
The moons cultivated beast

Azura was blessed with 2 things , being born with pure red spiritual energy and being blessed with a gift everyone wanted, to be able to shift into any beast she desired . As cultivators they all dream of being the one in power , female were lower than mean even if few were stronger than the men. they were forced to wear a beaded charm to pass there spiritual qi over to there partners /masters. Azuras father never worried about his daughter for she never cultivated to his knowledge , always making sure she was never in a place with pure spiritual energy to absorb, but once Azura was in a situation where she had ro use her spiritual energy she showed signs of being stronger than her father , he forced a marriage on her , being a female with strong will she rebelled and staged her own death to become stronger for her people in secret... promising to save all the female s and males who suffered from men wanting to be in power (i know i suck in this descriptions) slow updates so pls bare with me.

Celestial_wonders · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

10| The old man is not old at all (1)

The people thay were in Azura's room looked at her in a new light. Their princess was stronger than anyone in the Empire, scratch that she was on the the most powerful cultivators. Possibly the strongest.

After they saw her power she told them to sleep on it and if they really do accept ger offer they must be at her door in the morning if not then she understood. She let them walk out after making them swear to not speak a word of what happend.

So the following morning Azura woke up and was faced with her four maids smiling at her ."come come princess savior we need to get you ready for today's announcement" Lilly ushered Azura out of bed and into her awaiting bath.

After having a both Azura got dressed into a black gown,the dreas was beautiful with of the shoulder design, the silky material soft to the touch.

As Tilda was busy with her hair she asked them "So by they way your all here does that mean you accept my offer?" Tilda placed the last pin in her hair and smiled at Azura through the mirrior "Of course we do princess, now it just those gaurds of yours that we are waiting on." Tilda made sure the bun was secured befor stepping away.

Azura looked like a blooming rose. Her appearance amazing them everytime.

"Well them if they really did accept them they should be waiting outside the door by now , and seeing that its time to go its a good time to see if they are outside."

Azura picked Anox up form his pillow, after they left that night he was unwilling to change back until morning. So when the sun broke through her window he changed back, slithering up to his pillow.

Azura placed him on her shoulders as they made their way to her door. Mary opened it and outside stood the three men with a light smiles on their faces as the lookdd at Azura "It seems that you all accept" she said smiling at them as they nodded .

" Well lets make one thing clear , if you are to work together with me you must remember what im about to tell you. One it to bever talk about who i am even if you think you are alone , same with when i share a plan with you , you are only to discuss in my chambers, that is the only save place." She looked at them with a serious gaze as she continued speaking. "Secondly you are to remain professional at all times like you are just doing your jobs and thirdly you have to listen to everything i tell you, whether it be simple or complex you can ask me about it ones i give you instructions, we dont want unexamined prombles to pop up. Got it ? " she ended her sentence with a smile. Her serious tone reaching their ears clearly.

"Yes princess "their agreements were whispered asthey all nodded their heads. 'Alright let us go then , i have some observations to do before we can discuss anything " not giving them chance to answer she walk down the corridor with grace as if nothing happened. They all fell in their usual places behind her.


"Dont be nervous my dear , the people would be happy for your return "Azuras mother told her as she mistook Azura's excitement for her being nervous. They were all seated in the same carriage. Her mother and father opposite her with her brother next to her.

"I hope so mother "smiling softly at her mother she looked at her father who just nodded at her and her brother who was smiling at her. The carrage suddenly came to a halt as a voice suddenly screeched "The royal family has arrived!"

The carriages door waa oppend at her fathers side as he steped out hold his hand out fir her mother, soon her brother stepped out and looked at Azura with his hand out . Taking a deep breath she took his and and stepped out of the carriage.

Whispers could be heard from all over

"This princess has returned?"

"The crown princess is alive !!"

"Look at the beast on her shoulders , i have never seen a snake for a pet !"

"The snake is terrifyingly beautiful, look at its white scales!"

"Shes even more beautiful than the last time we have seen here"

Looking up she smiled a big smile at the people waving at them as she let her brothers had go. Anox raised his head a little higher as he bathed in the complements he heard about himself.

Asura mentally shook her head at Anox,this beast would do anything for praises.

"All hale the Emperor and Emperor!"

"All hale the crown princess , all hale the joung prince!" The people all bowed as they gave their greetings as her father walk onto the stage. "You may all rise. Today is a joyful day as our princess as returned to us not long ago!" His words reached everyones ears making them cheer "Daughter come " he suddenly gestured toward her .

Azura could not refuse so she walked towards her father who gave her a look. Telling her she should speak.Giving him a nod she turned towards her people ,they all bowed to her and shouted their greetings again . "Rise there is no need for that again , hello everyone I am so..." azura talked absent-mindedly about how grateful she was to return. As her eyes scanned the crowd. Suddenly she locked eyes with a man.

Felix stood under a tree as he looked at Azura, his eyes were on her the moment she stepped out of the carriage. His eyes never leaving her. He observed his fiancée he was promised 6 years ago.

He originally thought the crown princess was a ugly woman who dared to never show her face. He was at war for 7years and only came back the day the Emperor told him he was to marry the crowm princess.

Surprise. Surprise.

He first wanted to disagree with the thought of her being an ugly usless woman who just wanted power and men like her father so he asked the Emperor to think about it. But on the same day he saw her in the library surrounded by books. Her beautiful face buried deep inside a book with a smile on her delicate face.

He was intrigued by her beauty. So he went back to the Emperor and agreed to marry her. For 3 days he could not get her out of his head , he spent the following 3 days folowing her around the palace, and evertime he got entrancd by her beauty and kind nature. Realizing she was anything but a power hungry woman. He followed her from after breakfast till dinner.

But a day later, the day he decided he had work to do he hear news of her being killed in a fire in the library before dinner. But looking at her now he knew something was afoot. So he stepped forward towards her as she finished speaking. People making way for him as he advanced forward holding eye contact with her.

Azura looked at this stunning man walking towards her , his dark green locked on hers . His short hair was slightly blowing behind him giving his goldy lookes an enchanting aura. "Greatings Emperor ,Empress and joung prince, it has been a long time " He came to a sudden halt infront of them. Bowing his head at her family he looked at her , "Greetings crown princess Azura , i am glad for your save return"Giving her a smile he took her hand and kissed it as he bowed down infront of her.

Azura was stunned by this man , his soft lips sent a smal spark up her arm. " Ah Felix all formaliies aside you are like family come and have tea with us in the palace, we are bout to return now so you can go ahead of us so long "Azuras mother placed a hand on Felix's shoulder and smiled a warm smile at him.

"Ah thank you Aunt Clementine. I would love to. I will meat you at the place your hignesses." He bowed to them and turn to azura and her brother "Young prince,Crown princess " Bowing again he smiled at her them and walked away towards his horse and climbed on . Turning his head back he looked at Azura again and smirled at her as he road towards the palace.

"That boy is a wonderful man " the Emperor said.

"That man is weird , he hides his spiritual energy form everyone but i can clearly see it , why does he want to hide it hes just at the Golden imortal stage. Hes two grades lower than you and one grade lower than your father , hes almost past his bottle neck. " Anox japped in her mind.

That man was strange indeed. She some how found his gaze familiar.