
The Moonlight Ghost

Jade has just moved into a new, or not-so-new, Victorian-aged mansion passed down from her deceased grandmother. It wasn't her first option, but it was the closest to her college, and it helps her get away from her parents. After a while, Jade realizes the old house isn't as it seems, as she meets a new friend, Ivory. Nick works at a coffee shop with his uncle. While his uncle thinks Nick is an above average college student, Nick also has a secret job on the side. With a new gig, Nick is put into danger and his future lies in the balance.

ScarletWolf1500 · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter Two: Unwanted Beginnings

Jade's POV

Grumbling, I finish unpacking the last box into the dusty old mansion. Now it looks like an old mansion, but with my stuff. Home, sweet stinky mansion. Thanks, nana. It's not already bad that the mansion is old, but it's also surrounded by creepy dead trees AND a graveyard. I guess I should be a little grateful, at least I'm not with my parents and I don't have to pay for an apartment. It's also near the college.

With an exhausted breath, I take a seat on one of the antique couches that was left here. The fire cackles softly as the wood seems to be burning out. It would be nice if my nana's workers were still here. A butler and a maid or two would be nice, not that I have money to pay them. Hopefully, I get the job I applied for soon. With a sigh, I rest my tired feet onto the coffee table.

"I wouldn't do that." A soft spoken voice says.

I jump up, "Who's there? Who said that?" I can feel my heart begin to increase in its pace.

"Ah, just me," a girl steps into the room from the entrance that is connected to the corridor leading outside, "Front door was unlocked. Thought I'd come say hello to the new neighbors...or singular neighbor."

"You scared me half to death! I thought you were a-"

"A ghost?" I nod and she giggles, "I see you've heard the stories. Haven't seen any ghosts in this house, I'm afraid. Scariest thing here right now is me."

I raise an eyebrow, "Don't you know that normal people knock?"

"They probably do," She moves her hands from behind her back, "I brought welcome cookies."

Still slightly suspicious of her, I welcome her in, "Thank you. Just set them on the coffee table."

"The coffee table, where you shouldn't put your feet."

"It's my house, I think I decide what I can do in it."

"I guess, but it wouldn't be such a great idea."

"And why not?"

She simply shrugs before changing the topic, "So, how'd you get this house?"

"It was my grandmothers." I reply.

She raises a pale eyebrow, "Oh? Curious."

"What do you mean, curious?" I glare at the short girl. She winds a strip of her long, platinum blonde hair around a finger.

"Oh, nothing. Well, I should be on my way. I hope you enjoy your stay here." She grins and turns on her heel.

"You're just going to leave?" I follow her to the door.

"I thought you didn't want me here in the first place?" Her grin widens as she places a hand on the door leading to the outside world.

"I just said to knock first." I roll my eyes.

"Well, don't worry friend, I'll be back." She laughs.

"At least tell me your name." I snap.

Her light blue eyes pierce into mine, "Ivory."

"I'm-", but before I can introduce myself she's already out the door. I watch as the door slams in front of my face. Well, she's kind of rude. I head back to my dying fireplace. At least she brought cookies. I place more wood into the fire and bite into one of her sugar cookies. Not bad, for a weirdo.

Once the fire dies down again I decide it's time to head to bed. Yawning, I climb the many stairs in the main corridor just to reach my bedroom at the top. When I get to the top I pass many doors before I reach the one leading to the room I chose. I open it to a room filled with dark blue walls and white painted flowers on them. The bed set is matching to the walls. I plug in the lamp I brought to light up the dark room. I'm glad they updated the mansion a bit before I moved here; I can't stand the idea of having to light a candle every day, much less stoke fire for a hot shower. Or, I'm assuming that's how my grandmother had to do it, or her grandmother at least. Oh, one of my ancestors, who cares which one.

I sit on top of the silky comforter and slip my shoes off. I'm exhausted. Just as I'm about to bury myself in the covers I hear a loud rustle. My heartbeat skips a beat. I pause in silence, waiting to see if it was just my imagination. I swear if that Ivory girl came back...The rustle again. I stand up so quickly my vision fills with black for half a second. When it clears I walk over to the window and peer out into the night. All I see are large, ominous trees. I wait for the rustle, but it doesn't come. Maybe it was a squirrel? Well, whatever it was is gone now. I walk back to my bed and lie beneath the covers. I turn my lamp on and say goodnight to the creepy, probably haunted mansion.

As I'm falling asleep, I hear another rustle. Then another. Finally, a third. I snap my lamp back on and sit up. My heart is now pounding. I look about my room, but nothing seems suspicious. I move back over to the window and peer out. Nothing, but trees...wait. I open the window, sticking my head outside. Is that a figure? I peer at the further tree to see some time of shadow...with eyes!? With a shriek I slam the window and close the curtains. My heart speeds faster and instantly think about the only two entrances into the house. The front door, which I locked, and the maid entrance in the kitchen. Did I lock that? Not remembering, I race down the multiple steps in the dark. I bound to the kitchen and stare at its door that leads to things that could possibly kill me. I silently walk over to it and try to silently check if it's lock. I wiggle the knob of the door and it swings open. I stifle a scream. Nothing is there. It's just old and loose. I slam the door shut and bolt the lock, making a reminder to fix it tomorrow.

With a sigh of relief, I head back upstairs to my room. I lock my bedroom door, for safe measure. I glance out the window, keeping the curtains as close to my face as possible so that hopefully whatever the figure was doesn't see me. No figure and no eyes. I lock the window before heading back to my bed. I lie down and will my heart to slow. I bargain with myself that it was probably just my imagination and soon I drift off to sleep.