
The Most Incompetent Person In This World

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasy
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290 Chs

The Most Vicious Guy Who Know Not The Word “Compromise”

When I arrived, the brown-haired youth with a crop cut was stretching his hand that had numerous wasps coiling around it toward Lumine.

And then,

「He… lp… KAI-ONIICHAN――!!」

Lumine raised a scream. But, "Kai-Oniichan" huh? This reminds me that she used to call me like that a long time ago. What a nostalgic name.

Roman was also safe and sound, he just fainted. Thank goodness that this cr*ap prioritizes his sadistic impulse. I wouldn't be able to save Roman if this guy was the type that finishes off his opponent in a single strike.

And yet, for some reason. I felt another feeling of resentment. The moment I noticed that I grit my teeth and held myself from unleashing my rage.

But well. Since those people go all out to piss me off, there was only one thing to do.

I took out [Raikiri] from my item box and chopped the hand of the brown-haired youth with a crop cut along with all wasps that surrounded it.

I cast a glance at that annoying brown-haired youth, carrying Lumine in my arms, place her under the nearby tree and then,

「Go sleep for now.」


The moment I told her so, Lumine heaved a sigh and then passed out with a relieved look on her face.

「W-What the hell are you!?」

To the brown-haired youth who kept his annoying yappings while trying to stop his bleeding right arm, I,

「I'll deal with you later. So stay where you are for a little bit.」

Told him so, putting more pressure on my remark as I walked to Roman, picked him up, and walked back toward Lumine.


The wasps were surrounding me from all sides as if to attack me.



The wasps stayed still in mid-air. Though they're bound by contract, they had to receive an equivalent price to make their move, right? And no matter how much the reward they received, they couldn't beat their survival instinct.

I turned around in a circle,

「Go, I'll spare you just this once.」

I decided to pardon the wasps just this once. At that moment, countless wasps scattered all at once in all directions.

「Eh? W-Wait, come back here, my wasp!」

Seeing the brown-haired youth with crew cut shouting toward the wasps till he let out a lot of spits from her mouth, I heaved a sigh and placed Roman beside Lumine.


The brown-haired youth then took out something like a small bottle from his breast pocket with his intact left hand as he let out that curses,


And shouted as he opened the lid of the bottle.

Red smoke came out from the bottle and then, a giant wasp with the face of an old man with white hair appeared from within the red smoke.

『Noisy! What's the matter?』

The human-faced wasp cast a glance toward Roman and Lumine as he let out a vexed voice, and then when his gaze met mine,

『Could it be that you're calling me since you got beaten up by this weak trash?』

And said so while scoffing at me, as if looking down on me,

「S-Shut up! That guy is using unknown power to beat me!」

The sycophant kept yapping angrily.

『No matter how weak that guy is, you know that you still have to prepare appropriate compensation, right?』

「I know. As long as you kill that guy, the two over there will fall in my hands again. You can have them. You can even have the woman over there.」

The human-faced wasp then looked at Lumine, he didn't even try to hide the lustful desire on his face,

『Come to think of it, I rarely eat woman flesh lately. They're a delicious treats if you make them into meatballs after melting them with a special solution liquid. Fine, I accept the request.』

And declared so with a proud look on his ugly, old face.

Though this human-faced wasp seems to be the trump card of that sycophant youth, he didn't seem to be that powerful. Or rather, was he even stronger than the wasps that escaped a while ago? I mean, the fact that those wasps who escaped a while ago were far more useful since they could instinctively guess their opponent's power.

As expected, there was no cure for idiocy.

「This will be my last mercy to you two. First, kill yourself after you spit everything about this matter. Or else, you can sit right there and I shall allow you to die painlessly.」

it was the best proposal I could think of for the likes of these sycophants and the human-faced wasp.

In fact, you could say that it was a miracle that I was willing to give a way for them like this. And it wasn't because I found that these guys are useful. It was actually the opposite. It was simply because I felt that they were an extremely trivial existence to the point that I feel that killing them one by one was a chore.


『I see, this trashy brat doesn't seem to know his place.』

The human-faced wasp frowned upon hearing my remark.

「That should be my line to you.」

Should I say that he had some guts for being a weakling?


And to that human-faced wasp who chirping loudly,

「Good grief, it seems you're way too stupid to understand a proper human language despite having a human face. I'll repeat it for the last time. Kill yourself after you spit all the information about the one who sends you, or sits down right there like a good child so that I can kill you. I shall become your suicide assistant so that you won't suffer for too long.」

I gave them the last chance to get a painless death.


The human-faced wasp was flying around me as he shouted with an indignant look on his face.


「"How's that" about what…」

I mean, what in the hell was this human-faced wasp trying to do?


The human-faced wasp spoke triumphantly while moving around me.

「The heck, so you just want to compete in speed.」

I kicked the ground, circled around him, and cut his wing with 『Raikiri』.


