
The Most Beautiful Moments In Life // OT7 BTS FF x OC [Sequel]

The Most Beautiful Moments In Life This is part 2, the sequel to - Before They Were Bulletproof. Please read that book first.

Gasaii · Urban
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63 Chs

31. Morning glories

Sunday, 29th. March. 2015

At first, I thought the light circling over my hip was part of a dream. But, as I slowly came to, the tickling touch and warm breath on the shell of my ear was Jimin's. Just like when I'd fallen asleep, I was pressed between him and Tae. The brown curls in front of my face tickle my nose as Tae cracked open his eyes and tilted his head up.

"Are you awake?" Jimin whispered. I gave a sleepy mumble to let him know I was, and he placed a gentle kiss on my ear. Tae peered over me to Jimin and after a slight pause, he smirked. Then, Jimin's hand that'd been tracing soothing circles moved to grasp my hand.

It wasn't until Jimin had guided my hand forward over something stiff under the fabric that I realised he had put my hand right on Tae's dick. I gasped, only to be hushed by Tae's lips as he softly kissed me. Jimin squeezed my hand around the hardness, and Tae gave a sexy, satisfied sigh in response.

"It's so hard first thing in the morning, isn't it?" Jimin whispered in my ear. His voice reached right to my heat. As soon as he left my hand to kneed on my own, he shifted back to touching me. But this time, instead of my hip, his hand slipped straight into the front of my underwear.

"Is that all it takes?" Jimin giggled breathily as he slipped a finger between my lower lips and rubbed at my clit.

I moaned into Tae's kisses. Tae's hands were now lightly rubbing over my nipples that were hardening from the double assault. I squeezed harder and his dick twitched in my hand, but it was impossible to concentrate with Jimin rubbing more firmly.

"Jimin, stop going so hard on her, she can't even grab it" Tae had pulled away just in time for my moan to escape but Jimin slipped his other arm under my head and covered my mouth straight away.

"Shhh. I'm already being so gentle, isn't that right?" His slow rubbing motions had stopped. I couldn't speak with his hand over my mouth, so I nodded.

Tae cracked a wicked grin. "Good girl. By the way, keep quiet. Don't want to wake the others, they'll get jealous." He flicked my nipple harder as to punctuate his meaning. I held back my moan, but Jimin's hand didn't budge, so I had to breathe through my nose.

After they exchanged another cheeky look, Jimin slipped off my underwear in one fluid movement, then draped my leg over Tae's hip and continued his teasing. This time from behind, where he now had easy reach. Tae's joined. Sliding two fingers down to where Jimin's touch was to collect slick, he spread it back lazily over my clit.

It was in no particular rhythm, which only made it harder to expect. And, paired with Jimin dipping his fingers in knuckle deep, it was a merciless combination.

I could not move, breathing through my nose as they both finger fucked me, slow, but with purpose. It was melting me, the hand I'd been gripping Tae's length in moved to grab fist fulls of his shirt to steady myself. Desperately trying to cling on while they made easy work of me.

Now and again, Tae's leisurely rubbing at my clit would swap with Jimin. He'd dip two fingers deep in me while Jimin pinched my clit for a little while. Back and forth, they tag teamed. I cracked my eyes open to notice them exchange cheeky smirks. They were enjoying this, while all I could do was be quiet and take whatever they gave.

"Your legs are shaking, do you want to cum?" Tae asked, the pressure he'd been rubbing my clit with becoming more firm. I could barely see straight. It was bordering on torture, but I gave a dazed nod.

"Mm, guess we should stop teasing you then," Jimin hummed lightly. The pace of his fingers thrusting into me quickened, hitting that magic spot deep inside me.

"That's it baby, cum for us" Tae steadied my hip in his grasp, still rubbing my clit in sync with Jimin as they rode out my orgasm. They left me breathing heavily as they let me go and as my post-orgasm daze set in, I wrapped my arms around Tae. He held my thigh still over him and Jimin slipped my underwear back up, pinched my butt and snuggled up to me again and held my mid. It had to be the most comfortable place in the entire world. I lay there in my daze, wet and fucked out with my two best friends, until I fell back asleep.


