
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

A Scholar Who Is Useless

Played with this silver medal for a while.

The silver medal is three fingers square and in the shape of a shield. A chicken is engraved on one side, and three characters are engraved on the other side - Lijingsi.

Li Chenan gritted his teeth and knocked his teeth. It seems that it is not pure silver.

But these are not important. The important thing is that after coming to this world, I finally have a talisman.

As for the handsome father-in-law talking about spying on intelligence, of course he wouldn't do it himself.

Go to the alley of Sishen Temple another day, find Cuihua who sells coffins, and leave all the daily work of Lijing Division to her. At the end of the month, I will give myself a work report, and it will be fine if I can explain to the elders above. .

Thinking so, Li Xiaohua from Liji Grain Shop in West City pulled a carriage and dragged the grain he bought over.

Li Xiaohua was still wearing the short dress, with a gray-white sweat towel tied around her waist.

He carried two bags of grain on his shoulders, two bags of grain under his arm, and one bag in each hand.

He just walked into the backyard like this.

She didn't bend her back or hunch over, and she didn't even take a breath.

"My lord, it's all here, tell me where to put it?"

Li Chen'an looked at his strong body and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Li Xiaohua's crotch tightened, and he quickly said, "My lord, the villain won't do that job!"

Li Chenan was taken aback, and then glared at Li Xiaohua: "What are you thinking? Put it in the West Wing!"

Li Xiaohua put down those bags, walked out, scratched her head and grinned foolishly: "The villain will be wrong... This trend is quite prevalent in the army, and the villain is dull, so he can't learn it, hehe."


Fortunately, you didn't learn it. After learning it, I dare not use you!

"Have you discussed it with your mother? If possible, bring me all the food stored in your shop. From now on, you and your mother will live in the two rooms at the west end. It's a bit small, so feel wronged for now."

"Hey, son, take a look at the monthly money..."

Li Chen'an thought about it, a bronze medal agent is only two taels of silver, and this guy can develop into a secret agent under his command, "How about including food and housing for two taels of silver for a month?"

Li Xiaohua's eyes lit up, "Success! When will that villain move here?"

Li Chenan thought that he would go to the Qianmo Academy diagonally opposite later, "Tomorrow, you will bring all the food in your shop tomorrow morning. This is ten taels of silver. You should take it first. In the evening, you will weigh it and let it go." Your mother will settle the accounts and settle them together tomorrow."

Li Xiaohua didn't expect to meet such a generous host. He waved his big palm-like hands quickly, "If you can, I'll settle the account after the little man brings the food tomorrow."

"Take it, don't be naughty, go ask Dr. Zhang from Huichun Hall to show your mother a good life!"

"Then, thank you, my lord!"

"Remember to call me Young Master in the future!"

"Okay, thank you, young master, the villain will leave!"

Li Xiaohua carefully put the twelve taels of silver into her arms, and stepped out of the backyard.

Li Chen'an followed out, and then he watched in shock as the guy put the carriage on his body, pulled it like flying, and ran away.

Faster than a serious horse!

What a talent!

This guy... how much can he eat in one meal?



Li Chenan went to the West Market again and bought a jar of Guangling powder.

This jar weighs about ten catties, two small buckets and a half, worth two taels of silver.

Really expensive!

But compared to the wine I want to brew, it's really cheap!

You can't go empty-handed when you go to Qianmo Academy to see Huamanting. It will take a while to get your own wine, so you can only buy a jar of Guangling San.

Carrying the wine jar, stepping on the setting sun, he came to Qianmo Academy.

The concierge who was dozing off under the setting sun looked at him twice after hearing his intentions, then lazily went in, and when he came out, his expression towards Li Chenan became much better.

He even saluted very respectfully: "My lord, Master Hua is waiting for you at the Zuixin Pavilion!"

"... How to get to Zuixin Pavilion?"

"Enter through this gate, and after seeing the row of academies, take the small path on the right and you will see an open lotus pond. The Zuixin Pavilion is on the lotus pond, so it's easy to find."

"Thank you, old man!"

"My lord, you are welcome."

Li Chen'an walked into Qianmo Academy. When he arrived outside the academy, it happened that the academy was over.

A large group of energetic students came out of the academy. They chatted together in twos and threes, and it was very lively. It made Li Chen'an feel a little dazed, and felt that he had returned to his college days in his previous life.

"Hey, look, is that Li Chen'an?"

"Which one is Li Chenan?"

"It's Li Chen'an, the eldest son of Li Yuanzheng of Takeshita Academy!"

The boy added: "It's the one that sold steamed cakes and straw cakes diagonally across from our academy!"

"It's really him... Why did he come to our academy?"

"Who knows? It's probably because the head of the door was dozing off and he sneaked in."

"Come to get a little literary?"

"Even if you throw him into the ink pool and lift him up, you won't get any ink...By the way, I ran into Brother Huo Shufan and Huo a few days ago. Brother Huo said that this kid hasn't returned the marriage certificate to Miss Shen's family, but he can send the marriage certificate to Miss Shen's family." The lady suffered a terrible injury."

