
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

A Good Housekeeper!

After waiting in the tavern all morning, instead of waiting for Huo Zigui, Zhongli Ruoshui and Li Chenan became more familiar with each other.

The conversation between the two has gradually changed from formality at the beginning to casualness, from the construction of the brewery to the past of each other.

The small yard is filled with laughter and a peaceful atmosphere.

Then came noon.

Li Qiaoxi cooked a table of good dishes. Of course, these dishes may not suit Zhongli Ruoshui's appetite, but she is smart enough to cover up the past.

She even ate a bowl of rice and praised Li Qiaoxi's craftsmanship.

Grandma said that if you like someone, you must like his family.

Now that she has fallen in love with Li Qiaoxi, she will find another opportunity to visit his mother in the future.

The girl grasped this measure, and although she pushed a bit more urgently, it was still reasonable, and it would not make Li Qiaoxi feel abrupt, nor would it make Li Chenan feel that she had ulterior motives.

She properly revealed her rather strong family background, and also properly showed that she didn't care about being well-matched.

In short, she left a very deep impression on Li Chenan——

This is a woman who is well-educated and well-versed in the world. If she is married to her, she will definitely be a good wife in the future!

Although she doesn't like business and is not good at managing money, these are not important. What is important is her easy-going and cheerful personality.

Of course, there is also her beautiful face, as well as that kind of young girly charm in every frown and smile.

Thinking about it, if she married this girl in the future, according to her perception of money, she would definitely have no idea about spending money.

So you have to earn more money.

She is responsible for spending money, and she is also responsible for her beauty.

Murong He had been eating and listening quietly, this Ruoruo girl was born beautiful, which made her a little ashamed.

It's just that there is something weird in her heart. After all, Miss Ruoruo is a girl from a family. She seems to be very kind to Li Chenan... How could she fall in love with such a small businessman as Li Chenan?

At this moment, Zhongli Ruoshui looked at Murong He and asked

"Miss Murong came to Guangling City just to find Su Muxin?"

"Well," Murong He put down the bowl and chopsticks, "I went to Yujing City just after I came down from the mountain. I heard that Mr. Su is coming to Guangling, so I also came."

"Oh... Mr. Su is the first of the four great talents in our Ning country... I heard that he is the most sought after in the capital, Miss Murong should put more thought into it."

Murong He blushed, and asked Li Chenan

"When will Mr. Su come to the store?"

"I'll be there later."

"Where does he live?"

"Light Ink Academy diagonally opposite."

Murong He didn't ask any more questions, she looked at the door in the backyard.

Li Chenan didn't ask any more questions, and after a while, he and Zhongli Ruoshui left the door together.



"You don't need to take that matter of the Huo family to heart."

It was still the black carriage, and it was still the driver wearing the bamboo hat.

The carriage headed towards Peach Blossom Villa, Zhongli Ruoshui looked at Li Chen'an, and said, "Although the Huo family has some strength in Guangling City, it's not something to be afraid of."

"Last night, I was thinking that after our brewery opens, we will need a lot of people."

"When there are too many people, it's inevitable that there will be mixed conversations, but it's not as simple as Cuihua brewing wine alone in the tavern."

"The Huo family would not dare to lend him 10,000 guts, but if it is dark... I mean, he obtained your wine-making method through those workers. It is really difficult to deal with, so I think there needs to be a good one." The only way to prevent it."

Li Chenan's eyes lit up when he heard this, this girl is thoughtful!

After all, they are hired workers. After all, there is nothing particularly profound about the wine-making method.

If the Huo family gave enough money, some people would sell that method to the Huo family.

But he didn't know how to deal with it.

It is impossible to surround the workshop with a wall and not allow the people inside not to go out for the rest of their lives!

"This... what do you think?"

"The best way is to buy a slave. If you buy it, it will be your domestic slave. There are three advantages."

"First, for slaves, you only need to give them board and lodging, and you don't need to give them monthly money."

"Secondly, slaves were not allowed to leave the workshop without permission, so they had no contact with the outside world."

"Thirdly... If a slave dares to betray the Patriarch, according to the laws of Ningguo, the Patriarch can punish him arbitrarily."

Upon hearing this, Li Chenan realized that there are such lowly people in this world.

Of course, he didn't have much sympathy in his heart, because slaves are often desperate people who can't live on.

If I bought them myself, I could give them better board and lodging. For them, this would be a kindness they could not have dreamed of.

If I give them a little more monthly money, I think they will be more loyal.

"Miss is very thoughtful, but our brewery needs about 300 people. Can we buy so many slaves in Guangling City? Are slaves expensive?"

"I have to go back and ask the housekeeper at home. If you agree, I will hand over this matter to the housekeeper."

"Girl, don't worry!"

This is what Li Chenan said in his heart, if he really bought the slaves, then the brewery would avoid a lot of trouble.

Zhongli Ruoshui was overjoyed, glanced at Li Chenan, took a cherry from the fruit basket and put it in his little mouth, "Isn't it all for better future, don't be polite to me."

"By the way, how about hiring craftsmen to build a workshop, and I will also hand over these to the housekeeper?"


This is of course even better!

I just need to get out the architectural drawings of the workshop and explain it to the craftsmen, and then I don't need to ask. Could this girl be my golden finger to travel to this world?

"I'll treat you to dinner another day, eat whatever you want!"


"Of course, after all, you are my boss, and you should worry about so much."

When the carriage arrived at the ground, Li Chenan and Zhong Liruo got into the carriage, and what he saw was a gurgling stream that was crystal clear.

"This is Taohuaxi."

"It originated on Peach Blossom Mountain."

"You said that good water is needed for brewing wine. I think this place is good."

Zhongli Ruoshui raised his hand and swiped, "You can use all the land on both sides of the stream. I think that while building those workshops...build a road from Peach Blossom Villa."

"It's not far away, so it will be convenient for us to come here often in a carriage in the future."

She's talking about us.

Words are not deliberate.

It was very useful to Li Chenan's ears.

This little rich woman is simply too sensible.

I just don't know if she did this to repay her kindness that day, or if it was mixed with other things.

Don't worry, she can't escape from the palm of my hand!

When Zhongli Ruoshui said these words, he also said to himself in his heart, don't worry, when everything becomes what he wants, he can't escape from the palm of this girl!

The two chatted more and more enthusiastically, and Wu Xichen who was following behind heard more and more that this kid was lucky.

He touched his forehead, and it still hurt a little.

He looked at Li Chenan's back, tonight, let's see how the old man drills you!