
The Most Incompetent Person In This World

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasy
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290 Chs

March Toward Despair 4(Side: Ilsa Harnisch)

――Hunter Guild House of Barse city.

「With this, I've completed all preparation」

I, Ilsa Harsnisch – a B-class hunter, smiled in satisfaction when I saw the

mountain of items that I had prepared for exploration piling up on the table

before me.

All the members of the exploration had gathered here too. Everyone was

above B-class, with two famous A-class hunters specializing in combat in


I had tried to invite the S-class hunter who had made his base in Barse,

Wolfman, to join our team too, but he had kindly refused my invitation.

Well, it was natural. Wolfman was a lone wolf to begin with. I wasn't the

only one; he never accepted a party invitation from anyone. But then,

having him standing by in Barse might have its advantage since it means he

would be available in case we mess up with our exploration and cause a

monster stampede.

「The only one left is… him.」

He's the most important person for this operation. According to my

investigation, he's currently in Luserhall, participating in the sacred martial

arts tournament that is held around this time of the year.

This situation also works in my favor.

He's the key player and an indispensable person for this exploration.

Therefore, I have persuaded the other hunters to let him into the team as

long as he wins at least third place in the sacred martial arts tournament.

My comrades were confused at first, but they've agreed to let him join the

team as long as he fulfills that condition.

The sacred martial arts tournament is a huge gathering of martial artists

who take pride in their skills, the face to gain gold and glory from the

kingdom itself. Being able to get third place in that tournament itself is

enough proof of someone's strength. It's also a rare chance for the highranked hunters to scout talented fighters to join their team. Their intent is

legible and rational.

Naturally, I've yet to try to talk to Kai Heineman and ask him to join our

team, but I'm definitely going to make him join our team at all costs. If

needed, I will use my savings or precious items that I have diligently

gathered over the years; I won't even hesitate to use my body. I'm an

amazoness after all. Unlike humans, only a small number of our tribe

receive gifts. Thus, unlike the majority of this kingdom's citizens, I don't

feel any apprehension about sharing a bed with him for a single night.

Rather, it's the opposite. As an amazoness, I absolutely want to give birth to

the child of a strong man such as Kai Heineman.

Well, it would depend on the person himself, but I'm quite confident of my


「Are you sure that you will use such a method to invite him?」

The receptionist, who was also my best friend, Mia, approached our table

and asked that question with an anxious expression.

「Well, if that really happens, the price would indeed be a bit too

expensive, but we're going to risk our lives for this exploration. I don't

want our team to die stupidly just because I'm being stingy.」

「No, I don't mean that. I mean, are you sure that your team can explore

that place? Look, even if he does reach his way up within the big three,

there should be a regulation for exploration, right?」

According to this kingdom's common sense, there's no way that the gift

holder of [The Most Incompetent in This World] would be able to reach

third place in such a grand sacred martial arts tournament. Since Mia was a

native of the Amelia kingdom, this was common sense for her. But, she

thought that only because she had no idea just how powerful Kai Heineman


「Uhm. Well, as long as he doesn't abandon the match in the middle as it

might become too cumbersome for him, I think he might even become the

champion, you know?」

In fact, the regulation of the match is what I'm most worried about right


According to the information I've received, Kai Heineman has been seen

walking along with a pink-haired girl. If that's true, he might be currently

being commissioned to escort a high-ranking noble girl. In fact, the reason

he's participating in the sacred martial arts tournament itself is to allow the

said girl to stroll around Luserhall. There's a high possibility that he isn't

aiming for the championship. That was why I also assumed the case where

he would abstain from the match in the middle.

Well if that becomes the case, I would have no choice but to go looking for

another person.

「Abandoning the match since it's too cumbersome… Do you really mean


「Forget that for now. How about we hit the bar after this? The truth is, I'm

ready to go to scout Kai Heineman as soon as we finish our preparations.」

Since we have completed our preliminary preparations, all that's left is for

me to head toward Luserhall to scout Kai Heineman.

「Uhm, okay! Please wait for a while! It's about the end of business


Mia shrugged and replied with her usual smile.

「Let's go together then.」

Right at that moment, the door of the guild house was swung open, and two

men tumbled into the guild house.


「Y-You guys, that ruin― We went into that ruin! And then, we heard a

voice, and our comrades were eaten!!」

Among the two, the tall, blonde man with a pale face shouted those

incomprehensible remarks. The blonde man was tattered, his body covered

in mud.

If I'm not wrong, this team should have Hook and Raiga, rising stars

amongst rookies. He had asked me to allow him to join our team, but the

quest we're about to do is way beyond their current capabilities. So I had

refused them this time, but I intend to let them in on the next quest.



The short-haired man next to the blonde man staggered as he shouted those

words. Mia, who stood beside me, trembled nonstop after hearing that.

「E-emergency? What happened?」

Mia asked as the color drained from her face.

「WE… might have been set up by someone! That's why please call the

guild master. Now! This is an emergency!」

Hook grabbed Mia's hands as he spoke, his face a sobby mess.

「U-Understood. Please calm yourself while I call the guild master!」

After forcing the crying Hook to sit on the chair, Mia went into the staffonly part of the guild house.