After we woke again, most everyone else had already gotten up and Yoongi was still asleep on the top bunk. Jimin made sure I slipped past the others into the bathroom without being noticed, seeing as I was still wearing the panties they'd ruined me in. As soon as I was inside, I stripped down and took a shower. However, the amount of slick I had to wash out of me was ridiculous. How had they made me so wet… turned me on so much.

It still all felt like a wet dream, like it hadn't even happened. Without the soft kisses I woke up to and the sticky fabric of my mess clinging to my folds, I wouldn't have believed it.

I'd been too sleepy to put up much of a fight.. besides, it felt so good.. I didn't want to resist. Had it been their plan all along? To catch me off guard while I was still in a morning daze? I physically felt my body shiver at the thought of being pinned between them again. It was wild to think that happened only this morning..

I dressed in the skirt and jumper Jimin had randomly pulled from my box of clothing in a hurry. It was cute, if I do say so myself.

Once I stepped back into the room, Namjoon immediately caught my attention. He motioned for me to sit beside him with everyone around the table before proceeding to share the good news he'd received only moments ago.

The University had organized new accommodation for me and it was ready for me to move into right away. The suddenness of it almost shocked me. After some brief discussions, Hoseok and Jungkook offered to take me there after breakfast. Despite Jimin and Tae's efforts to volunteer, Namjoon decided they needed to start rehearsals on time. Instead, it seemed better if Hoseok and Jungkook arrived later. So, they were the ones who were going to help me settle into my new place.

After breakfast together, their manager, Sejin, arrived with my apartment keys that he'd picked up on the way from the University. Feeling a bit saddened at having to leave so soon, I said my farewell to the boys and wished them luck tonight for their concert. I went out to get into the car. Hoseok helped carry my things and pack them in the adjacent seat. Jungkook slid into the seat beside me in the meantime, his shoulders pressed against mine, seeing as he'd sat so close.

Once we were all packed and ready, the car took off.

It was in a small residential back-street tucked away in the city, just behind a more lively, main road which was on the opposite side of the campus that I used to live on. It wasn't far from my old place at all. I wasn't as familiar with this side, but it appeared to be a bit quieter. Maybe it was because it didn't have all the bars and lounges in this part of the city. There was a feeling of upper class in the area.

Sejin dropped us at the address and told the boys he'd be back to pick them up in a while. The three of us stood on the sidewalk, looking at my new place.

The building was a two-story apartment, but it was quite small. It appeared to contain one studio on each level. This meant I'd only have one neighbor. It was also behind a tall white cement wall and squished between a quaint local cafe and a bathhouse.

"This looks cute. Should we check it out?" Hoseok asked.

"Mm, I wonder what it's like inside. Do you think there will be a spa bath?" Jungkook grinned as he lifted up the box he was holding, being the first to walk to the gate.

"I wish. That'd be heaven" I hummed, hurrying to open the gate for him seeing as his hands were full.

"If there was, you'd have Jungkookie and Tae permanently sleeping over every night just to use it," Hoseok laughed, following in behind us.

"Mm. Sure would. Oh Jia, I have something for you." Jungkook said. Hoseok slipped in front of us and climbed the stairs at the side of the building.

"Oh? Really? What is it?" I questioned, following behind Jungkook as he climbed the stairs, too.

"I'll show you when we get inside," he said, flashing a cheeky grin back at me. Once we reached the door, Hoseok used the keys he'd gotten to open up the apartment.

The three of us shuffled in one after the other, all taking off our shoes and Jungkook setting down the box by the door.

"Wow. What?!" Hoseok exclaimed as he looked around.

"It looks.. exactly like your last place?" Jungkook looked confused, brows furrowing as he stepped further into the space.

"Oh! You know, maybe it's what all the university dorms look like? Some of them are like stock standards," I rationalized as I followed, peering into the kitchen before heading over to Jungkook, who was standing beside the couch.

"Yeah, I guess so but, I mean…" Jungkook hesitated before pinching his chin in thought.

"This is like déjà vu. It's exactly the same" Hoseok came back over after inspecting the already made bed. It was fully furnished.

"Yeah, you have a point. Oh wait, what's this?" I noticed a letter on the kitchen island counter, so I went to check it out.

Jungkook and Hoseok unpacked a few of my things and hung them in the wardrobe as I read the letter from the University.