The human-faced wasp fell to the ground while raising exasperated voice.


I ignored the sycophant who screamed with a shocked look on his face, approached the fallen human-faced wasp, trampling his face underfoot, and pointed the tip of 『Raikiri』 to his mouth.

「So? What are you going to do next?」

「How… can it be??」

The human-faced muttered so with trembled voice,


When I ask him again,

『How can you cut my wings?』

He asked a not very important question.

「I just circled around you and chopped your wings.」


「You're fast? Are you serious?」

I mean with that kind of speed, B-Rank hunter wouldn't have a problem seeing him when he was speeding up like before.


Since his rambling made me more and more irritated, I stabbed [Raikiri] into his mouth to stop his rambling.

Seeing the human-face wasp writhing in pain,

「The phrase "Frog in the well" suits the like of you the most.」


I told him about my impression of him.

And then, the sycophant's body trembled when I moved my line of sight from the human-faced wasp to him,

「Who… the hell are you?」

He asked such a question as he took a step back with a ghastly pale face.

I sneered at him, and grabbed his right shoulder as he tried to step back even further pulling him closer,

「What? Getting a cold foot now? Want to escape from this place? Unfortunately, you can't and I won't allow it. If only you choose to accept my last mercy, you'll at least die without having to suffer for so long, alas you idiots choose to reject my generous offers.」

And muttered so right into his ear.


Seeing the sycophant retreat while screaming like a sissy,

「Be grateful, I'll prepare a VVIP treatment special for both of you.」

The tips of my lips rose as I spoke.

Guessing from the remarks of that human-faced wasp, it might be not just once or twice he ate the so-called meatball made from human flesh which melted by special dissolution liquid. Moreover, that sycophant was trying to kill Roman and fed Lumine to that human-faced wasp. Since they did so nonchalantly, let's do the same to them, so thoroughly to the point that they regret the fact that they were ever born in this world. They did cross the line after all.

And naturally, the one who gonna do that was my acquaintance who had the same hobby as them. Even though I offered a painless and peaceful death to them, they actually refused such a generous offer.

Come to think of it, this might be the first time in a long time since someone picks a fight with me so brazenly like this. In a certain meaning, facing someone who didn't know their place was a refreshing experience. I guess I should send everyone who is directly involved with these two idiots so that they won't feel lonely. That's right, the compromise didn't exist in my dictionary for vicious people whose evil deeds know no bound.

「What… are you going to do?」

The sycophant lad asked with a timid voice.

I ignored him and opened the last chapter of the subjugation picture book.

「Come, Beelzebub.」

I called that name. A giant, bipedal fly with a crown on its head appeared the moment I called their name. They wore red mantles with bibs around their neck, they were sucking pacifiers in their mouth.

『Have you call me, O Supreme Ruler-Chama?』

They kneeled on one knee as they placed their right hand on their left chest and bowed to me.

Their name was Beelzebub. They're the floor boss of 950th floor, and the foul fella in all kinds of means. The moment I saw this fella appear as the floor boss of the 950th floor, I felt a certain admiration for the hobby of the ba*stard who made that easy dungeon.

Anyhow, I've never met another being whose maliciousness surpassed this fella. And this fella themselves seems to be unaware of their own wickedness. In fact, Girimekhala and the other happy fellas in the subjugation picture book were also staying away from this particular fella. The person themselves didn't seem to care about it since they literally almost never left the subjugation picture book unless I called for them and enjoyed the rest of their life in there.

Well, I was really surprised when I found out that clean freak Asta was actually the old friend of this fella, I heard that they met frequently.

「Do as you like to those two idiots over there to make them spit all the information they know, just make sure that you keep them alive and sane to spit the information. And then, make sure you pay a visit to the one who sent them. Naturally, And make them taste hell on earth in your style, with the shittiest method you can come with.」

『Your wish is my command♫』

They nodded as they spoke with a slurry voices. They seem to be really delighted.


The sycophant's teeth were clattering non-stop as colour drained from his face, the human-faced wasp raised a shrill, beast-like cry as he saw Beelzebub.

「 Goodbye, enjoy your eternal nightmare to the fullest.」

Considering the wickedness of Beelzebub, they're literally goners. Well, the fate of these two idiots after this was none of my concern though.

Amidst the scream of the two idiots, Beelzebub's body got covered by dark mist, the dark mist that moving on its own, carrying the human-faced wasp and that sycophant.

Well, that'll take care of those two. Now I had to get an explanation from Babel's staff about this matter. Let's return to the plaza for now. Though Lumine and Roman might be disqualified due to this matter, this entire fiasco made such an incident look like a trivial matters. It wasn't by coincidence that Roman and Lumine were ambushed by that sycophant. I had to quickly investigate the mastermind behind this fiasco. And crush them so thoroughly. That was the price they gonna pay for trying to test my patience.

I carried them on my shoulder and ran toward the plaza where we gathered at the beginning of the test.