
The Morning Star: Journey of a modern man in the totality as Lucifer

This the journey of morning star, A man who has been abandoned and made a empire only for it to crumble by the very people he trust, But he did not lose hope as he kept smiling till his death by hands of these people. He woke up as lucifer in as he was fallen from heaven, he grew his strength usurped the king of hell title from Satan, and finally be able to travel the totality and expand his territory beyond the god's. All while coming to terms with his new life as the Lucifer Morningstar.

dragon_god_123 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

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In this fight I was able to figure out what my demonic ability is, unlike other demons I have 2 demonic abilities and 2 angelic once. One is from Samuel and one is mine, I know that Samuel demonic ability is Malefic Force Manipulation, The user can manipulate the force of evil energy and use it to fulfill their desires, whether it be from a dimension, object, or another being.

My demonic ability is hellfire, it is able to make the fire have demonic properties. I used Samuel power most of the fight except the last part where it was my demonic flames that killed the demon. Samuel's angelic power was something that made him the strongest angle other than god, Cosmic Manipulation: The user can create, shape, absorb and manipulate cosmic forces and energies to produce nearly any effect they desire, including the manipulation of matter and energy across space and time, the manipulation of the space-time continuum, altering the fabric of reality, the creation of force fields, the creation of inter-dimensional portals and vortexes, psionics, energy projection, and cosmic awareness.

I don't know my anglice ability but I hope it is as cool and powerful as Cosmic Manipulation but I guess for now the power I hold is that of gods. I was thinking all this as I appeared before the boundaries of this realm as I used Cosmic Manipulation to by pass this barrier easily and arrive at what I like to call the ultimate free for all tournament. There was no sense of peace as everyone was at everyone's ass and I could see (clairvoyance) Satan, I unleased my army of undead and teleported to Satan.

"Oh, Lucifer nice to see you here" he said with sarcasm

"Hello Satan -"

"You don't call me that anymore, I am more powerful" He said as he went on a rant on how powerful he is and how he is going to kill me and eat me. This dude is a weirdo and I was not dealing with him so I ran at him with 80% of my true strength and punched him, he blocked and I activated god like martial arts as I threw a flurry of punches. They looked random but you could see that each one was making Satan force to have more open point to struck at, then on instinct I went on defensive as kick was coming to leg.

I grabbed his leg and moved at max speed towards a mountain as I used the momentum to smash him in the mountain. I saw as the mountain side was craved in like a meteorite hit it or something, Satan was laying in the center before he got up and used his demonic ability Wrath. He is turning damage into strength as more he get injured the more he heals and grows stronger.

This is the ultimate cheat in this universe, his angelic ability allows him to basically turn any damage to heal himself thus gain immortality and his demonic ability allows him to turn any heal into strength thus gain limitless growth. He also has adaptability as he were to get damaged and healed enough he would become virtually resistant to any thing. This is the reason he is called stronger than Samuel. 

But I, lucifer am not that weak as to fall for stupid tricks like this. I can crush his mind, use hellfire, obliterate his soul using full power of my angelic power. Original Samuel can't do the same as he lost most of his power in he fall but retained a few but I don't have that weakness. 

"This the power of the true demon king, Lucifer you shall bow down before me" He said which is honestly funny as hell, I couldn't even hold my laugh as I burst out laughing like a maniac. Truly, I felt like I was the joker when I heard what I sounded like. I said

"Power, You are pitifully animal call this power. I can't believe that you actually believe what you said, Now I want you to think with all the brain cells you can make in that empty head of your. Do you really think that I have fallen so low as though you could actually make me bleed." 

He got angry at that and rushed at me and I saw no reason to hold back anymore as my Supernatural Condition was in full power with my martial arts. He threw a punch which I caught and pulled him towards me as I punched him in face, He would have flung back to the mountain if it were not for my hand holding his arm. I counited to punch him, he tried to block with his other but I continued and his arm were now resistant to my punches noticing this, I brought him to the knee level before kneeing him so hard in the face that he flew upwards.

I followed him with a flurry of punches and kicks he tried to block all of the but him was not working as I broke his defense apart easily. I took a hold of his head and flew close to ground with his head pressed to the ground. I could see that his eyes popped out a few time but by the time he got used to the pain we arrived at the barrier and flock his body in the barrier. He hit it and stayed there, trying to get his brain working again. 

I rushed towards him and throwed punch over punch and each time his arm would heal, I would rip it out and continue my barrage on his face and body. I did that for a couple hours as other than his skull and legs almost everything was spread around the domain. My zombies were finally finished with the entire ring as I decided to give them a treat. I used Cosmic Manipulation to essentially restore him and throwed him into my zombie crowed as he tried to fight but they would eat him alive as they were too many. 

I watched all this for a week when, if was near death I decided to try something. It was bothering me how I said my ability is hellfire but I fell I could to more. So, took a bone and tried to imbue it with my demonic energy. It was covered in flames before a black sword appeared and I casually swung it at the regenerating Satan and he looked grateful in his eyes before fading away. I tried to being him back with Cosmic Manipulation but it was not working, Cosmic Manipulation is a primordial energy that a drop is capable of healing even the gods. Yet, I could not heal him he was destroyed from existence.

I am amazed and terrified at my ability, Sometimes my own power scares me but then I realize who am I kidding?, I would probably go and fight a dude with Absolute mind manipulation with my mind to test myself. No pain no gain. Anyway from my memory it has been 9 days since I checked my points 7 of which are after the second domain assimilation.

[Points: 44] 

Roll an enchantment why not let's see if I can get something good. 

[Speed Disassembly: The user is able to break down and disassemble whatever individual bits and pieces said composite utilities are made of, be they objects to people or even complex structural apparatuses, at incredible speed. This enables precise, quick, clean and effective disarming of most weapons, shielding or armor one finds themselves faced against.]

I could already do that, I want a refund.

[No, you ricked] 

Fuck you system, Once I am out of here the first thing I am doing is to find all the goddess of luck and fuck them to high hell. You stupid son of bitch

[ I have removed Speed Disassembly and all your points for cursing the system.]

"Ok my bad, please don't go I need you" I said even though I did not mean anything.

[You know I can hear your thoughts right]

Why you go sneaking into people's thoughts then.

As I walk into the sunset, me and the system were roosting each other and using not so very nice words.

[You bet, you jackass]

Point proven.