
The Mortal Teller

In a world where humans are treated as second-class citizens compared to the other variety of species roaming the lands of Ouizwell. A Mortal Teller was born. She has visions of people being murdered by the beast that lurks dormant in the forest. Every single vision ends in death until she is given the vision of a little boy. She receives this same nightmare for weeks. Never being able to close her eyes without seeing him. When she is forced to quarter The Commander of Aliee along with two of his high officials she discovers that he is the boy from her nightmares all grown up. The quartering ends and The General is forced to go back to war, he finds that his men are in rougher shape than he had hoped for. The Mortal Teller is on probation, having just been released from prison a few months ago. When The Commander comes back to Ouizwell to plead for help. Healers and a Teller. The queen forces Ayumu to finish out her probation under The Commander's reign. On the long journey to the war camp, they began realizing how hard their forces are being hit but it isn't until they reach their destination that Ayumu has a vision of just how screwed they really were. ~.~.~.~ This a fantasy but it is also filled with romance between the two main characters. I plan on this to be a series. I really hope you enjoy it. The story is also available on Novel Cat if you feel like supporting me.

Laney_Mckinnon · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Ten: Goodbye

My walk to Professor Pines had to be postponed this morning because the warriors were leaving Ouizwell and heading beyond the Outer Wall to wage war with the creatures of the forest that have made themself a little too comfortable torturing the men.

All of their horses were pattering down our street, in the direction of the entrance to Ouizwell. It sounded like a stampede outside of the brothel. The General, Oberon, and Bolt had left early this morning, leaving behind enough coin that Mistress Kiara wouldn't have to invite another man into this house for months.

The girls were ecstatic, but I was rather in the dumps this morning. I would have liked to say goodbye to them, I knew we hadn't known each other long, but they had helped me when I needed someone the most and now, they were just gone.

I probably wouldn't see them ever again, considering wars can last longer than my life expectancy.

The General however did leave a note laying on the floor where his mat was set up.

Dear Teller,

Try some lily tea, it helps me sleep.


I couldn't help the smile that overtook my face as I thought about the note once more. I would consider them friends now which made the mile of stretched-out warriors marching off to battle just a little bit depressing.

All of them were geared up in their full armor, reminding me of when I saw them at the stream.

Whenever they were cleared from the streets, I was going to let Professor Pine know about my injuries. Maybe I would even ask him about the upcoming war and see what he thought the outcome would be.

I remember the vision I had of the first king wiping out thousands of the creatures on his own, resulting in his death. I wonder if his son, Haldis, would meet a similar fate.

Maybe I should take up being a history major, it could even help me figure out what all of the visions mean. All of them had something in common, their deaths were brutal and always at the hands of the beast. The only one that stuck out was Haldis, he was still alive.

Part of me wonders if this was just Milady messing with me, keeping me on my toes.

The only other tellers were Fae, and I was fearful of asking them for any advice. If I couldn't find anything with my research, then I would seek them out and learn what they knew.

A knock sounded on my door, "You have a visitor!" Jasmine called over the large stomping noises coming from outside.

It was stupid but I hoped it was The General. It broke all logic to think he had returned to the shabby brothel just to give me a proper goodbye.

I rushed down the creaking stairs, nearly causing Jasmine to trip. "Slow down!"

"Sorry!" I called back to her hoping that didn't cause her any sort of pain.

When I opened the front door, I fought hard not to let any disappointment show on my face. It was Clementine and it was a pleasantry to see her again after our bonding night together, but I was hoping for someone taller and dressed in shining armor.

Her hair was tucked in a neat braid that laid down her back and reached to nearly her knees. Her smile was contagious as she propped up against the door frame. "You shouldn't be here." She was a lady of high title the last place she should be is at a mortal brothel.

"No one can even see me from the hoard of warriors making their trek out of town, quit being so paranoid." She rolled her eyes and made her way in beside me. "I brought you something."

"You didn't have to do that." Clementine didn't owe me anything for saving her virtue last night.

"I know but I wanted to." Her yellow jeweled gown swayed with every step. I noted the large box wrapped in parcel paper for the first time and my cheeks flushed. I despised opening gifts. The few that I had received growing up were decent, but I hated the pressure of making all the right facial expressions, so I didn't appear ungrateful.

"Here open it." I took the box from her, and it was heavier than I expected. I balanced it on one hand and tore it into the wrapper with the other hand. Inside was a stained wooden box with a black latch holding it closed. "Go on ..."

When I glanced at her she was biting her polished nails nervously. I smiled at her encouragingly, I'm sure I would love it whatever it was.

The small latch clicked as I twisted it and inside was a blue-black gown covered in jewels similar to hers. The bodice was littered with star that riveled real ones with their own sparkle, it came with a cape that was meant to drape down the back loosely all the way to the ground. My jaw fell open, and I sighed in awe, my true genuine reaction caused Clementine to shriek in happiness. "I knew you would love it."

"I adore it." This dress was probably worth more than this whole brothel. "I can't accept this, it cost so much."

"Nonsense. It was one I had made for you, I wouldn't wear it, it's meant for only you." I close the lid on the dress and sit it down at my feet before turning to her and enveloping her in my arms. No one has ever gifted me something as nice.

The hug was short-lived, and I pulled away quickly coughing awkwardly, I wasn't big on physical touch. "I was hoping you would join me for my father's ball next month. He is hoisting a meeting to discuss funding part of this war."

A ball thrown by Duke Bane was sure to have hundreds of Fae, was I up for that kind of event? No not at all but she had a dress made for me, one that put any other dress I've ever seen to shame. Where else would I wear it?

This would be my only opportunity. "I'll go as long as I can hide behind you." I chuckle along after my joke, but she nods enthusiastically.

"We will be hiding in the garden, I just don't want to be hiding by myself, my father is making me go." This would make sense considering she feels as if most Fae are stuck up the same way I do.

Something was blossoming in my chest, and I clung to it with my fingernails digging in, never wanting to let it go. A friend.

I had a friend. Growing up I was isolated from everyone because of my visions and somehow I had started to prefer it that way, but I clicked with Clementine in a way I never had with anyone.

I wanted to go to the ball for her, to spend time with her.

"I can't believe I'm actually saying this but I'm looking forward to it." I smile at her shyly.

"Me too. Now that you're coming." She returned the smile before taking my hands in hers and asking me to guide her to my room.

We stayed up there for hours until the Warriors faded away and the streets were clear once more. We talked about anything and everything. She asked what I was on probation for, and I told her the truth. She says she would have done the same thing if she had been in my position which was good to hear because sometimes, I doubted, I did the right thing.

A person taking justice into their own hands can sometimes be just as much of the bad guy as the person they kill.