuff!

Where did it come from?

How should I practice?

Li Chenan sat down, opened the booklet again, and examined it from a scientific point of view. Page after page, without a single word, he was at a loss.

Is this just an art book?

I thought about it, turned it over and over again, and still couldn't understand it.

Let it go.

He closed the booklet again and threw it aside casually, thinking to ask Murong He tomorrow.

Just as he spread out a piece of paper and was about to grind the ink, the door of his room creaked open.

He turned his head and looked suddenly surprised.

At that moment, he grabbed the inkstone and was about to throw it at the person wearing the bamboo hat who came in, but unexpectedly the person said, "Follow me."

Li Chenan narrowed his eyes, then opened them again, he saw this person's face.

This is an old man.

He is Zhongliruoshui's coachman.

"Where are you going?"

"Drawing Pingdong."

"...What are you doing in the middle of the night?"

"Teach you martial arts."

Li Chenan was startled, and took the booklet, "Did you give this to me?"

Wu Xichen nodded, "It's a very powerful internal skill."

"How to practice?"

"Practice however you want."


"The magic of Bu Er Zhou Tian Jue lies in the difference in understanding of each person. You may not be able to see what the old man sees, and the old man may not be able to see what you see, so... just follow the fate."

There is such a miraculous internal strength in the world?

"Since you can't see it, then look at it later."

"Now, come with me."

"Did you take me to Huaping East last night?"
