
The Mortician Reincarnates As A Necromancer

Weston was a mortician inspecting a body before he found a bead underneath a corpse's tongue. Upon picking up the bead he instantly felt a cold shiver run through out his body and he tried to drop the bead but it was stuck to his hand. Then horror ran through his body as he saw a Malevolent face appear out of the bead and lunge at him.

InfamousDogStealer · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"I feel like throwing up..." Weston's first thought upon waking up. His head throbbed as if on fire, the pain so intense it felt like an impending explosion.

As clarity crept into his consciousness, he realized he was lying on dark bricks. Lifting his head, he observed fair-skinned youths in luxurious attire standing around him, none acknowledging his presence. Confused and disoriented, Weston attempted to stand up, only to be met with a stabbing pain in his head.

The pain overwhelmed him, accompanied by a flood of unknown memories rushing into Weston's mind. Gasping, he wondered, "Did I reincarnate?" A mortician in his previous life, Weston's final moments were spent inspecting a mysteriously deceased body. Under the corpse's tongue, he found a black bead. Attempting to drop it, the bead clung to his hand, and a malevolent face emerged, lunging at him.

"You there... William. Stand up now."

William rose, the pain persisting but manageable. The one commanding him was an apprentice mage seeking recruits in William's city. Discovering traces of power in William, the mage recruited him, much to the excitement of William's father, Barron Abdon.

Mages held high social status in the Asolara Empire, a fact not lost on anyone. The apprentice mage, Audrey, annoyed with William, addressed the gathered youths. "I am Audrey, an apprentice mage of the Royal family. You're here for Magic aptitude tests. If you show potential, the Royal Magic Academy awaits."

Audrey explained the academy's prestige and its role as the pinnacle institution in the southern continent. William, now armed with the memories of his new life, understood the significance. Only those with a talent level above 3 could join, with 8 or higher were considered legendary and only appeared in other continents.

As Audrey finished her explanation, she led the youths up a staircase into a building resembling a Colosseum. Around it, a high-class shopping district bustled with upper-class citizens in luxurious attire.

William ascended the stairs, joining the procession of youths entering the colossal building through a grand doorway. Other groups, guided by apprentice mages, congregated nearby. All these youths, clad in immaculate attire, shared a common attribute: an air of excitement and pride, reveling in the potential to become mages.

As three men and a woman entered, a powerful wave struck William, shaking his bones. Observing the impact on his fellow youths, he noticed a girl in a blue dress and a boy in a golden-laced robe, exuding confidence. One of the men looked satisfied, casting a glance at the pair.

"I am Brixy, the head mage of the Royal Magic Academy. We will begin the talent tests to identify those qualified to become apprentice mages. A talent level of 3 is the threshold for passing. If it falls below, you may choose to leave or become a servant, signing a contract with the academy," Brixy announced, scanning the assembly.

The woman accompanying him produced a globe, mirrored by the other two men. Apprentice mages directed the groups to line up, each positioned in front of a tester. William's tester, an older man with a grey beard and white hair, mechanically declared, "3... pass. 3... pass... 2... fail." The testers' voices betrayed boredom, a stark contrast to the overflow of emotions experienced by the youths.

This pattern continued until it was the turn of the boy in the golden-laced robe. Anticipation hung in the air as the testers and even the head mage focused on him. Placing his hand on the globe, it glowed, prompting an exclamation from the tester. "Talent level 5! Pass!" The tester, barely containing his excitement, and even the apprentice mages looked at the boy with envy. Only the head mage maintained composure, remarking, "As expected of the Giljoy family. I expect you can become an official mage within 5 years."

The group erupted in exclamations, glancing at the boy with a mix of jealousy and awe. Becoming an official mage carried immense power and societal status, a dream for many in the Empire.