
The Mortal Who Challenged Gods

One night a ray of bright light flashed through the sky as if God was coming from heaven itself, But it was neither god nor angel. The next morning many people around the world were investigating what had happened last night but neither they could find anything nor figure it out. But little did they know that the incident that occurred yesterday would change the world forever. They labeled this phenomenon as 'The Blessing of God'. After this phenomenon, one person from every 50 nations gained supernatural power. Only one person from one country got the power all over the world to preserve the balance each one of them had a weakness. Normal humans began to call them 'Ascended Beings'.

Val3far · Fantasy
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14 Chs


''Because I am Lucifer The Devil'' Replied Lucifer. Jinan looked amazed and as he asked Lucifer to tell him more. Lucifer said

''Aren't you afraid? You know that I am the Devil and was the reason for The Blessing of God and that's why your father disappeared. Don't you hate me?''

Jinan replied

''No, because it was God who did this. It was God who took my mother away from me. It was God who took my father away. I want to fight God. I want to challenge God. I want to rule and change this place and since you fought against God we are on the same side''

''Interesting, Then I'll tell you about me'' replied Lucifer with a grin on his face.

But as Lucifer was about to tell Jinan about him a man who looked like he was in his 40's came and asked Jinan and Lucifer to leave the inn as he was about to close the inn. He turned to be the owner of the inn. They agreed to leave and Lucifer paid for the meal. As they got out of there it was already dark. Lucifer asked Jinan what he'll do now and where he'll go. Jinan said Lucifer that he doesn't have any place to go and his only goal was to fight against God.

Lucifer said ''Then follow me.'' Jinan agreed and followed Lucifer. They were heading towards an empty field which was near to Jinan's house'.

As they walked towards it through the alley of Uthoidell there were fewer people in the streets since it was night. The cold wind was blowing towards the north and they could hear the howling of the wolves as it was full moon night. Then suddenly Jinan said ''You said you'll say about yourself'' to Lucifer

Lucifer nodded and said ''I once was a glorified Angel, a beautiful powerful angel of God. I was the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. I was in Eden, the garden of God. I was anointed as a guardian cherub. I was at the holy mount of God; I walked among the fiery stones.''

Jinan asked ''What do you mean by guardian cherub?''

Lucifer replied ''Guardian cherub are those who guard God's glory both on Earth and by his throne in heaven, work on the universe's records, and help people grow spiritually by delivering God's mercy to them and motivating them to pursue more holiness in their lives''

''And how did you turned into the devil?'' Jinan said to Lucifer.

With a grin on his face and with an evil smile Lucifer said ''I became so impressed with my own beauty, intelligence, power, and position that I began to desire the high honor and glory that belonged to God. This sin corrupted me and was resulted from self-generated pride.''

Lucifer took a deep breath and said ''Because of this pride, I led my followers to rebel against God. It caused the great war in heaven. We fought against God and other angels. I turned into a dragon and broke the gates of heaven.''

''But how did you lose?'' asked Jinan

''We were defeated by Arch Angel Michael and his angels. We were not strong enough, and we lost our place in heaven. And we fell from heaven.'' said Lucifer.

''Then what happened to you and your followers?'' Jinan said

Lucifer replied ''Along with me one-third of the Angels fell with me and I created a materialistic world which humans call Hell. I am the King of Hell with 80 legions of demons and 50 legions of spirits are under my command''.

''Where are your followers?'' asked Jinan

''They are in hell. They are waiting there for me. Like me, they cannot come out to earth'' replied Lucifer. As Jinan was about to ask another question they had already reached the empty field.