

This is the story of two lovers from different part of world most importantly from different religions what will happen if fate bring them together will they end up together or will it be a sad love story "U won't understand and i don't want to tell u " she said looking away " and what if i want to know and understand you " he said coming closer but mina move even back making him stop in his way coz his mom never teach him to disrespect someone if its her decision that I can't touch her he will respect that decision so he respectfully backed away while smiling sweetly " okkk bun I won't touch u " jack said while giving her cute nickname and surprising her

Maheen_Ihsan · Realistic
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5 Chs


A beautiful morning of winter, birds were chirping and sunlight was peeking inside the room from curtains falling directly on her face making her change her side her room was all messed up but she care less suddenly her face scrunch when her irritating alarm goes off telling her its time for university.

Peeking her hand outside the blanket she turn off the alarm and drift back to sleep little did she know that she is going to be so late i think detention again hahaha


"O shit " she suddenly sits up in her bed and see the time only an hour till her class she was so late quickly getting up from the bed she take her clothes and took a quick shower and went downstairs for breakfast.

Mouth full of toast with a mug of coffee in one hand and books in other "MOM i'm going " with some muffles she was able to tell her mother that she was going to university.

She hurriedly put her shoes on and run to catch the bus "stoppp stopp" ....

and boom she fell all her notes fell here and there and her coffee spilled her knee got bruised coz she was running so fast that she didn't see the rock on her way

"Ughhhhhh why the hell my luck is so badd miss gray will kill me if i didn't reach for test at time I don't want another detention"

she said while thinking about last time how miss gray make her write the test for 20 times "No no no i can't write that much again" quicky picking her books and notes she took a cab. to university coz there was no way she was going to wait for next bus.

Giving the money to driver she run toward her class hairs all messed up and bruised knee and some dirty notes in her hand she know she was looking like some joker but she care less and run toward her class she just pray that miss gray hasn't come yet .

When she was close to her classroom her heart was beating so fast coz she know she was late amd miss gray will not forgive her small sweat beats start forming on her forehead when suddenly someone put his hand on her shoulder from behind making her jump at her place "who the he.."

"Oooo look who we met u late again i think we both r getting detention together its going to be fun its been a long time since we do something together" said the guy with brown eyes sharp jawline and a beautiful face for which anyone can die but not me he is such an asshole he is just beautiful from face but in real he is the most irritating person in this whole world

"Leave me u alien and how many times do i have to tell u not to touch me " she said while elbowing him in the stomach "ouch..." U know it hurts right he said while making weird faces.

"I m going in u can stand here for whole day if u want " said mina and went inside the class room

Classroom was silent everyone has there head hung low writing there test

And here comes the devil miss gray standing near board and keeping her eyes on students

" May i come in " said mina and a boy standing beside her "You both are late again what was the reason..." Ask miss gray with a stern expression on her face "maam I...i was.... " I was sleeping right miss mina " said miss gray while cutting mina in between her sentence " detention after university for both 2 hours" she said while adjusting her glasses on her nose bridge.

"What the hell..." Said minay in lower voice which can only be heard by the boy standing next to her who walk toward his seat. She also went toward her seat which was in front of him miss gray give them the question paper and they start there test

Everyone was silent in the room until minay feel like someone hitting her chair with his foot who was none other than tae she ignore him and continue doing her work

After a while she feel it again getting irritated she looks back and whisper "what is ur problem"

" Do u know the answer to 4th question" ask jack " i do but I won't tell u " she said while sticking her tongue out. She looks forward and continue giving her test " ok class times over " and miss gray take everyone's sheet

Mina was packing her bag when someone push her from behind she don't look back coz she know he is none other than that freak

" Y were u late again??" Ask jisso mina one and only friend her bestie " i overslept" getting a small hit on her head from jisso " Aahh yyy u hit me " said mina while pouting

" So that u will not be late again "

" Ok ok lets eat i m starving" and they both went to cafeteria for lunch

To be continued....