
The Most Incompetent Person In This World

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasy
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290 Chs

Crossroad of Fate(Side: Somni Barrel) Part 2

After that, Somni listened to Lyla and Egg telling him about their current situation.

The last thing that Egg remembered was when he got attacked by the girls, while in Lyla's case, it was when she lost against the skinhead man. The next time they open their eyes, they're already lying in sickbay.

After that, a few organizations came in and asked a few questions to Lyla and co. Amongst them were Babel and Amelia kingdom.

Nevertheless, the other party seemed to have a rough understanding of the situation and was actually just asking for confirmation.

「In the end, I'm just king of a mountain.」

When Somni said so with self-depreciated tone,

「Yea~h, I knew yer feeling.」

Egg also said the same things wearing a similar expression.

「You knew?」

「Yeah, the rumor about that matter is spreading wildly after all. Well, it's not like you're weak, Somni-san. But, being able to become semi-finalist in saced martial arts tournament or having your abilities approved to become His Highness Gilbert's guardian knight is just a bit…」

Egg replied while scratching his cheek.

「I see. So everyone already knew about that huh…」

I'm such an idiot. The reason why I managed to reach the big four was simply because my father had prepared the stage for me. And I'm being such an idiot for being the only one who failed to notice that when I was just a greenhorn with no combat experience. Yeah, all this time, I was nothing more than a clown.

「But, the same things can be said for me. The reason why I passed the entrance exam of kingdom knight academy is because my father used his influence to rig the match, resulting in me facing a commoner. In my case, my father told me about that fact soon after though.」

Egg squeezed those words with an unpleasant face.

「I see…」

Come to think of it, my first impression about Egg when I met him was a boy passionate about sword. But then, it quickly became "A boy who loves fooling around and doesn't care about sword at all". Maybe Egg had experienced many setbacks during that transition which made him the latter.

「So, what are you going to do now, Somni-san?」

It seems Egg had been told about the mess he accidentally stepped into. Seeing that I've been dismissed as the guardian knight of that shitty prince(Gilbert), there was no reason for me to stay in this Babel anymore.

But, Somni's pride didn't allow him to ran back to his birthplace. Reason being, he didn't want to become clown who life under the protection of his father again. Thus――

「I'll stay in Babel. Even if I fail this year, I'll work in this city and try my luck next year.」

Though he didn't know if staying could make him stronger, he knew that he wouldn't get another chance if he ran back to his parents.


Egg was looking silently at Somni for a while but,

「Somni, it seems you're getting over it too eh.」

Egg ended up saying something with a solemn look and tone, something that Somni would never expect to come from Egg.

Just when Somni was puzzled by Egg's change of personality, the door of the sickbay opened, and an old man entered the room.

The old man took off the hat on his head, and bowing lightly as he placed it on his chest.

「Somni Barrel-kun, Our Master wishes to see you. Come with me.」

The old man's tone was calm and yet, for some reason, Somni couldn't refuse it,


Ended up agreeing immediately.

Egg who sit by his side tried to say something with incomprehensible look on his face but,

「It's okay. Our Master isn't a lowlife like a certain idiotic prince of Amelia kingdom. You're granted the honor to meet him. Somni's safety is guaranteed.」

The old man raised the palm of his right hand to the front as he said so with passionate voice.

Seriously? he even dares to say that the prince of Amelia kingdom is an idiot. As expected, it isn't something that a citizen of Amelia kingdom would say. From his tone and gesture, it seems that he really regarded Gilbert as lowlife and unsalvaged idiot. Then, I can at least trust him enough to follow him to meet his master. Not that I have a reason to refuse this old man's invitation.

「Understood. But, is it really just me?」

He stopped Egg who tried to say something with his right hand as he asked that question while looking into the old man's eyes.


The old man squinted his eyes as he replied to him, and then jerked his chin as if telling Somni to follow him before he left.