
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs


Looking at the huge Guangling City, opening a small tavern in the small Erjinggou alley is a trivial matter.

But it was just such a trivial matter that set the entire Guangling City on fire in just two or three days.

Because of the strange rules set by the tavern under the banyan tree.

It is also because the famous Hua Lao lord named the wine and even wrote a plaque on it.

Also because the wine is expensive!

For ordinary people, the price of Huapingchun is far beyond what they can bear. They can't taste the taste of the wine at all, but it doesn't affect their promotion of the wine.

Most of the conversation is envious, saying that if you can drink such a small cup, you will have no regrets in your life.

But for the big merchants in Guangling City, after they tasted a small cup with curiosity, the tavern under the banyan tree became a must-go place for them every day.

It was because the wine tasted so good.

It is also because the one or two drinks are too little.

On the night of the opening day, bright red lanterns were lit in the tavern under the banyan tree, and the tavern was already full of people, but no one made any noise. At most, it was the joy and excitement in the heart after tasting the wine for the first time.

There was only one or two, and many people were reluctant to swallow it in one gulp, so everyone's appearance of drinking became delicate and gentle.

The business was so good that Li Chenan was too busy, so he called Cuihua out, and invited Li Xiaohua's mother, Cui Sanniang, to sit in front of the counter to collect the money.

Cuihua was stunned at the time.

She was very worried that the embroiderer would sell the wine so expensive that no fools would come to buy it, but when she walked into the shop, she realized that there are too many rich fools in Guangling City.

She was happily busy welcoming and delivering wine, getting wine and serving wine. I don't know how many people changed. Unknowingly, the ten catties of wine in the tavern were sold out, and there were still fools coming from behind. return.

Is this money... so easy to earn?

Just a drink or two!

It will disappear after drinking it, unlike that coffin, buy a mouthful and lie down for a hundred years!

She thought that the good business on the first day of opening was due to Mr. Hua's name, but unexpectedly, when the tavern opened at noon the next day, there were people waiting outside.

Then on the third day, there were more and more people, but there was still only a little wine, and some people who came late regretted not spending their money.

How much money did the embroiderer earn in the past three days?

Cuihua brews wine in the backyard, counting while brewing——

Thirty catties of wine sold for two taels of silver per catty, that is, sixty taels of silver. After deducting the cost, he earned at least fifty taels of silver!

No wonder the food has been better in the past two days.

It's just that the big guy named Li Xiaohua ate too much.

The tavern under the banyan tree took just two or three days to get on the right track. Cui Sanniang was responsible for collecting money, and Cuihua served in the front shop besides brewing wine in the backyard.

Li Qiaoxi also joined in, but she stayed in the shop for a shorter time, but she was happier than anyone else in her heart——

Brother, he is promising!

She told her mother what happened in the tavern, and the smile on her mother's face grew more and more.

Instead, it was the father.

Presumably my father had also heard the name Hua Pingchun, and his father became even more silent.

These days, the East Courtyard of the Li Mansion is very peaceful. The annoying woman in the West Courtyard has never stepped into the East Courtyard since she was beaten up by her brother last time, and she even seldom went to the front garden.

Maybe I was scared.

So, very good!

Li Xiaohua is the most idle person in the whole tavern. His task is to protect the courtyard. If someone has trouble in the tavern, he is responsible for throwing the troublemaker out.

Li Chenan didn't go out for the past two days, besides looking at this tavern, he still had some things to deal with.

For example, there is not much food left.

For example, if the winemaking workshop needs to be put on the agenda, then you have to find a piece of land outside the city.

It's also like chatting with the elder Hua Manting.


Early this morning, he and Li Xiaohua had just returned from a morning jog and exercise, when they met a man at the door of the tavern.

Regular customers.

In the past three days, I have come to have a drink.

He is Cai Zhengyao, a grain merchant in Guangling.

"Morning Mr. Li!"

Cai Zhengyao smiled and cupped his hands.

"Morning, Boss Cai... Let me tell you, Boss Cai, my tavern doesn't open until after noon, so you came too early."

"Of course wine is for drinking, but I'm not here for wine at this moment."

"Oh..." Li Chenan pushed open the door, "Then Boss Cai, please come in."

Leading Cai Zhengyao into the backyard, the two sat in front of the stone table.

Cai Zhengyao sniffed the strong smell of wine and looked around the crowded small courtyard, looked at Li Chenan, and asked, "Mr. Li, this wine is so popular. I don't know if Mr. Li would like to expand the scale. The price is put on the market to sell, I thought it would still be in short supply!"

Li Chenan smiled, "Let's do it, there's no rush."

"After all, this Huapingchun has only been sold in small stores for three days, and it still has a long way to go."

"Our road in Guangling City is not very easy!"

Cai Zhengyao stroked his short beard and laughed, but he already understood what Li Chenan meant——

He said that there is no rush, which means that he has the idea of making Huapingchun bigger in the future.

He knew that the road in Guangling City was not easy, which meant that he was not blinded by the excellent business in front of him.

He is playing steadily, just like he has been playing stupid for more than ten years.

This kind of boy is a boy with a truly mature mind, not to mention that there is Hua Manting behind him supporting him, and Liu Zhuo, the magistrate of Guangling Prefecture, is also a student of Hua Manting.

Once this kid sorts out these intricate relationships and uses them skillfully, it's time for Hua Pingchun to launch an attack on Guangling.

"Mr. Li, you must know that I am a grain merchant. I have also heard about the incident between the Shen family and you. Of course it is not a big deal."

"I like your wine very much, and I also like your attitude in dealing with people. I came to sit with Mr. Li today, thinking that... we can cooperate well. In fact, this cooperation is also very simple. I Cai I will give you the food for brewing at home, I will give you as much as you want, and I will definitely give you the best price!"

"Boss Cai really thinks highly of me, Li Chenan! To tell the truth, Boss Cai, my tavern only consumes about forty catties of food a day... This is nothing to Boss Cai."

Cai Zhengyao waved his hand, "Forty catties of grain is also a business. I don't think the profit is the most important thing in doing business with the young master. How about making friends?"

Li Chen'an showed a bright smile, "Boss Cai has a big plan! Just like this, wouldn't Boss Cai offend Shen Qianshan? This is not a good thing for Boss Cai."

"Mr. Li, don't worry, my colleagues are enemies. It's not because you and the Shen family have conflicts now that Cai is gossiping about his Shen family behind his back. No matter how big Shen Qianshan's business is, I, Cai, still look down on him!"

"Still like this?"

"Some things, Mr. Li will naturally know in the future."