
The Moonlight that shines bright in the night


Yaa_Konadu_4165 · Urban
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2 Chs


I got there as earlier than expected to create a good impression of myself. At exactly 9:00am I was called into a room with three people dressed smartly, I was sure they were my interviewees. Two were sitting facing a single chair and one was sitting about two metres from the interview chair. The interview went well and I was employed to the company and start work the following day. During the interview the interviewees stated clearly that I would be on probation for the first two months so I should try my best to stay away from trouble.

The following day I woke up early and went to work for it was my first day. There wasn't many people at work thougb, I took my desk and waited for my boss to arrive. He finally arrived but before entering looked at me with a cold eye. I didn't know what I did wrong. A few minutes after entering he called me to his office.

Sir please can I do anything for you I said politely. Miss Xioyue Tang, graduated from honchongk university with financing and accounting very I ferlligent but fails to know simple basic ethics. That she is suppose to take the belongings of her employer when she sees him entering. Did you get this certificate by yourself or you bought it. I wanted to talk back but really didn't want to lose my job. I said sorry and headed back for my desk.

Still thinking about what just happened. I was then approached by a colleague. Good day I'm shiyue I work at the human resource department. Nice to meet you. I overheard the shouts from the CEOs office but don't worry it is your first time just make sure not to repeat the same mistake and you will be fine. I hope so, I Xioyue by the way. Nice to meet you too.

Miss Tang my office now, sir. Call for a boelard meeting right now and prepare yourself you are going with me. Sir but I know nothing about this I'm just a secretary. You would have to learn.

During the meeting I made a lot of mistakes which attracted cold stir from my boss which got me frightened. All for the first day of work