"Miss Park. Upon hearing of the tragic circumstances and hardships that have befallen you, the University hopes that it can ease some of your burden by providing servicing to your replacement accommodation. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and we hope this will help enable you to continue your scholarship with the least amount of disruption as possible."

"Wow, that's so kind of them?" Hoseok poked his head out from behind the wardrobe door as I finished reading it out loud.

"Yeah, they sound like they really want you to keep studying," Jungkook added, moving to place my stack of notes on a shelf near the couch.

"Right.. I mean, it is nice of them… I just, after having lost so much.." I stumbled to voice my feelings. Their thoughtfulness touched me greatly. I hadn't been expecting it.

"Do you ever actually wear these? They're way too sexy" I was snapped from my sentimental moment as I looked over as Hoseok questioningly held up a pair of my black lingerie. Holy shit.

"What!? Hoseok!" I hurried over to take them off him, but he just yanked them away and held them up high where I couldn't reach.

"Ahhh. Lemme see, are they completely lace?" Jungkook broke into cheeky giggles as he came over to get a better look, too.

"No! Don't" I squealed, cheeks flushing as I tried to jump and grab them, but the both of them just kept giggling and teasing me.

"Yeah, completely lace and see-through. Who are you wearing these for? Hm? Jimine? Tae?" Hoseok asked, his gaze growing heavier with suggestion. My breath caught in my throat. Did he know about what happened this morning? No… there was no way?

"Ahh, Hyung, here. Her head looks like it's about to explode. Don't tease her too much" Jungkook, being slightly taller, grabbed my lingerie out of his hand and folded it into a draw for me. But I wasn't just going to forgive Hoseok so easily for that little stunt! I wanted to wipe that silly smirk off his face. He thought he was so smart right now.

"And if I am wearing it for them?" I glared at him, pouting a little. Hoseok feigned like he was hurt and Jungkook spun around quickly and looked at me, mouth gaping.

"Don't test me, baby girl. I won't go as easy on you as they do," Hoseok rebutted, smirk unwavering. He meant what he said, and it broke that rebellious feeling I'd had only moments ago. Upon seeing me nibble at my lip speechless, Jungkook just burst into giggles again before grabbing my shoulders.

"Choose your battles more wisely, huh?" He tutted, slowly walking me backwards away from a grinning Hoseok who was basking in his win.

"He started it.." I mumbled, letting Jungkook lead me over to the couch to sit me down.

"I know, I know," he sighed before turning and looking around. He paused as he looked up. I followed his gaze to see what had caught his attention.

"Hyung, there's no lightbulb" Jungkook turned to Hobi, who came over to inspect the light. That's when I noticed a spare bulb on the couch beside me, as though someone had left it to be replaced.

"Here! I found this. I think it's for the ceiling light," I said, causing them both to look at me.

"Oh, okay. Guess we should probably replace it, then" Hoseok came and took it from me. After unboxing it, we realised none of us could reach to put it in, as the ceiling was too high.

After a few failed attempts of the boys trying to use chairs, they tried to get on each other's shoulders but they were both too heavy. That's when they both looked over at me as though sharing a brain cell.

"What?" I asked, confused, but they both grinned.

"Get on my shoulders," Jungkook said, bending down.

"Seriously?" I questioned. But they both were dead serious.

As I carefully draped one leg after the other over Jungkook's shoulder, he reached up a hand. I used it to steady myself as I propped and balanced myself on his shoulders.

"You on properly?" He asked, letting my hand go to grip my thighs firmly so I wouldn't fall. Hoseok steadied me with his hold on my hips.

"Yep, ready. Go slow though," I gasped, clinging to his forearms as he stood and I rose upwards.

"Be careful," Hoseok said as I wobbled.

"Yeah, be careful!" I ruffled Jungkook's hair. All I couldn't see was the back of his head between my thighs but I had a feeling he had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face right now.

"Here" Hoseok passes the lightbulb up to me.

"Thanks" I took it from him, then Jungkook moved to underneath the light so I could screw it in.

"Hah. Just don't turn your head around Jungkookie. Otherwise you might get an eyeful" I nearly choked on air as the words left Hoseok's mouth and nearly fell off. Luckily Jungkook felt it and tightened his grip on my thighs, his hands dug in firmly. The feeling of his hair was tickling right against my underwear and I had to push past the embarrassment.

