
The Most Beautiful Thing In The World: LOVE

Ella Collins is a 15 years old high school student. She is beautiful and liked by most of the boys in school. One day when Ella is going home, it suddenly drizzled, so Ella hurriedly went to a big tree for shelter. When she arrived, her hair is wet. Ella didn't notice that there is someone other than her, and it was Aden Reed. Ella immediately had a crush on Aden. In short, crush at first sight. Aden Reed is a 15 years old high school student, same as Ella. He is intelligent and a gentleman. Ella and Aden talked, followed by a few precious moments and memories as time goes by. But one day, Aden suddenly disappeared without saying a word to Ella. Two years had passed, and Ella Collins is a Senior High School student. Her world suddenly came alive when the boy he like came back, but he is not the boy she used to know and like anymore because he has changed into someone she doesn't know.

Des_Ly · Teen
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22 Chs

Chapter 1: Changed to a Totally Different Person

Two years later

Ella's POV

I woke up and looked at the time, and it's already 6 in the morning. I better get ready to go to school.

Two years had passed, and I am now a Senior High School student and two years also since Aden transferred to another school. I miss him so much. I hope I see him soon. Back then, I had a crush at first sight on Aden, and as time goes by, I developed to like and love him. In just a short time that I met Aden, I learned to love him. Where could he be now?

By the way, my name is Ella Collins. I am 17 years old. After I am done getting ready, I went to school.

Fast forward, and it's already recess time. I went to the canteen to buy food.

Honestly, I have no friends because I prefer to have no friends. The reason is, girls would backstab me when they see me because I was liked by boys, and I don't care about that. I only care about one thing.

When I'm done buying food, I went back to my classroom. When I was walking, someone bumped me, and I recognized the scent. I looked at who it was to see if my suspicion is real, but he is walking straight. The way he walks and the scent. Could it be?

"Aden," I said to myself.

Maybe I am just imagining things, but no. I know Aden very well, even if it's just for a short time. I need to find out, so I followed him.


I hide behind a concrete wall because a guy called him Aden, so I was right. Aden turned around, and Ella was shocked because it is him. He changed a lot. He is now more handsome and taller.

When classes are over, I went home. When I was walking, I stopped at Aden's house, and I observed that it's occupied again. A person living next door went outside. I shall ask her.

"Uhm, excuse me. Can I ask something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Who occupied that house?"

"Oh. The previous owner came back,"

"Oh, I see. Thank you"

"You're welcome,"

So I was right. I am glad that Aden is back. I went to the park, and I was shocked because Aden is there.



"You're back. You never told me that you are transferring and moving out. I waited for you here back then, but you never showed up,"

"I'm sorry about that. It happened so suddenly, and things got a bit complicated. I think what I would say to you here is useless,"

I noticed that Aden is a lot different now than before. He turned into a cold person. It's not like the Aden I once knew two years ago.

"The guy who asked you out two years ago. Are you dating?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, never mind. I got to go,"

What is Aden talking about? I cannot recall it. He changed a lot, not just physically, even his attitude. He is not the Aden I know and love anymore. What happened to him? Why did he change?