
The Moon Weaver

In the quiet town of Sunrise Hill, where secrets linger like shadows, Rieka leads an ordinary life as a high school student. But her world shatters when she discovers her true heritage: she is a werewolf. Her dormant powers awaken, and with them, a destiny she never asked for. Rieka's father had concealed her true nature with the help of a warlock, to protect her from the relentless werewolf hunters who aims to eradicate their kind. But fate has other plans. As Rieka awakens, she bonds with Alpha Conri, leader of the GoldenMoon Pack. Together, they unravel ancient vendettas, face relentless hunters & treachery within the Pack, and forge an unbreakable bond. Rieka must learn to harness her newfound abilities while discovering her role as a Pack Luna. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TRIGGER WARNING! !! !!! This book has matured content like: Violence, Smut, Blood, etc. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The cover picture, does not belong to me, I'll change it when I find a better option... So credit to the original owner. If they want me to take it down, I will do so ASAP. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Instagram : @linduhwilyuhm

lindawilyuhm · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Veiled Bloodline

The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over the park. It was a peaceful evening, with only a few people scattered around the green space.

Among them was a little girl, about 3 to 4 years old, who was playing at the foot of an isolated tree. She was completely engrossed in her own world, running around and giggling as she chased after butterflies.

Her shoulder length black hair bounced with every step, and her bright yellow dress swirled around her. She was a sight to behold, full of energy and joy.

Not far from her, two men sat on a park bench, watching her with loving eyes. You could see clearly that they really love and care for the little girl.

They had been engrossed in their conversation, but the little girl's laughter and carefree spirit caught their attention. They couldn't help but smile at her sight

One of the men never took his eyes of her, if you look at him very well you will almost see the love he has for the little girl radiating like an early morning sun, Warm and lovely.

Randolph watched his daughter, Rieka, play with the carefree joy only a child possesses and sighed.

The Dark Shadows are relentless, and merciless, fueled by their obsession to eradicate their kind.

They're an elusive and ominous organization, dedicate their existence to hunting down mystical creatures, especially werewolves.

Armed with ancient blades and relics.

Randolph sighed yet again as he faced his the other man sitting with him, who was observing the scene with a somber gaze.

Elris was his bestfriend and confidant, and a very powerful warlock feared by many.

"Elris," Randolph's voice cracked, "you've seen what they're capable of. They won't hesitate to spill innocent blood."

Elris winter grey irises locked onto Randolph's desperate gaze.

"They won't stop until the eradicate us. I can't… I won't let Rieka become their target." Randolph's voice was heavy with a father's fear

Elris sighed, the weight of the request evident in his eyes. "Randolph, to suppress her nature is to deny who she truly is."

"But she'll be safe. She'll live freely, unburdened by our bloodline," Randolph pleaded. "Please, do this for me, old friend."

After a moment that stretched into eternity, Elris nodded. "For her peace, I will do it. After all she's my god-daughter. But her wolf won't be in slumber forever."

"By then she can be able to protect herself" Randolph concurred.

"Well then, call her over, let's get it done with." Elris's voice was gentle but firm.

With a nod, Randolph beckoned. "Eka, my little wolf, come over here."  Randolf raised his hand with his palm toward her while making the come here gesture.

Rieka ran towards her father with so much enthusiast almost crashing into him . " Easy there wolf" he teased as he catched her before she could crashed into him .

"Awoooooo " little Rieka howl playfully ,  and giggled at her dad's reaction, when he couldn't help but smile at her daughter's antics.

Elris could only smile and shake his head at the father and daughter duo.

"Hi little one, I want you to give uncle Eli your hands and close those lovely eyes for him please. " Elris referred to himself as a third person.

Rieka looked up at her dad for approval and offered her left hand to Elris, after getting a nod of approval from her dad and she closed her eyes obediently.

"Okay uncle Eli" she agreed in a small voice, while resting her head at the broad chest of her dad.

Elris has to move closer to them in order to reach and hold her hand , while Randolf hold onto his daughter protectively, as if to assure her that he is here with her.

Elris fingers traced symbols in the air, he weaved a tapestry of protective enchantments.

As he began to chant in an ancient tongue, his voice a soft melody that danced with the wind.

The air shimmered around them as the magic took hold, a soft luminescence enveloping Rieka. Her giggles filled the park as she felt the gentle caress of the spell.

A very bright light glow pass through Elris's palm and reflect on Rieka's palm as the slumbering spell was woven into Ashina's very essence, lulling her wolf spirit into a deep sleep.

"It tickles uncle Eli... " little Rieka giggled cutely

Randolph watched, torn between relief and sorrow. As the light faded, Elris slumped, the exertion evident in his posture.

"It is done," he whispered , letting go of Rieka's hand. "Her wolf sleeps."

Randolph scooped Rieka into his arms, holding her close. "Thank you," he murmured, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "For now she's from the burden she was born into."

Elris placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Only time will tell my friend, for now she'll know peace,"  he assured him. "That's all any of us can wish for our children. "

After the spell was cast, Rieka opened her eyes, blinking up at her father and Elris with innocent wonder. She felt different, lighter somehow, but couldn't understand why.

Her father's embrace was warm and safe, and she snuggled closer, her earlier mirth replaced with a sleepy contentment.

"Are we done, Daddy?" she asked, her voice soft and filled with the remnants of laughter.

"Yes, my little wolf, all done," Randolph reassured her, kissing the top of her head. "You're going to be just fine."

Rieka smiled, trusting completely in her father's words.

She didn't notice the exchange of worried glances above her or the heavy hearts of the adults.

To her, the world was simple and full of joy, and that was all that mattered in that moment.

As the last whispers of Elris's spell dissipated into the afternoon air, a gentle calm settled over Rieka.

Her eyelids grew heavy, each blink longer than the last.

The world around her softened, the sounds and sights blending into a serene haze.

"Daddy, I feel sleepy," she murmured, her small hand gripping his shirt.

Randolph cradled her, his heart aching with love and silent apologies. "It's okay, my little wolf. Let the dreams come."

With a final yawn, Rieka surrendered to the magic's embrace.

Her breathing evened out as she nestled into her father's arms, drifting into a peaceful slumber.

The magic had done its work, not just lulling her wolf to sleep but also gifting her this moment of innocent rest.

As she slept, Randolph and Elris exchanged a solemn promise with their eyes, to protect this precious life at all costs.

And so began Rieka's story a bloodline veiled in secrecy and a future unwritten.

I had a lot of doubts publishing this book. I keep changing my mind and deleting it. Anyways let's see how it goes this time around.

lindawilyuhmcreators' thoughts