"Not now Hyung," he whined, suddenly moving to hit him. Hoseok just laughed, but I felt like I was about to lose balance and squealed. Jungkook was quick to take my hand and steady me.

"It's okay, I've got you," he reassured.

"Gosh. Can you two please chill" I huffed. Not wasting any more time, I hurried and screwed in the bulb.

"I'm sorry," Hoseok said with a sheepish grin.

"Alright, it's in. Please put me down carefully," I sighed, running a hand through his hair. It was so soft. He knelt back down so I could get off.

"Here, let me help" Hoseok held his arms out as Jungkook crouched. I reached out, and he picked me up from around the midsection and got me back on my feet. But I must've been dizzy from being up so high only moments ago and tripped over my own feet and straight into Hoseok.

As I fell, Hoseok's eyes widened, and he moved to catch me. Both of us fell to the floor. Luckily, I'd fallen on top of him.

"Huh? What's wrong with you two?" Jungkook looked apprehensive as he turned to see what all the commotion was about.

I don't know how it happened, but I'd fallen with both legs on either side of him and, as he noticed too, I felt something hard twitch against my underwear. My face flushed instantly, and I had to hold back any reactions.

"Uhhh, babe. You should probably get up, unless you want Jungkook watching what I'm tempted to do right now."

I felt like I'd had the air knocked right out of me again. Never had Hoseok been so direct with me. That's when I felt two muscular arms wrap around me and lift me to my feet.

"Are you alright?" Jungkook stared at my flushing face. I had to pull myself together.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You two are unbelievable," I muttered under my breath and straightened out my skirt. Hoseok stood, and they stared at each other but said nothing.

"What?" I asked, hating being left out of the loop whenever they did this. Jimin and Tae exchanged the same all-knowing glances this morning.

"No, no. It's just you look so cute when you're all flustered," Hoseok replied.

"And whose fault is that?" I replied.

"Mine. Right? Or is it Jungkookies? Who flustered you more?" Hoseok continued. My cheeks heated.

"What's gotten into you two today?"

Suddenly Jungkook's phone rang, interrupting the tension that was building. It was Sejin who'd called to let them know he was out the front to pick them up.

Hoseok sighed, as though not wanting to be pulled away from the fun he was having. He placed a soft kiss on my cheek before saying he'd see me later in a low voice. I squirmed, struggling to mumble a goodbye.

Jungkook pulled my stiff body into a big hug, patting my head, and told me not to let Hobi get to me.

"He just likes to see you flustered. Don't take him too seriously. I'll see you later?" He hummed.

"Okay, thanks for helping me, Kookie," I replied quietly. He gave me a cute wink before turning to leave, following his Hyung out the door.

After the boys left, I took a moment to recover a bit. Then, I finished packing away the things left in the box. As I did, I realized. These were my only belongings.

It's not that I ever really measured my happiness from material things but, I'd always been so used to having a big variety in my wardrobe.

But, as time passed, and I worked my way down to the bottom of the box, it surprised me to see some clothing items I didn't have before.

It was well into the afternoon by the time I reached the last thing. A crimson red dress sat already folded at the bottom. I felt my head spin at the sight of it, as though stirring an odd omen.

It was the one from my dreams. I was sure of it. My intuition was stinging. What was it doing here? Had Namjoon put it in here? He must have. How else would it have gotten there?

My mind swirled faster, like a piece of the puzzle was slipping into place. But it was one that left a dread in the depths of my stomach.

I reached down and picked it up; the velvet running through my fingers. My skin irks as I touch it. Something dark had happened.... while I was wearing this. That's what my heart was screaming.

I shuddered, chills reaching me, as though a draft had rolled in. But all the windows were closed.

I hung it up in the back of my closet, probably never to see the light of day again. I wanted to get rid of it, but I still didn't know what it meant. Why was it so significant? I didn't want to risk throwing it away until I knew more.

However, the fact that Namjoon had this in his possession wasn't sitting right with me. It was when he touched me that the nightmares began. It was an irrefutable fact. And, as much as I cared for these boys, I'm scared.

There was just so much shrouded in mystery. So much is still unknown. What if… it isn't what it seems?