"He definitely won't quit. With his reputation as a fool, which of our girls in Guangling City will marry him?"


Li Chen'an is very innocent now, he pointed out: "That kid, come here!"

Among the group of teenagers, the one who was the most energetic just now stood up and raised his neck, "What? You fool, how dare you play wild in our Qianmo Academy?"

Li Chen'an turned the wine jar and walked over, revealing a vicious look.

Now that he has that silver-lettered signboard in his arms, he is wondering if it will work before that handsome father-in-law leaves Guangling City.

Since this fellow has come to provoke him, it's just for verification.

Beat him up!

After the government officials arrive, show the sign to see the effect.

The young man was taken aback, he didn't expect Li Chenan to really stride over.

He suddenly remembered the incident he had just heard about yesterday - on the evening of the third day of March, this fellow returned to Li's mansion and beat up the five servants of Li's mansion.

My body is definitely not as strong as my servant's. If this guy really beats me up, it doesn't matter if he is a fool and put in prison. I lose face in front of so many classmates... It's not worth it.

He hastily took a step back and retreated into the crowd, "Don't think that my young master is afraid of you, my young master is not as knowledgeable as a fool like you!"

The rest of the students took a look, and two of them rolled up their sleeves and shouted, "What are you afraid he will do? Beat him!"

"Brother Zhang, if you're not afraid of him, it's really not worth it!"

When the person surnamed Zhang heard it, that's right, the fool surnamed Liang provoked, what should I do?

"What brother Liang said is absolutely true!"

He also took a step back and put down his sleeves.

The other boy took a look. You guys are all up for me to go one-on-one?

No, I won't be fooled by this.

Then, a strange scene appeared in this huge square——

Li Chen'an pressed on step by step, and the six teenagers retreated step by step. While retreating, they continued to speak harsh words, but the gradually pale expressions on their faces betrayed them.

At this moment, Su Muxin came over.

"Brother Li,"

Li Chenan stopped, looked at the group of teenagers and raised his middle finger in disdain: "You are a scholar who is useless!"

These words hit a wide range.

Although his voice was not loud when he said this, Su Muxin was by his side.

"Brother Li,"

"Ah, I'm not talking about you. These people are slandering me. You don't know that I am the most honorable person. Now that Brother Li is here, let's spare them for now. Let's go. Don't keep Mrs. Hua waiting."

Su Muxin glanced at Li Chen'an, thinking that you are seventeen years old!

If you really value reputation, how did you endure humiliation and survive these seventeen years?

Li Chenan followed Su Muxin and left.

The group of students breathed a sigh of relief.

The young man surnamed Liang spat viciously at Li Chenan's back, "If senior Su hadn't taken him away, this young master wanted to beat him up with a bruised nose and a swollen face regardless of his status!"

"That's right, giving him shameless things, really thought we were afraid of him!"

"No, Senior Su is the head of the four great talents in Kyoto. How did you know him? Where is Senior Su taking him?"

All the students were speechless for a moment. They had answers in their hearts, but no one came out of their mouths.



Zuixin Pavilion.

When Li Chenan followed Su Muxin to the pavilion, there were two people sitting in the pavilion.

Of course, one is the gray-haired but hale and hearty old lady Huamanting, and the other is a middle-aged man with a noble air.

That kind of nobility is different from the nobility on Shen Qianshan.

Shen Qianshan's nobility is shown in the accessories he wears, but this middle-aged man is showing it from the bottom of his bones.

For example, his square face is smiling but not angry.

He raised his head and looked at Li Chenan, his eyes did not show any color, but that glance made Li Chenan seem to see a bottomless abyss.

People in the government!

The official must be big!

Li Chen'an didn't say a word, anyway, he has that sign in his pocket, so what if you are the prime minister?

He put the jar of wine on the stone table, and saluted Hua Manting with a smile, "Hello, my lord!"

"The boy is thinking that the boss is a master in the literary world, so he should like drinking."

"I was supposed to visit you with the wine I brewed myself, but the time is too tight. I won't have the wine until later."

"Although this Guangling San is not as good as the wine I brew, it is better than nothing. We can also sing about the wine and taste the life!"

Li Chenan's first three sentences were flattering words. Although the middle-aged man didn't take it seriously, his impression of Li Chenan was much worse.

But Li Chenan's last words made him slightly surprised——

Guanglingsan is already considered a high-grade wine, but this young man can't compare to his brewed wine!

Of course he didn't believe this, and he felt that this young man was too dissolute.

But on the contrary, he uttered the witty words about drinking wine and singing to taste the geometry of life...

So just now the teacher said that this young man named Li Chenan has a great talent, the teacher couldn't have misjudged it, it should be true.

It's just that he has a bit of talent to let go, but it needs more polishing.

I don't know what it means for the teacher to call me here and introduce such a young man to me.