
The most entertaining incarnation

Systems. Everything has a system. Society is a system. You wake up and have a system you use to get through your day. So what is a Bad systems and good system? Rowan Enzo was literally a girl two seconds ago, trying to live a peaceful life away from his family. Working hard everyday to get his younger brother out of the foster care system. Yet now he finds himself in the most uncomfortable situation possible. He would rather go to hell than be in the world he was sent to. He thinks it's unfair how his whole life got turned upside down because he is some 'chosen hero' that is to save a bunch of random people he doesn't know. After getting a different 'sin' system from the rest of his fellow players, he has to figure out what he wants to do with it. ----------------------- My entry to the WSA competition. Hopefully it's a good story worth of your votes and coins. [update; chapter a day at around 3pm CST.] Hope you will join Rowan and I's journey as we grow and get better. Don't expect happiness from this story after the first arc. ————————————- Cover credit: @Haku_mado twt (I think)

HouseholdAuthor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

Two prideful players

Rowan smiled widely as he had a habit of laughing or smiling while in a scary situation.

'AW HELL NAH!' Onyx thought. 'First Stephen and now this crazy bitch?'

Rowan looked over to where the other players were standing to see the bat girl who was now on the floor. Her face was bloody all over, looking like it had gotten stomped on.

"FUCK YOU SMILING AT BITCH?" Kira attacked Rowan with a fist that was reinforced with Ahi, breaking through his sen.

"CACK!" Rowan choked out as the impact hit his guts hard.

"Oh?" W watched in an interested manner. "Looks like the fights haven't stopped."

The other players watched from the sidelines as Kira attacked Rowan. He was now on the floor spitting out blood and saliva trying to regain his vision. This was the first time he sustained actual damage this whole time. He has just been having fun and fighting NPCs but now that he has come face to face with power he saw that he was outmatched.

"Just stay down!" Onyx whispered to him.


"Is that all?" Rowan started getting up from where he was. It would have been best if he had stayed down but his Pride wouldn't let him.

"And we're dead." Onyx threw his head back with a sigh.

"Get ready Onyx!" Rowan spread his legs and got ready to defend.

Kira gave a chuckle before she ran towards him swinging a fist again. Rowan ducked down and she put up her knee to hit his face.

'Ive seen this move before.' He went forward, meeting Kiras knee in the middle before the impact got too strong. He slammed his forehead against it, stopping Kira in her tracks.

"What the fuck!?" She had never seen someone stop her knee kicks with a technique like that. Rowan gave her no chance to think as he grabbed her foot and yanked her away from him. She flew back smashing into the wall outside of the ring. It didn't take long for her to emerge out of the smoke.


The crowd went wild.

Kira swung her arms before she slammed them on the floor as a giant wave of fire came up. All the other players backed up, and the blonde guy grabbed the bat girl to get out of there. Rowan jumped up to dodge the fire but Kira came out of it and attacked with a punch.

'She's so fast! You can definitely feel the difference in experience.'

He did a flip mid air before grabbing onto Kira and falling down head first.


Kira reached her arms backwards and blasted fire cannons but fortunately He dodged to the side letting her go. It had grazed his Cheek leaving a burn mark and had also touched Onyx's tail.

"AHHHHHHH!" He screamed into Rowan's ear.

"SHUT UP!" Rowan screamed back.

"Is he talking to himself?"

"Who is he talking to?"

Murmurs started from the crowd.

"Listen.." Rowan spoke to onyx as he was now running from Kira. "I'm going to grab on to her again and I want you to get to her neck and choke her out. That's something you know how to do."

Onyx's face lit up.

"Okay,okay I got you."

The crowd started screaming again.



To their plessure, Rowan stopped and ran in the opposite direction, now attacking kira.




He kicked her three times, once in the thigh, hip and shoulder as she was caught off guard. He had learned that those were vital areas to go for in a fight from his past life's master.

'Those aren't the skills of someone that weak….' W thought to himself.

"Sssss…" Kira took a sharp breath as she felt the pinch of pain in her shoulder. Rowan grabbed her arm and swung her over his shoulder.

To his surprise, she landed on her feet and grabbed onto his waist, slamming him backwards. Some of the players to the side grimaced at this except for the one with the dog as it seemed he had fallen asleep. Kira was the first to get up and back away before Rowan followed.

'What the hell?' She looked at the wobbling player. 'Did he blackout?'



The 10 watched from their place as the two fought. Stephen clenched his jaw seeing how uneven this fight was.

The crowd went wild, pleased with how things were unfolding. Blacked out, Rowan poured Ahi into the branches he had in his pockets and had them attack kira. She dodged all the attacks and got up on one of the trees. Rowan was now salivating and it dripped out of his mouth as Kira's fist blazed up and she went in for an attack….


Rowan gave her an uppercut right in the jaw. She stumbled back with an 'ugh' before he put one of his branches behind her foot. She noticed and was about to jump over before…


Kira started choking. She fell to the ground as she grabbed the snake around her neck.

"WOAH IS THAT HIS FAMILIAR!?" The crowd asked.



'I hope this is good enough!' Onyx thought as he squeezed as hard as he could. By now Kiras pupils were rolling back into her head and she tried to start up her sen. She had let her guard down.

'Gotta hang on!' Onyx thought.

*GASP!* the crowd gasped.

Rowan walked forward to where Kira layed and got on top of her.

'Ayo.' Onyx thought as everybody watched in anticipation.

He went for the knife in his pocket and added Ahi to it.

'He does know he'll go to prison if he kills her.' W thought. The guy with the big dog was now awake, watching the fight.

Kira-who was now moving purely out of spite-reached up her arm as it came face to face with Rowan. He plunged down the sword right at her head.

"NO WAIT!" Onyx yelled as he loosened his grip on kira's neck.



[ Sin system has now been activated ]


In a dark gloomy room far from the stadium.


"Did I see that right?" A woman's voice was heard. She sat next to an old man who laid in his bed, multiple machines surrounding him.

"It seems so.." The old man spoke. "Get ready for the attack."

"Alright! I'm going to go tell them to go ahead." The woman got up from where she sat, An evil smile spreading across her face. She turned away from the old man and walked out of the room.

Once she walked out, he sat alone in front of the TV.

"Finally, The protagonist has arrived."