
The Most Incompetent Person In This World

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasy
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290 Chs

A Small Victory

Forest, top of a large tree northwest of Ket Nya.

I threw two spears enchanted with my magic from the top of giant tree.

One of the spears pierced the air, and struck into the chest of a black-haired man with mohawk hair style. The second spear which pierced the back of his head confirmed our victory against the scout.

「Awesome… Every single one of them really died.」

Chato, who acted as my observer let out an astonished voice.


It seems the same goes for everyone, they were at a loss for words when they looked at their village littered with the corpses of those thieves.

「How did you make the last spear hit the target?」

Chigi touched his chin as he asked with interest.

「I just threw those spears within throwing distance of the point on the map that I memorized with magic.」

All I used was an intermediate rank of hit correction-type magic――[Clean Hit] combined with attributeless magic [Weapon Enhancement(Mid)] applied on that spear, and [Physical Reinforcement(Mid)] magic to throw the spear. Anyhow, I already predicted that the lucky one would try to escape the village. When that happened, all I needed to do was wait for the right timing.

「Gil, maybe you're same as those people called hunters?」

Chigi pointed out one possibility of myself before losing my memory.

「Hunter huh… Maybe.」

I mean, if I was a hunter, it was only natural for me to know about the effect of [Dream Grass]. And since I could come up with this kind of lethal tactic on top of being able to use a few magics, I might be a high-ranked hunter.

And yet, I ended up losing my memories in this kind of place. That was my temporary conclusion.

「So, what are we going to do after this?」

Asked Chato. It seems he has started to trust me a little bit.

「We have to make a move under the assumption that the other party has comrades waiting. We mustn't move recklessly. Let's return to the shelter for now.」

Nevertheless, there were around thirty people who raided the village. It means that there were at least fifty of them. If that was the case, the trap in the village should've cut down at least half of them. If that was the case, our safety is at least guaranteed even if they went all out.

「Understood. Everyone, return to the shelter at once.」

Everyone nodded upon hearing Chigi's order, descending from the tree with astonishing agility, and ran back to the shelter.

I also grabbed Chigi's wrist and helped him to descend from the tree,

「… Sorry, Gil.」

Chigi apologized upon seeing me offering my hands so that he could tie them with rope again.

「Don't worry about it. Let's get going.」

I shook my head and signaled with my chin to go after the others.


Chigi nodded, thus we ran after everyone toward the shelter.